Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Chosen: Mark 2: 1-5

 Chosen: Mark 2: 1-5 by ric gustafson

In this bible passage from Mark is a wild scene. There was such a large group of people in this house, latecomers could not get in. There was a man who was paralyzed. He was strapped to a stretcher. His friends could not get him inside this house to be healed by Jesus. They decide to take him up to the roof and lower him down through the roof. 
Inside, Jesus was preaching and healing. Then chunks of the roof fell to the ground. Their friend was lowered toward Jesus. Jesus was moved by the faith of this man's friends. He heals the man. 
The scribes and Pharisees questioned out loud. " Who can forgive sins but God alone?". Jesus knew what they were thinking. Jesus said to the young man. " Pick up your bed and go home".
The young man did what Jesus said. Everyone was amazed.

research help: ' The Chosen devotional' by Broadstreet Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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