Monday, July 8, 2024

Inferno 2024: Inferno 1: 1-3

 Inferno 2024: Inferno 1: 1-3 by ric gustafson

You're not the first to be lost
and will not be the last
you're not the first to count the lost

Of being ruined outcast
from the city that you would call your own
you might pray and fast

But never can you go back home
a new path lies ahead
a life you'll have to lead alone

And so you dream instead
of an imagined friend
pulled straight out of your head

A poet who can mend
the bent and broken life you've led
a poet who can send

You places that the small soul dreads
the world of reckoning
with the living and with the dead

Who will reach you to sing
a song of loss and then of grace
relieve you of your mourning

And lead you to the face
of her you've loved so long and well
redeem you from disgrace 
but first you'll have to go through hell

research help: ' Dear Dante' by Angela Alaimo O'Donnell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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