Wednesday, October 30, 2013

what's behind Door number 2 page 2

what's behind Door number 2 page 2 by ric gustafson

Reginald leaned into the microphone. " And now the game show where you have to make a choice". He hesitated. " What's behind Door number 2".
Total silence.
" And now your host Russell Oldeborg".
" Thank you Reg" Russell replied as he stepped out from behind a heavy purple curtain. " And welcome to a very unique game show". This is a game show with no audience" he said as he pointed around the empty studio. " But the implications of this show are very important for all of eternity". " Let's meet today's first contestant". " She is a bank teller from Forest Bank Maine". His voice hesitated. " Please welcome Sara Lockhart".
A young woman walked out from behind the purple curtain and quietly walked down the steps.
Russell pointed to a chair near him. " Welcome Sara".
She nervously sat down. " Thank you Russell".
" Sara, please tell us about yourself".
" I'm a senior at Forest Bank College and I work part time as a bank teller".
" Are you ready to play the game?".
She began to nervously play with her hair. " Yes, I am".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

elevator no. 4 page 2

elevator no. 4 page 2 by ric gustafson

Room 311

Anita Mahon put the newspaper down on the small end table and rubbed her tired eyes. It was quiet in the room and her mind began to wonder. ' Why me' she thought as she began to ponder about her life. She had lost her job at the bank three months earlier. Her search for a new one was starting to wear on her emotions and she felt tired all the time. Two weeks ago, she had read about a job finding conference at a local hotel. She felt deep down that she had nothing to lose by coming and giving it a try.
Even though today was Thanksgiving, she felt that trying to better herself was the right thing to do. She put on her best professional work outfit and then checked herself in the bathroom mirror. As she put her heels on, she thought about God for a moment.
' Why am I on this earth for' she thought as she checked herself in the mirror on last time. She did not believe in a God that she could not see. After going to a church on a dare, she was curious about the bible and that place where so called believers went to be together.
' I'll go to the job finding conference and then come back to eat some Thanksgiving turkey in my room' she thought to herself. She turned off the light, opened the door and then closed it.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric


Halloween by ric gustafson

The celebration of Halloween started with a three day Celtic New Year celebration called Samhain. Samhain meant Lord of the Dead. Halloween comes from the term All Hallows Eve. All Saints Day is a Catholic celebration held on November 1. Halloween boasts a pagan and Christian history. It has always been part of the harvest season and is related to other festivals of the dead.
In 1346, the Black Death rampaged through much of Europe. By 1350, it had it had killed nearly sixty percent of Europe's population. Images of death and the Grim Reaper began to be popular. In 1480, witch hunts began and fascination with Satan increased. Halloween's most famous icon Satan has taken many forms over the centuries. He has been portrayed as the Devil in a red costume with horns and a tail.
By the sixteenth century, Halloween was celebrated separately from All Saints Day and All Souls Day. After 1869, celebration of Halloween flourished in America. Immigrants to the US began to bring Halloween rituals here. Bonfires, scarecrows and the use of pumpkins as jack o lanterns. In 1820, Washington Irving wrote a story called ' The Legend of Sleepy Hollow' in which the carved pumpkin got very popular.
Trick or treating was first recorded in the 1870's when costumed children were going house to house and begging food. In 1927 in Canada a newspaper article described how children began using the phrase trick or treat. After World War II, trick or treating became popular. Because of retailing, the wearing of costumes and having candy became very popular. By the 1980's, Halloween was not only popular with children but adults also.
Now in 2013, a simple Celt celebration has become a world wide annual event.

research help: ' Trick or Treat, a history of Halloween' by Lisa Morton

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Line 1 2013 page 11

Line 1 2013 page 11 by ric gustafson

Jesse noticed that calls were coming in. " I would like to ask you one more thing".
The voice cackled. " Sure".
Jesse took a sip of his coffee. " What are your plans for the future?".
" Well Jesse, my goal is to try to fool everyone in the world to put their faith in me and not that moron you call God".
" It would be your crowning moment".
" Yes Jesse, it would be the greatest victory in my battle against the Creator of this universe".
Jesse fingered his bible. " And how will you accomplish that?".
" I will stamp the number 666 on all those who follow me".
" The mark".
" Yes, and those who refuse it will die".
Jesse hesitated. " You do know that your end is coming when your judgment comes".
The voice sighed. " I know but until then I plan to spend my time hating and opposing your moronic God in any way that I can".
" So you will not change".
" Jesse, I refuse to change".
" Thank you for your time this morning".
" Thank you Jesse". The line went dead.

