Monday, December 3, 2012

Moses page 4

Moses page 4 by ric gustafson

Moses sat at the edge of the river and his eyes darted around. He wanted to make sure no crocodiles were around. He watched the slaves as they slowly pulled the dead hippo from the water. They stripped the meat off of it's bones, built a fire and then cooked it. To Moses, it seemed that they had not had meat in a long time.
As he sat and watched the slaves eat, he wondered about his Hebrew origin. He did not think of them as his people because he was raised in an Egyptian home. He did watch them toil in the hot sun and he felt compassion for them. As he walked away from the bank, he noticed a slave woman who was staring at him from the opposite side of the river.
Aaron smiled as he and his parents ate the greasy food. " Thank you Miriam for bringing the meat".
" I saw Moses".
" You did" Amram replied as he bit into a flour cake. " Where?".
" On the side of the bank as they were killing the hippo".
Jochebed quietly ate some of the meat. " Did he recognize you?".
" I think so" was her reply. " He left right away".
" Would you like to speak to him?" Amram asked as Jochebed took the now empty dishes away.
" I think so" she said with a sigh. " I'm not sure what I would ask him".
" The elders are going to be having a meeting" Amram said as he stood up from the mat. " I will talk to them about Moses".

research help: ' By Way of the Wilderness' by Gilbert Morris

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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