Friday, July 19, 2024

Shroud page 12

 Shroud page 12 by ric gustafson

The legate of the Imperial Guard walked into the king's private chamber.
" Your Highness". He smiled. " Mesrop has returned".
Mesrop entered with another man behind him. Mesrop was holding a leather case.
" Your Highness, I bring you a greeting from the Apostle Simon Peter". 
King Abgar stared at the stranger. " And who is this?".
" Your Highness, this is the Apostle Thaddeus".
The king smiled. " You are one of the twelve". 
Thaddeus bowed. " I am".
" Here is a gift from Peter". Mesrop handed the king the leather case. " It is a gift for your safe keeping".
Mesrop opened the case. He carefully took out the cloth. He handed it to the king.
" It is the Shroud". The king was speechless as he looked at it. " It is the face of Jesus".
Mesrop smiled. " Peter trusts you to safeguard it".
" I shall safeguard it with my life".

research help: ' The Only Witness' by Guy R Powell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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