Saturday, February 2, 2013

Beautiful Gate page 1

Beautiful Gate page 1 by ric gustafson

Two friends slowly walked along carrying their friend on their shoulders. They knew the route and they knew where to place their friend. They stopped and placed him on the concrete next to the Beautiful Gate. The Gate was right next to the entrance of the Temple.
" Alms" he yelled as he raised his tin cup.
Peter and John were walking toward the entrance. Peter noticed the lame man.
" Alms" he yelled as he tried to get their attention.
The two disciples walked over.
Peter knelt down. " Look at us".
The lame man stared at Peter as he shook his tin cup.
" I do not possess silver and gold but what I do have I give to you". Peter looked at him with love and compassion. " In the name of Jesus Christ walk". Peter held him with his right hand and slowly raised him up. The lame man's feet and ankles were strengthened.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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