Monday, December 17, 2012

all I want for Christmas is a bowling ball and some diabetic test strips page 3

all I want for Christmas is a bowling ball and some diabetic test strips page 3 by ric gustafson

Sean got off of Santa's knee and then walked up the escalator toward the food court entrance. As he put his gloves and stocking cap on, he could sense it was very cold outside. He opened the cold glass door and then watched as a young woman wearing a thin summer coat and holding the hand of a small little girl ran inside.
" Please help us" she screamed as both her and the small child were shivering from the cold. " My daughter and I have no money, I'm diabetic and my sugar is really low and our car is stuck in a snow bank outside". She looked at Sean. " Somebody please help us".
As Sean walked through the cold biting snow to get his shovel out of the trunk of his car. He began to wonder why he was doing this for them. ' I could be warm inside the mall than out here freezing to death' he thought as he got the shovel and started walking toward the middle of the large parking lot. He found the rust covered Impala with it's front end stuck deep in a large snow bank. He shoveled some of the snow from the front tires, started the car but was unable to get it out of the snow bank.
" Need some help".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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