Monday, July 22, 2024

I have called you by name page 1

I have called you by name page 1 by ric gustafson

Shimon looked through the stable door. He saw a man a woman and a baby in swaddling clothes. When his three shepherd friends arrived, they burst through the door.
Mary and Joseph looked at the strangers with fear on their faces.
Yoram spoke up to ease their minds. " We heard the angel's announcement and the heavenly host".
Joseph noticed Shimon. " You gave us water to drink in the marketplace".
Shimon smiled. " Yes".
Shimon and the others stared at the baby. It was now sleeping. 
Yoram gushed. " So beautiful".
Natan looked at Mary and Joseph. " We could help you find better lodging".
Joseph replied. " We're fine".
Shimon asked. " What will you name him?".
Joseph smiled at Mary. " We are going to name him Jesus".
" We must go". Aaron grinned. " People must know".
All four smile at Mary and Joseph. They run out.

research help: ' The Chosen I have called you by name" by Jerry B Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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