Thursday, February 28, 2013

First Century kitchen page 5

First Century kitchen page 5 by ric gustafson

Herbs and spices were used in the first century to help enhance the flavor of foods. Herbs are plants that are used to prepare food. Herbs were fresh and then dried. Spices impart flavor and aroma. Spices used in the first century included roots, seeds, bark, fruit and flowers.
Herbs such as oregano, basil and rosemary were used in Greek and Italian cooking. Some herbs and spices were very common including mint, parsley, mustard, dill and cumin. Other ingredients used for food preparation included wine, vinegar and honey. Salt was used as a flavoring agent and as a preservative. Next we'll look at the role of bread in a first century diet.

research help: ' The Food and Feasts of Jesus' by Douglas Neel and Joel Pugh

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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