Thursday, February 28, 2013

betrayer postlude

betrayer postlude by ric gustafson

I climb one of the olive trees and then put the rope around my neck. I look out over the Hinnom Valley and see trash burning as if it was an eternal flame. As I tighten the noose and begin to gasp for air, I wonder what people will think of me. I wonder if they will call me a betrayer who turned him in for thirty pieces of silver shekels. I wonder if they will say that I was greedy and turned against my master.
I tighten the noose more and my eyes begin to bulge. I hear a dog bark and then sound leaves my ears. I begin to see a dark light and now I am afraid. Now I feel cold and hear a noise that sounds like cloven hooves. As cold darkness covers my eyes, I am afraid because all I see is darkness. My bowels release and I shake because I have a feeling I am walking toward Sheol and cold total darkness.

research help: ' Iscariot' by Tosca Lee

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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