Sunday, February 24, 2013

First Century kitchen page 4

First Century kitchen page 4 by ric gustafson

Meat was enjoyed by first century people. Common red meats were goat and lamb. Meat was used in stews and soups and could feed a large family. Poultry was a first century food source. Chickens and geese provided eggs and feathers. Smaller birds such as doves and pigeons were pickled or eaten whole. Pork was popular except by Jews. Egyptians did not eat pork but Greeks and Romans did.
Fish was an important part of a first century diet. Fish were caught in the Sea of Galilee and it was usually dried and salted. The fish was soaked and then added to soups and stews. Israelites liked grilled fish. Romans and Greeks enjoyed saltwater fish.
Milk was used to make cheese, yogurt and butter. Yogurt was a soft cheese and butter was used for flavoring and frying foods.

research help: ' The Food and Feasts of Jesus' by Douglas Neel and Joel Pugh

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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