Sunday, September 23, 2012

Manumba page 1

Manumba page 1 by ric gustafson

Bryson Dawson picked up the green alley ball and wiped it off with a white towel. He stepped up to the arrow and looked to his left and right. Seeing nobody , he walked up and threw the ball. It hung on the gutter and then knocked down four pins. " Boy, I can't bowl today" he said with a sigh as he stared at the overhead score board. " Just like my luck trying to find a job".
" It's hard nowadays" his friend Lewis Neigh exclaimed as he watched his friend pick up his ball. He threw it and missed the spare. " I can't find one either".
" Want to go to the library?" Bryson asked as he picked up his ball to throw it. " Maybe we'll get lucky and see something in the want ads".
" Sure".

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