Sunday, December 9, 2012

the unopened gift scene 2

the unopened gift scene 2 by ric gustafson

                                             Scene 2

                          A bedroom in which a man is vaccuming inside a closet
                           He bumps into a box and then turns off the vaccum


Honey, when are you going to open this pretty red box in this closet?


I don't know


It's a lovely red box with a red bow on top

[ She walks out of the bathroom and up to the mirror on their dresser]


I don't have time right now [ beat]  why are you vaccuming in here right now anyway?

[ He turns off the vaccum and winds up the cord]


I have to vaccum the house now because I will be at church all day tomorrow folding bulletins

[ She puts dangly earrings into her ear lobes and looks at herself in the mirror]


My cab will be here shortly

[ He sits down on the edge of the bed]


Are you sure you don't want to be in the church choir this year [ beat]  with your voice

[ She opens her purse and takes out her plane ticket]


Jeffrey, we've already talked about this


I know


You know how important my singing career is to me right now


As good a cook as you are, you could help with Wednesday night meals


The tour is two months

[ She hears a cab honk outside]


Jeffrey, I have to go my cab is here


With your singing voice, the church choir could really use your help

[ She hears the cab honk again]


We'll discuss this in two months

[ She kisses her husband goodbye, leaves and gets into the cab]
[ The cab drives off]
[ Jeffrey begins to straighten the closet and bumps into the unopened gift]

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