Saturday, September 1, 2012

the stranger who came to town page 13

the stranger who came to town page 13 by ric gustafson

Mark Phipps put the rag and cleaner back on the hook and then put the nozzle back on the pump latch. " That will be thirty even Mrs Doyle" he said as he noticed the green Saturn Ion drive into pump number two.
" These prices are horrible" she said as she handed him a twenty and a ten. As she drove off, he noticed a young man, who was wearing a red shirt and dark sunglasses, pumping gas into the Saturn. Because he had never seen the stranger before, he walked over to pump number two.
" Can I help you?".
" Yes, my name is Homer and I've been hearing strange noises under the hood".
" I'll take a look for you" he said with a smile as he pointed with his finger. " Just drive into the first shop bed".
Homer put the nozzle back on the pump latch, locked the cap back on and then drove the car into the shop bed.
Mark opened the hood and peered inside. " It looks like one of your belts needs to be replaced".
" How long will that take?".
" Not long". He wiped his dirty hands off with a rag. " I have that belt in stock and it wouldn't take long".
Homer heard his name being called from inside the station lobby. He gave Mark a strange grin and then walked into the lobby.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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