The End.

research help: ' Interview with the Devil' by Russell Wight

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Line 1 2013 page 10

Line 1 2013 page 10 by ric gustafson

Jesse noticed that there were no calls coming in. He fingered his bible. " Can you tell us how you snare christians into sinning?".
" Sure". The voice cackled. " I ask three simple questions".
Jesse took a sip of his coffee. " And what are those?".
" The first question I ask a believer is did God really say that?".
" You question God's Word".
" That's right".
" What's the second question?".
" Did God really mean that?".
" So you question God's judgment".
" Very good Jesse".
" What's the third question?".
" Did God really want that?".
" You question God's love".
" That's right Jesse". The voice gave a loud cackle. " Works every time".

research help: ' Interview with the Devil' by Russell Wight

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Line 1 2013 page 9

Line 1 2013 page 9 by ric gustafson

Jesse yawned and took a sip of coffee. " What were your observations of the disciples?".
" The first one I studied was Simon who was later called Peter".
" Why him?".
" He was quick with his opinion and seemed to me that he wanted to be the leader of the group".
" Who else did you study?".
" I studied a tax collector named Matthew and a zealot named Simon".
" Who else interested you?".
" I studied carefully someone who's name was Thomas".
" Doubting Thomas".
" Because of his pessimism, I had high hopes for snaring him".
" Anyone else?".
" There were others but they were content to just follow that moron".
" How did you happen to choose Judas Iscariot?".
" He was quiet and seemed disturbed with events that were going on".
" What else happened?".
" Because he loved money, I was able to put the idea into his mind of selling his Master for a price".
" Which he did".
" Yes".

research help: ' Interview with the Devil' by Russell Wight

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, October 26, 2013

elevator no. 04 page 1

elevator no. 4 page 1 by ric gustafson

Room 306
Justin Clarke tiredly put the styrofoam container on the worn brown hotel dresser and then reached for the small black comb. He stared into a small glass mirror and slowly combed his long grey hair.
The weekend bible conference was long and it was now Thanksgiving Day. Thankfully, the conference participants were treated to a Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings.
He could not eat it all and decided to bring some to his mother who was in Room 120. He walked into the bathroom and turned on the light. He turned a sink handle to warm and sprayed water onto his tired face to wake himself up. He turned off the water, dried his face with a towel and walked toward the dresser. After checking himself in the mirror, he picked up the styrofoam container. He opened the front door, turned off the light and walked out.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

M Antoinette page 2

M Antoinette page 2 by ric gustafson


I felt sad thinking about my father and mother. Father passed away two years ago and now my brother Joseph's wife Josepha had contracted smallpox which was called the scourge of Europe. One day, Joseph found me in the garden with Charlotte. " My wife is dead".
There was a three month official mourning for her death and my sister, who had the same name as Joseph's wife, had her marriage to the King of Naples put on hold. I was hoping she would still be here for my 12th birthday in three weeks.
One day, she stopped me in my personal bedchamber. " Promise me you won't forget me when I'm gone".
October 15th, I waved goodbye to my sixteen year old sister who was to become Archducess Maria Josepha Gabriella Johanna Antonia Ana goodbye.

research help: ' Becoming Marie Antoinette' by Juliet Grey

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

what's behind Door number 2 page 1

what's behind Door number 2 page 1 by ric gustafson

Rita put touchup on Russell's face. " Mr Oldeborg, can you tell me again how you got the idea for the show?".
" Sure". He smiled at the young makeup girl. " I came to LA as a young christian actor and an idea for a christian game show evolved in my brain".
Just then, Reginald walked in and sat down in a makeup chair. " Hello everyone".
" I started going to Oak Village Lutheran Church and became friends with a Hollywood game show producer".
Reginald grinned. " And the rest is history".
Russell smiled. " And the rest is history".
Just then, the door opened to reveal Robert the producer. " Have a great show".
" Thanks Robert". He closed his eyes and prayed for a good show tonight. He stood up and walked toward the door. " Ready Reg".
On a nearby wall, a sign saying ' Showtime' flashed.
" Let's do it". Both men smiled and walked through the studio door.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, October 25, 2013

what's behind Door number 2: prelude

what's behind Door number 2: prelude by ric gustafson

Russell Oldeborg walked into the cold conference room followed by his announcer.
" Why do they want to see us Russell?".
" I don't know Reginald" he said as he opened the door. " I guess we'll find out".
They walked into the room and noticed several studio executives.
" Come in you guys" Robert Bridge said as he pointed at two empty chairs. " Please have a seat".
" Robert, why did you ask for us?".
The studio manager handed Russell a piece of paper. " Russell, the studio is concerned about your drop in the ratings".
" Robert, we are number one in our time slot".
" But not in the most important category".
" What category is that Robert?".
" The 20 to 30 category".
" Is that because of the profit this studio gets from that age group?".
" Yes, your show needs to grab that age category or we will have to make changes".
" What do you mean changes?".
" Russell, if things do not improve considerably with the show, we may be forced to find a new host and announcer".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Line 1 2013 page 8

