Monday, December 31, 2012

the unopened gift scene 3

the unopened gift scene 3 by ric gustafson

                                                   Scene 3

                                     A cab pulls up in front of the airport dropoff
                                   Monica is frantically searching through her purse


Where is it!

                                              Cab driver

Mrs Fitzpatrick, did you lose something?


Yes, my dayplanner [ beat]  I need that to plan my tour

[ A thought came to her]


Jeffrey told me he had it at church  [ beat] Driver, I need you to quickly take me to our church

                                              Cab driver

Are you sure you won't be late for your flight?

[ Monica glances at her watch]


If I can quickly get my dayplanner [ beat] I should be all right

[ Twenty minutes later]

                                                Cab driver

Mrs Fitzpatrick, we are here

[ She opens the door and gets out]


I will be right back

[ She quickly walks inside]
[ She walks down the hallway toward the sanctuary]


Jeffrey, where are you?
[ She walks into the sanctuary and then sits down in a pew]
[ She watches as the choir begins a rehersal]
[ As she listens. tears start to come down her face]


This music is so beautiful


Monica, what are you doing here

[ She turns and gives her husband a big hug]


I miss singing choir music


Monica, what are you saying?


When I get home from my tour [ beat]  we'll talk about helping out at church

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