Tuesday, February 12, 2013

temptation pizza parlor page 5

temptation pizza parlor page 5 by ric gustafson

Sal sat down and handed Eddie a glass of Mountain Dew. " The pizza will be done shortly".
Merle stood up. " I'm going to order a combination pizza". He gave them a strange grin. " The spicier the better".
Eddie looked at Sal. " I get the feeling the two of you know each other pretty well".
He gave Eddie a sad stare. " That's true, we have sat down at this table many times over the years".
" How did you know I liked Mountain Dew?".
" Eddie, I know a lot about you". He put down the menu he was glancing at. " I also know that you don't have the money to pay for your pizza".
" You already knew that!".
" Of course". He noticed he had spilled something on his white coat. " My boss has told me everything about you".
" You sound like an angel".
Sal looked at the young man. " Actually, I am an angel".
" Why are you eating with me tonight?".
" Eddie, I'm here to tell you that you are heading down a dangerous path".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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