Saturday, September 15, 2012

the stranger who came to town page 14

the stranger who came to town page 14 by ric gustafson

Parnell Richards walked into the cool service station lobby and put the $25.00 on the counter. " Morning Linda". He shook his head in frustration. " When are these horrible gas prices finally going to go down?".
" Hopefully soon" she replied as she put the money in the cash register. " That was $25 on pump 1".
" Yes". He watched as a stranger was talking to Mr Phipps.
Linda noticed him. " Mr Tang" she said loudly as she waved at him.
Homer walked in.
" Remember me" she said. She shook Mr Tang's hand. " I was sitting next to you in church yesterday".
Homer thought for a moment and then gave a sly grin. " Oh yes I remember you, how is your left shoulder?".
" Much better" was her reply as she gave change back to a customer. " Thanks to you".
Homer turned to leave.
" Mr Tang".
" Yes".
" To show my gratitude, would you like to come over tomorrow night for dinner with my husband and myself" she quietly asked as she looked out the large glass window for drive offs. " I make great pot roast".
" I would be delighted to".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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