Sunday, July 14, 2024

the Reluctant Beatle page 8

the Reluctant Beatle page 8 by ric gustafson

Headlining the Kaiserkeller was a Liverpool group called Derry and the Seniors. In October of 1960, it was discovered that this group did not have permits to work as musicians. They were ordered to leave the country. 
Their replacement was Rory Storm and the Hurricanes. This group was already friends with the Beatles. The drummer for the Hurricanes was Ringo Starr. The Beatles and the Hurricanes on stage with each other was magical. Ringo was beginning to spend more time with the Beatles than his own group. When Pete Best could not play with the Beatles, Ringo Starr would sit in for him.
At this time, Harrison was interested in a 17 year old German girl. Her name was Monika Pricken. She began to watch the band perform at the Indra Club. Their friendship was platonic. She described George as funny and open. 
Not far from the Kaiserkeller was a club called the Top Ten Club. The owner persuaded the Beatles to play there. Youth Protection got a tip that Harrison was under age. He was ordered to leave the country. In 24 hours, George Harrison was back home in Liverpool.

research help: ' George Harrison the Reluctant Beatle' by Philip Norman 

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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