Thursday, September 27, 2012

the man who fed the birds and squirrels page 5

the man who fed the birds and squirrels page 5 by ric gustafson

Robbie raked up the last of the maple tree's leaves. He raked them into a pile and then put them into a paper yardwaste bag. He began to pick it up when he noticed a stranger putting bird seed into Mr Barnes's birdfeeder. Robbie walked over and opened the gate. He quickly walked over to the stranger. " Hi, I live next door".
" You must be Robbie".
" That's me".
" I'm Kevin". A sad look came over the stranger's face. " I'm sorry I have to tell you but my father recently passed away after a sudden heart attack".
Tears began to form in Robbie's eyes as he remembered the good times he had with Mr Barnes. " I'm sorry".
" Thank you". He smiled and took a piece of paper out of his back pocket. " Dad wanted you to have this". He walked away.
Robbie wiped the tears from his eyes and looked at the sheet of paper.
" My dearest Robbie, I am going home soon and I wanted you to have something very precious to me".
A tear came to Robbie again.
" Please take care of my birdfeeder, I know you love God's creations as much as I do".
Robbie smiled and then put the note in the bottom of the birdfeeder. He took it home, put birdseed in it and then put it by their back fence.

The End- dedicated to Tom E

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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