Sunday, December 2, 2012

the unopened gift scene 1

the unopened gift scene 1 by ric gustafson

Act 1

                                                  Scene 1

                           A man is dusting a bedroom dresser. The doorbell rings

                                                    Jeffrey Fitzpatrick

I'll get it

                                                   Monica Fitzpatrick

[ Loudly from the bathroom]  What did you say?


I'll get the door

[ He put his rag down and walked down the carpeted stairs]
[ The doorbell rings again]
[ He opens the door to reveal a young man wearing a brown UPS uniform]


Can I help you?

                                              UPS  driver

Is this the Fitzpatrick residence?


Yes it is

[ The driver points to a large red box that was sitting next to him]

                                                  UPS driver

This box is registered to you


I wasn't expecting a box

 [ the driver handed Jeffrey a clipboard]

                                              UPS driver

Sign here

[ Jeffrey dragged the large box through the front door and into the living room]

                                              UPS driver

Have a good day

[ He turns and walks away]

[ Jeffrey drags the box upstairs to the bedroom]
[ He puts it down next to the closet]


Who was at the door?

[ She walks in from the bathroom and begins to put some earrings into her ear lobes]


UPS  [ beat]   they delivered a large red box


I wonder why


I don't know  [ beat]  do you want me to open it?


I don't have time Jeffrey

[ She stood up from the dresser and glanced at her watch]


I need to get to my vocal rehersal


What about the box?

[ She gives him a peck on the cheek]


Just put it in the closet for now

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