Line 1 2013 page 8 by ric gustafson

Jesse noticed that no one else was calling. " Can you tell our listening audience about how you felt as far as who Jesus picked for his disciples?".
The voice cleared his throat. " " I watched him for three years with great interest as he went through Galilee and Judea".
Jesse fingered his bible. " What was your impression of the twelve men that he picked?".
" I was surprised that he had picked twelve pathetic human males as his companions".
" Why were you surprised?".
" These twelve morons left their jobs and lives to follow him". The voice cackled. " I hated them from the very beginning".
" Why?".
" Some were fishermen, one was a tax collector and another was a Zealot".
" He picked ordinary men to be his disciples".
" I could not understand how this group of twelve morons could become his inner circle".
Jesse sipped from his coffee cup. " So what did you do?".
" I began to study this group of twelve very carefully".

research help: ' Interview with the Devil' by Russell Wight

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

M Antoinette page 1

M Antoinette page 1 by ric gustafson

Schonbrunn May 1766

Countess Von Brandeiss was watching us as my sister Charlotte and I played on the manicured hillside above the palace. I swatted at a bee that was flying around me. " Madame, can I tell you a secret?".
" Yes, Liebchen".
I sat up, walked over and whispered into her ear. " Sometimes I wish that you were my mother".
She covered her mouth with a hand in total surprise. " Why do you think that Madame Antonia?".
" You spend more time with us than she does".
" Little one, you know that your maman  is the Empress of Austria".
" Maman had sixteen children including me and Charlotte".
She frowned. " Only thirteen now Liebchen".
Smallpox had taken three of my siblings already and luckily I had survived my own bout with it at age 2.
Countess had brown hair under a straw bonnet and a white linen cap. She kissed the top of my head. " You have beautiful strawberry blond curls and blue eyes". She pointed a finger at me. " It is now time for you and Charlotte's French lessons".
Charlotte and I rolled our eyes. " Yes Countess Brandeiss".

research help: ' Becoming Marie Antoinette' by Juliet Grey

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Line 1 2013 page 7

Line 1 2013 page 7 by ric gustafson

Jesse fingered his bible. " Can you tell our listening audience about your tempting Jesus in the Wilderness?".
The voice cackled. " Ok, first of all I tried to kill your pathetic God's Son  when he was a really young child".
" Which didn't work".
" No". The voice hesitated. " I tried to kill every male child under two but he and his family had already escaped".
" How did Jesus meet you in the Wilderness?".
" I watched him for forty days and then approached him".
" How was he at that time?".
" Very hungry and tired".
" How did you try to tempt him?".
" I knew he was really hungry so I said to him tell the stones to become bread".
" How did Jesus react?".
" He quoted from that stupid book called a bible".
" Then what did you do?".
" I took him to the most elevated point of the Temple Mount".
Jesse took a sip of coffee. " Why did you take him there?".
" Before us was Jerusalem and I knew the rejection that he was going to face".
" What did you tell him?".
" I told him to jump reassuring him that angels would protect him".
" What was his reaction?".
" He quoted from that stupid book again".
" Then what happened?".
" I said to him everything in this world could be his if he would just bow on his knee one time to me".
" Then what happened?".
" He quoted a third time from that stupid book".
" Then what".
" I got frustrated and then left".

research help: ' Interview with the Devil' by Russell Wight

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, October 21, 2013

Titanic 2013: Hartley's violin

Titanic 2013: Hartley's violin by ric gustafson

It was reported on MSN today that a violin belonging to Wallace Hartley was auctioned for $ 1.7 million dollars. Hartley was the bandleader on the Titanic and when his body was found days after the sinking, the case with the violin inside was strapped to his back.
This violin was discovered in 2006 in an attic in Britain and was tested with salt water deposits. It is the largest amount paid for a Titanic artifact other than an original menu which sold for $ 100,000.

