Tuesday, December 25, 2012

the S.S. Paris miracle page 1

the S.S. Paris miracle page 1 by ric gustafson

June 15  1921

Marie Danova carried her small worn felt bag as she walked along the dock. She weaved her way through the crowd as her eyes took in the busyness of the launch. She was lucky to be hired on the S.S. Paris on it's crossing from Le Havre to New York. As she walked  toward the steerage gangplank, she noticed bakers with their baskets, florists with their wares and Paris ladies wearing dresses of silk.
She had received her assignment on the Paris a month ago and was anxious to start her new assignment and a new chapter in her life. She watched as youngsters were balancing themselves on the mooring lines and looking up at the three huge funnels on the huge liner.
All of a sudden, she bumped into someone and fell on the edge of the gangplank.
" I'm sorry" Devon Misa said as he helped the young woman up to her feet. " I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing".
" That's ok" she quietly replied as she rubbed her now sore left knee. Blushing, she hobbled up the gangplank and into the ship. She walked to the third class deck and looked over the railing. As she rubbed her knee, she watched the young man enter the first class entrance.

research help: ' Crossing on the Paris' by Dana Gynther

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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