Sunday, December 23, 2012

the embrace: embracing doubt

the embrace: embracing doubt by ric gustafson

Jude 1: 22- ' Be merciful to those who doubt'

Trust is hard for people and old fears never truly leave us. Old fears keep us from reaching, trusting and keeps the light of truth dim in our lives. But God never leaves us and is always looking for us. Before God created the world, he was thinking of us.
Some of us start our spiritual journeys with doubt but God loves us and we are made in his image. Even though we doubt and are afraid, God wants us to call upon his name. God's faithfulness removes our doubt and fears. God does not love us because we are good but because we are his.
Mark 5: 36 says Do not be afraid just believe

research help: ' Embrace Grace' by Liz Curtis Higgs

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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