research help: MSN news

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Line 1 2013 page 6

Line 1 2013 page 6 by ric gustafson

" So what happened?".
" One day, your crazy God tells me about this person named Job".
" Did you know him?".
" Of course". The voice cackled. " I've been observing his life for decades".
" Then what?".
" I told him that the reason he loves you is because his life is perfect".
" What did God do?".
" He said that I was wrong and to prove it took away his protection".
" Then what did you do?".
" I destroyed his family, his farm, his livestock and his wealth".
" He did not give in".
" I was stunned to see that this two legged moron kept worshiping God".
" What did you do then?".
" I went back and told him that the reason he still loved him was because of his health".
Jesse took a sip of coffee. " What did God do then?".
" He let me have his body but up to a point".
" What do you mean by up to a point?".
" I could not take his life".
" Job never gave in".
" After it was all over". The strange voice hesitated. " I knew that I had lost one to him which does not happen very often".

research help: ' Interview with the Devil' by Russell Wight

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the job interview page 1

the job interview page 1 by ric gustafson

Horace walked into the dealership lobby with a perplexed look on his face. Nobody was around. " Hello".
A big man with a large brown cowboy hat on came quickly toward him. " Hi" he said as he gave him a giant handshake. " I'm Big Al Bronzy". He pointed around the room. " Welcome to Salvation Autos".
Horace gave him a tired stare. " Actually I'm lost".
" How can I help you?".
He took a notecard out of a pant pocket and stared at it. " I'm trying to find Salvation Lanes".
He walked over to the front window and pointed. " It is just down Main Street about six blocks".
" Thank you". Horace shook his hand.
" You can't miss it". He smiled. " Salvation Lutheran Church is right across the street".

I Am: Face to Face with God

I Am: Face to Face with God by ric gustafson

A day is coming when every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. One day we will surround the center of our universe and shout with the angels " Holy Holy Holy". On this earth we will have losses, hurt and needs. God wants us to help others and he will supply all of our needs.
As believers of Jesus Christ, one day we will lift our eyes and see the glory of our Lord and Savior.
I can't wait.

The End- dedicated to Tom E

research help: ' I Am' by Steve Fry

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, October 20, 2013

I Am: a God who meets our needs

I Am: a God who meets our needs by ric gustafson

Sometimes people seek God for the wrong reasons. Sometimes we look for God to fulfill a need that we have. God wants to be known as the God who will always meet our needs. Satan tries to convince us that he will meet our needs not God. God wants us to mature in our spiritual journey. With help from the Holy Spirit, we can move from need centered to being God centered.

research help: ' I Am' by Steve Fry

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, October 19, 2013

I Am: a God of Glory

I Am: a God of Glory by ric gustafson

Isaiah 42:8- ' I am the Lord, that is my name I will not give my glory to another'.

Why does God seek glory for himself?. Scripture tells us that God demands that all glory be directed to him. Man became a living soul when God breathed into us. God deserves glory because there is no life apart from God. There is no life except with God. God seeks glory but does not seek it himself. When we glorify God, he is more present in our lives. It's natural to give God glory because life comes from God alone.

research help: ' I Am' by Steve Fry

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Titanic 2013: the Goodwin family

Titanic 2013: the Goodwin family by ric gustafson

Frederick Goodwin was a forty two year old electrical engineer from Fulham England. He and his wife Augusta had six children. Lillian 16, Charles 14, William 11, Jessie 10, Harold 9 and baby Sidney who was about 18 months old. Frederick's brother, Thomas had told him about a large plant opening in Niagra Falls New York. Frederick decided to move his family to America. They sold their home in Fulham and bought a ticket on a small steamer. Due to the coal strike, they had to transfer their Third Class ticket to the Titanic.
The entire family was lost in the sinking.
One of the first bodies recovered by the ship Mackay-Bennett was that of a male estimated age 2 probably from third class. Sailors brought the coffin to the Fairview Lawn Cemetery in Halifax and paid for a monument to the unknown child.
In 2007, DNA testing revealed that the body was that of Sidney Leslie Goodwin.

research help: ' 101 things you thought you knew about the Titanic' by Tim Maltin

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, October 17, 2013

through the eyes of a child revision page 14

through the eyes of a child revision page 14 by ric gustafson

" She loved jogging and walking along this trail" Jessica said as she, Charles and Katie walked along the wooded trail.
" Why is the park so popular?".
" Students use this trail all the time especially during the summer when school is out".
" Would Kelly just use this trail?" Katie asked as joggers went by.
" Yes, this is the only trail around this park".
After walking for a while, they came up to an open area. They sat down on a park bench that faced the street.
" Is this the only open area in the park?".
" Yes, Kelly liked to stop at this bench to rest".
They got up to resume their walk.
A tear came to Katie's eye. " Jessica, do you know of anybody who would want to harm our baby?".
" Mr and Mrs Brown, honestly I can't think of anybody".
As they resumed their walk, Charles noticed a small business card that was showing underneath the trash can. He picked it up and quickly glanced at it. He shrugged and put it into his back pant pocket.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

