Friday, September 28, 2012

Clue: the mystery at Oak Manor page 1

Clue: the mystery at Oak Manor page 1 by ric gustafson

The office felt cold like eating a bowl of ice cream. I walked toward the tiny office window. It was December 5th and I could see that it had started to snow. They were predicting several inches by the next morning and I was trying to finish up so I could go home. Business had been slow all year and I was looking forward to going home, heat up a Swanson dinner and watching Charles Stanley until it was time for bed.
I was about to turn off the green antique lamp that was on my cluttered desk when I heard a knock on my office door. I opened it to reveal a female who looked determined to talk to somebody. She had on a fancy blue dress and carried a red handbag.
" You are Mortimer Snelling the private eye?".
" Yes I am". She walked slowly into my tiny office. " Please have a seat".
She stood by my wooden chair that always falls apart. I scooped up the old newspapers that were on it. " Sorry about the clutter, I was just about to leave".
She sat down. " Your door sign says that you are a christian private investigator".
I sat down in my desk chair. " That's true I am".
" Can we talk Mr Snelling?".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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