Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Chosen: Luke 5:12

 Chosen: Luke 5:12 by ric gustafson

In Jesus's time, leprosy was a horrible condition. At the time, there was no known cure. Wounds grew all over one's body. There was a degeneration of the skin. Eventually, it deformed the person. Fingers, toes, ears and noses would rot away. 
The person had to show themselves to a priest. The priest would evaluate the person. The priest would declare the person either clean or unclean. If you were unclean, you were banished from the city. The people were forced into caves or tents. Death was their only hope.
Then Jesus arrived. One day, a leper approached Jesus. He saw Jesus. He fell on his face. He told Jesus " you can make me clean". 
Jesus touched him. The leprosy left him. He was cleansed. Jesus restored his soul.
Jesus can make us clean. He will if we ask him.

research help: ' The Chosen devotional' by Broadstreet Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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