Monday, December 31, 2012

sunrise edition page 1

sunrise edition page 1 by ric gustafson

Alfred Misk opened the cold steel garage door. " Have a good day" he said to his wife Maureen as she put her lunch sack into the back seat of the Saturn Ion. He gave her a big hug. " Stay warm".
She started the car, smiled and backed out of the driveway.
As he watched her drive onto Roe Drive and then out of his sight, he noticed something in the driveway. He walked over and noticed it was a newspaper. ' That's strange' he thought as he looked around the block to see if anyone else had one in their driveway. He did not notice anyone else having one. " That's odd" he mumbled to himself as he picked it up and then closed the garage door.
He walked upstairs to the small kitchen and then put it on their pennisula. He poured himself a cup of coffee and then took off the plastic wrapping that it came in. He opened it to reveal no writing on any of the pages. It simply said in bold letters ' Happy Birthday  God Loves You'.

Everyone have a great New Years Eve and Thank You for reading my writing. Love Ric

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