through the eyes of a child revision page 13

through the eyes of a child revision page 13 by ric gustafson

Kelly listened as the van turned off the main road. Kelly heard the sound of gravel. She wasn't sure how long it had been since the gas station. Her mouth was sore from the masking tape and she was really thirsty.
After a while, the van stopped. Kelly watched in horror as the back door of the van opened. For the first time, she stared at the man who kidnapped her.
A short pudgy man who wore heavy glasses reached out to her. " If you promise not to scream, I will take the tape off". He gave her a stern look. " Promise".
Kelly nodded yes.
He slowly took the tape off of her mouth.
" I'm really thirsty".
He opened a small black bag and took out a thermos. He poured some of it into a cup and handed it to her. " Drink this".
She began to worry as she lifted the cup to her mouth. She was so thirsty at this point she did not care. She drank the entire cup.
After a few moments, she felt woozy and could not think or see straight.
" Lord, please protect me". Her eyes closed.

Monday, October 14, 2013

through the eyes of a child revision page 12

through the eyes of a child revision page 12 by ric gustafson

Detective Springer quietly walked up to the park bench as young people biked past him. He sat down on the wooden bench and pulled out his notebook. He looked around and began to write down some observations. As he sipped from a Starbucks plastic cup, he observed the open area around him. He could tell that this spot was half way around the park and it was the only wide open area. He knew from handling lots of kidnapping cases, that this spot would be the most logical place for something to happen to Kelly.
He sipped the last of his coffee and threw the cup into the nearby trash can. He began to stare at the curb in front of him and knew that if she was kidnapped, this would be the spot to do it. As he started walking back, the wind picked up and trash began to swirl around the bench.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

through the eyes of a child revision page 11

through the eyes of a child revision page 11 by ric gustafson

Kelly heard the steel cart approach and fear crept into her mind. ' God, please help me' she silently prayed.
The cart came up to the van.
" Somebody please help me" she quietly mumbled to herself under the masking tape.
" Can you please put the groceries behind the front seat?" he asked. He grinned because he heard no sounds coming from the back of the van.
" Sure"
After the young sacker had finished, he shook the young man's hand. " What's the quickest way to get to North Highway 4?".
The young man pointed north. " Robert's Avenue turns into North Highway 4".
" Is there a gas station before the end of town?".
" Yes, Sammy's Express".
He found the gas station and pulled into one of the station's bays. He got out and began to fill up the tank.
As he walked away to pay for the gas. Kelly began to smell something she had not smelled in many years. ' Funnel cakes' she thought as a smile came to her taped mouth. Whenever her Daddy took her to the county fair, they always got a funnel cake. She wondered if there was a bakery near the gas station.
He got back into the van and slowly turned right onto North Highway 4.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

through the eyes of a child revision page 10

through the eyes of a child revision page 10 by ric gustafson

Jessica blew her nose as Charles handed her another tissue. " Thank you" she replied as she dabbed her eyes.
Detective Mark Springer opened a small black notebook and looked around the small dorm room. " What time did Kelly leave the room to go jogging?".
" About 8:00 am".  She kept dabbing her eyes. " After her jog, she was planning on taking a shower and then driving home".
Charles noticed the two small burgundy suitcases near the front door. " She was already packed".
" Yes, she was excited to come home and spend the summer with the two of you".
Detective Springer walked over to the window and stared toward the park across the street. " Jessica, was Kelly familiar with the park as far as where to go jogging?".
" Of course, she went jogging there a lot after classes were over".
" Do you remember what Kelly was wearing when she went on her jog?".
She thought for a moment. " I believe it was a yellow and white jogging outfit and she was wearing a baseball cap".
Katie dabbed her eyes. " Jessica, is there anybody you know of who would want to hurt our baby?".
" No, everybody liked her".
Detective Springer looked up from his notebook. " Any boyfriends?".
" No". She took a tissue and blew her nose. " If there was, she would have told me".
" That's all the questions I have right now". The Detective closed his notebook and stood up. " I'm going over to the park to look around".

