Saturday, October 19, 2013

Titanic 2013: the Goodwin family

Titanic 2013: the Goodwin family by ric gustafson

Frederick Goodwin was a forty two year old electrical engineer from Fulham England. He and his wife Augusta had six children. Lillian 16, Charles 14, William 11, Jessie 10, Harold 9 and baby Sidney who was about 18 months old. Frederick's brother, Thomas had told him about a large plant opening in Niagra Falls New York. Frederick decided to move his family to America. They sold their home in Fulham and bought a ticket on a small steamer. Due to the coal strike, they had to transfer their Third Class ticket to the Titanic.
The entire family was lost in the sinking.
One of the first bodies recovered by the ship Mackay-Bennett was that of a male estimated age 2 probably from third class. Sailors brought the coffin to the Fairview Lawn Cemetery in Halifax and paid for a monument to the unknown child.
In 2007, DNA testing revealed that the body was that of Sidney Leslie Goodwin.

research help: ' 101 things you thought you knew about the Titanic' by Tim Maltin

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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