Saturday, December 8, 2012

First Century Kitchen page 1

First Century Kitchen page 1 by ric gustafson

A first century diet had grains and legumes as two main components. Grains were nutritious and could be stored for a long period of time. Farmers in Galilee had fields of barley, wheat and other grains. Grains were important for making bread which was eaten at every meal. First century cooks used wheat or barley as thickening agents compared to flour and water today.
Legumes were used in a variety of ways. Chickpeas, fava beans and lentils were the most common. The dried beans were soaked and then boiled in water. Sometimes garlic, onions or leeks were added. These beans were used to make soups, stews and sometimes ground for fried cakes or used for bread. Salt and crushed pepper enhanced the flavor of both legumes and grains.

research help: ' The Food and Feasts of Jesus' by Douglas Neel and Joel Pugh

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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