Why? trusting God to be enough

Why? trusting God to be enough by ric gustafson

In the beginning, we were not intended to die. Death was not part of God's plan. He created you for himself and that we would always be in a love relationship with God. But sin entered our lives and that relationship with God was broken. We are all born with sin and the consequence of that is death.
God does not want us to blame him when a loved one dies. God is angry too and he wants us to get mad at death.
As believers of Christ, we have the assurance that when we leave this temporary life, we will be ushered into the presence of God.
We cannot hide our true feelings from God so why should we. Jesus wants us to open our heart to him and tell him how we feel.
We need to trust God always because he understands our feelings and that is enough.

research help: ' Why?' by Anne Graham Lotz

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Why? trusting God to keep his Word

Why? trusting God to keep his Word by ric gustafson

Sometimes in life we say ' God where have you been?. " Don't you know what I have been going through?. "Why didn't you answer earlier?". Even though we go through suffering and sometimes he doesn't answer our prayers the way we wish, God does promise in his Word that he will be with us in our suffering. Remember that God is always with us protecting us when we need him. God draws near to those suffering at the present. Jesus told Martha that he was the Resurrection and the Life. Martha replied ' Yes, Lord I believe that you are the Christ the Son of God who was to come into the world. Jesus promised Martha that her brother would rise again.
As followers of his, Jesus tells us that he will be in our midst and that we can trust him to keep his Word.

research help: ' Why?' by Anne Graham Lotz

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

through the eyes of a child revision page 9

through the eyes of a child revision page 9 by ric gustafson

Charles turned into the two car long driveway. He got out of the dark colored Tahoe and walked up the five concrete steps toward the front door. They had lived in this two story house for over twenty years since right before Kelly was born. He opened the door to reveal a small dopey eared beagle saunter over.
" Tobey" he said as he knelt down and petted the happy dog. The dog licked Charles's face and then quietly left. He walked into the large modern looking kitchen and put his car keys on the counter.
Katie Brown ran into the room and embraced her husband. " Charles, what's happened to our baby?".
" I don't know". Tears began to form in his eyes. " A Detective Springer from the Missing Person's Unit called saying that he had talked to Jessica".
" Kelly's roommate".
" Yes, she reported that Kelly had gone jogging at a nearby park yesterday morning and never came back".
" Never came back". Tears began to fall down her face. " Our baby would never do that".
" I know". He quickly glanced at the small pile of mail on the kitchen table. " The Detective would like us to come down to her dorm room and we can talk to Jessica together".
" Ok".

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Why? trusting God's plan for us

Why? trusting God's plan for us by ric gustafson

Jesus proclaims that there is more to life than living. Jesus wants our faith to develop so that we can display his glory. He does not want us to suffer but to grow in our faith and display his glory. When the Apostle Paul went through intense suffering, God at first did not answer his prayers. Then God said to him my grace is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in weakness.
What trials are causing you grief?. God gives us a platform of suffering which we can be a witness of his power and grace. Instead of trying to follow our own life's plan, God wants us to glorify him and trust in his plan for our lives.

research help: ' Why?' by Anne Graham Lotz

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

through the eyes of a child revision page 8

through the eyes of a child revision page 8 by ric gustafson

He put the steel cart up to the edge of the grey checkout belt. He started fishing through his shirt pockets. " Where is that thing?".
" Hi, how are you?" the young cashier said as he began to scan the items he had put on the belt.
A frustrated look came to his face as he kept searching his shirt pocket.
The sacker smiled at him. " Paper or plastic?".
He gave up looking. " Paper".
" Your total's going to be $ 120.50".
He frowned at the cashier. He opened his wallet and handed the young man $120 in cash and two quarters. " I seem to have lost the directions to a cabin I was looking for". He stared at the young man. " I'm looking for Big Springs Cabins".
" Yes, I know where it is" he said as another customer began to put their items on the belt. " It is just ten miles up North Highway 4".
" Thank you".
The young sacker began to wheel the steel cart out the double doors toward the white van.

Monday, October 7, 2013

the roof crashers 2013 page 3

the roof crashers 2013 page 3 by ric gustafson

" Great idea" Keli said as he looked at the others. " Let's do it".
" Mikno, can you find us some strong ropes and get back as soon as you can?".
A short time later, he returned. They picked up the mat  and carried it quietly up the outer staircase. On top, they picked out a spot where the Rabbi was probably sitting. They attached the ropes to the ends of the mat and then began to punch holes in the reed and dried mud roof.
Jesus was talking when he heard a noise above. As dried mud fell on the floor around him, Jesus looked up to see four men lowering someone who was lying on a mat.
When the mat was fully on the ground, Jesus smiled because of their faith. He stared at the man. " Son, your sins are forgiven". He looked at him with love and forgiveness. " Get up, take your mat and go home".
The man slowly got up, rolled up his mat and then left.

