Friday, December 7, 2012

all I want for Christmas is a bowling ball and some diabetic test strips page 1

all I want for Christmas is a bowling ball and some diabetic test strips page 1 by ric gustafson

Sean Bartlett walked from the restroom where he had to test himself and walked into the center of the mall. He felt very dejected and depressed. As he walked by the Starbuck's, he noticed huge decorated Christmas trees and bright lights.
' Who cares about Christmas' he thought to himself as giggling children ran past him. ' I can't believe I let my team down in that last game' he thought to himself as he walked toward the Rocky Mountain Candy Store for some sugar free chocolate. He noticed that Santa and some of his elves had arrived to bring good cheer to kids. A line for Santa began to form.
He walked into the candy store and came out with some sugar free chocolate. He took a bite of some sugar free toffee when a frown came to his face. ' After all these years, I still bowl terrible' he thought as he watched people going into the stores to shop." It's just a stupid game" he muttered to himself as he walked toward Starbuck's. ' If I just had the right bowling bowl' he thought as he wondered if the cookie store in the food court had sugar free cookies. He watched as children were getting on Santa's knee and telling him what they wanted for Christmas.
He stopped because an idea was forming in his head. He quietly walked to the end of the line of kids waiting for Santa. ' I'll ask Santa for a new high performance bowling ball and then I'll feel better about myself and Christmas' he thought to himself as the line began to move.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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