Saturday, February 16, 2013

Northfield page 1

Northfield page 1 by ric gustafson

The night watchman held his lantern in front of him as he walked along the edge of the track. He was asked to guide the Number 4 Express that was coming from Kansas City.
All of a sudden, he was knocked to the ground.
" Clell, you and Charlie pile up some railroad ties on the track so the train will stop". Bob Younger said as he got off of his horse and took some rope out of a saddle bag. " While I tie up our friend here".
The man pleaded for his life. " Please don't kill me".
Bob tied him up and gagged him.
Cole Younger, Frank and Jesse James waited on the other side of the track.
" Are you sure this is a good spot?" Jesse asked as he stared down the dark track.
" Yes, because the train has to slow down as it comes around the bend".
They smiled when they heard the train whistle in the distance.
Bill Stiles and Hobbs Kerry helped Clell and Charlie put timbers and ties on the track to slow down the train.
As the train slowed, the men rode up to it shooting their 6 shooters.

research help: ' Northfield' by Johnny D Boggs

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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