The End- dedicated to Tom E

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Why? trusting that God knows best

Why? trusting that God knows best by ric gustafson

I'm sure sometimes we cry out " God don't you see my tears and broken heart". God hears us always and will reply in a quiet voice " Trust me, I know what's best". God delays his answer until we are at the end of our resources and no where else to turn. God wants to develop our faith in him and him alone. God delays his answer not to forget it but that it will be answered in a totally different way.
When God does answer, we need to listen very carefully and obey.

research help: ' Why?' by Anne Graham Lotz

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the roof crashers 2013 page 2

the roof crashers 2013 page 2 by ric gustafson

Their friend woke up and yawned.
Celo walked over to his corner of the mat.
" What are you doing Celo?".
" We are going to take you to a nearby house where a Rabbi Jesus is teaching". He smiled at his friend. " We think he can help you".
" How can he help me?".
Mag walked over to his corner of the colorful mat. " We have heard that he can heal people".
" We better get going".
Keli and Mikno walked over to their corners of the mat and then all four lifted up their friend. They quietly left the house and began to walk.
A short time later, they came up to a house where a large crowd had gathered.
" Mag, can you go see if we can get our friend in to see the Rabbi?".
They slowly put their friend down and then rested against a tree.
Mag came back shaking his head. " There is no room inside or outside to bring our friend in".
" At least we tried" Celo replied as he gave the others a frustrated look. " Let's go back".
Mikno began to study the house. " There is one possibility".
" What is that Mikno?".
" We could make a hole and lower him through the roof".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Why? trusting God's goodness

Why? trusting God's goodness by ric gustafson

As God's people, we need to realize that God's ways are not our ways. God's thoughts are not our thoughts. Satan tempted Eve by getting her to doubt God's goodness. He said ' did God really say you must not eat from any tree in the garden?". Eve made the mistake of denying God's goodness. When we cry out to God and he is silent, this is Satan's best time to tell us that God does not care.
The truth is that God cares for us more than anything else. God is good and his silence is not denial. God uses silence so our faith in him will deepen and that our faith is stretched.

research help: ' Why?' by Anne Graham Lotz

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the roof crashers 2013 page 1

the roof crashers 2013 page 1 by ric gustafson

The four friends watched as their friend slept on a mat.
" I feel so sorry for him" Keli said as he wiped a tear from his eye. " He can't do things that we can do".
" We must try to help him" Celo replied quietly so he would not wake him. " But I'm not sure what we can do".
Mag smiled as he sat next to a wall. " I have one idea".
" What is that?".
" A Rabbi named Jesus is coming to town to teach". He yawned. " I've heard that he heals people".
" A healer". Celo smiled at the others. " That's perfect".
" What's perfect?".
" We get him to this meeting and ask this Jesus to heal our friend".
" Let's do it" Mikno replied as he grinned at the others.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Titanic 2013: First Class

Titanic 2013: First Class by ric gustafson

Each first class passenger on Titanic had a story. William Carter was a thirty six year old polo player who with his wife Lucile traveled with their two children, valet, maid and chauffeur. Clarence Moore, master of the Chevy Chase hunt was in England buying foxhounds. Moore was a stockbroker who farmed in Maryland.
Charlotte Cardeza traveled with 14 steamer trunks, four suitcases, three crates and a medicine chest. She was the daughter of Thomas Drake who founded the Fidelity Trust Company. Helene Baxter was the widow of Diamond Jim Baxter who built the first shopping mall in Canada. Presidential Aide Archie Butt took with him seven trunks.
The richest first class passenger was John Jacob Astor. He was forty seven, had a trim moustache and wore a bowler hat. In 1891, he married Ava Willing but the marriage did not last. It was his idea to build the Waldorf- Astoria Hotel. He divorced Ava in 1909 and married Madeleine Force in 1911. She was eighteen years old and the daughter of a Brooklyn businessman. By April 1912, she was four months pregnant and they were returning to the States.
Margaret Brown was born in 1867 in Hannibal Missouri to Irish immigrants. In 1886, she married J J Brown an Irishman from Pennsylvania. In 1893, he struck gold which produced 135 tons of gold daily. At this time, Margaret was 26 and her husband was making millions. In 1903, she helped form the first court for juveniles. She was a founder of the Denver Women's Club and worked for Women's Suffrage. In 1909, her husband suffered a stroke and they separated.
Leadville Colorado was also the home of Benjamin Guggenheim. He traveled with his wife Florette, three daughters, a maid, valet and chauffeur. Two railroad executives were John Borland Thayer and Charles M Hayes.
Along with the first class dining saloon, the a la carte restaurant was popular with first class passengers.

research help: ' Voyagers of the Titanic' by Richard Davenport- Hines

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

through the eyes of a child revision page 7

through the eyes of a child revision page 7 by ric gustafson

Charles slowed down the SUV as the light turned to yellow. It turned to red and he put his foot down hard on the brake. He turned up the volume as the harmony sound of the Gaither Vocal Band came through the car speaker. The Southern Gospel group relaxed him and he smiled as he began to sing along. The light turned green and the Tahoe slowly began to move again. He knew that he was almost home. As the CD changed to another song, his bluetooth rang.
" This is Charles Brown". He hesitated. " Yes, Detective Springer".
" I'm sorry to disturb you Mr Brown".
" That's ok Detective". He stopped at another red light. " I was just on my way home".
" Yes Detective, I did speak to Jessica". He hesitated. " No, she was too distraught to give me any information".
Charles listened very intently as he watched cars go by him. " Yes Detective, we will meet you at their dorm room".

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Titanic 2013: Officers

Titanic 2013: Officers by ric gustafson

Captain Edward J Smith  62 years old  This was to be his final voyage before retirement
He went down with the ship.

Senior Officers

Chief Officer Henry Wilde 38 years old  Transferred from the Olympic
He went down with the ship

First Officer William Murdoch 38 years old  Transferred from the Olympic
He went down with the ship

Second Officer Charles Lightoller  38 years old  Transferred from the Oceanic
Was the only Senior Officer to survive

Junior Officers

Third Officer Herbert Pitman  34 years old  Transferred from the Oceanic
He escaped in Lifeboat 5

Fourth Officer Joseph Boxhall  28 years old  Transferred from the Arabic
He escaped in Lifeboat 2

Fifth Officer Harold Lowe  28 years old  Transferred from the Belgic
He escaped in Lifeboat 14

Sixth Officer James Moody  24 years old  Transferred from the Oceanic
He went down with the ship

research help: ' Titanic at two am' by Paul J Quinn

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Bonhoeffer page 1

Bonhoeffer page 1 by ric gustafson

April 5 1943

Thirty seven year old Dietrich Bonhoeffer heard the knock at the front door. He knew who it was. He had tried to call his brother in law and could tell on the other line that the Gestapo was already there. As he heard his father walk toward the front door, he pondered what to do with all his personal papers that were on an oak desk.
He heard his father's voice. " Dietrich, there are some men down here to see you".
" I'll be right down". He put all of the papers into a small wastebasket and then struck a match. He watched the papers begin to burn. When the last piece of paper turned to ash, he stood up and walked downstairs.
" Goodbye Father". He gave him a big hug. He left with the men who were wearing dark coats.

research help: ' The story of Dietrich Bonhoeffer' by Michael Van Dyke

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

through the eyes of a child revision page 6

through the eyes of a child revision page 6 by ric gustafson

Kelly opened her eyes. Her head hurt from someone striking it. She watched with scared eyes as he checked the duct tape over her mouth and tightened the ropes she was bound in.
He quietly got out, opened the garage door and then quickly looked around. He got in, started the engine and then backed out into the driveway. He got out, closed the door, and then as he opened the driver door to get in, he noticed his next door neighbor was working in her flower bed. He backed out onto Monroe Road and then started driving east.
Wilma Palmer looked up from her flower bed to see her quiet neighbor leave in a van she had never seen before.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

through the eyes of a child revision page 5

through the eyes of a child revision page 5 by ric gustafson

Charles was finishing up the executive meeting when the intercom rang. The investment firm he had founded was doing great business and at the moment was very prosperous. He glanced out the large window and witnessed the beautiful spring day. He and his wife Katie were looking forward to the return of their daughter Kelly from college. She was going to live with them but work during the summer.
" Mr Brown, Michelle wants to speak with you" Jack Westin whispered from the conference table.
Charles frowned as he picked up the phone. His secretary normally never called him during a meeting unless it was an emergency. " Yes Michelle".
" Mr Brown, I'm sorry for interrupting the meeting" her voice said as it cracked. " I have a family call you should probably take in your office".
" Gentlemen, I'm sorry to stop the meeting but I have an urgent call I need to take".
Worried, he walked out of the conference room and walked down the carpeted hallway to his office. He closed the door and sat down at his large oak desk. The phone rang. He picked it up. " Hello, this is Charles Brown".
" Jessica, slow down and try to speak a little more clearly" he quietly said into the phone.
As the caller talked on, Charles's face turned ashen.
He put his face onto the desk and began to cry. " Lord, help me".