Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Shroud page 6

 Shroud page 6 by ric gustafson

The three men carefully used Jonai's pliers and removed the nail holding Jesus's feet to the cross. They had to carefully remove the nail from Jesus's feet. The spikes were carefully removed from Jesus's hands. The last Roman guard, who had been watching them do their work, wiped off the spikes and left. Back on the ground, Jesus's arms were folded on his stomach.
One of Joseph's friends Jehohanan brought a stretcher. It was two long wooden poles with six crossbars. The four men lifted Jesus onto the stretcher. Jesus's ribcage was distended.
" Careful" Joseph warned. " We can lay him in my family's tomb".
When they approached the freshly hewn tomb, dusk was approaching. The tomb was outside the Damascus Gate.
Mary Jesus's mother entered the tomb carrying a torch. Then the others entered with Jesus's body.
Joseph pointed to a spot in the tomb. " Lay him here".
" Spread out the burial cloth".
Jonai and Nicodemus carefully put Jesus on the burial cloth. Nicodemus put mites over Jesus's eyes to keep them shut.
The burial cloth was pulled up and over Jesus. Because of the scourging, blood oozed out onto the burial cloth. The cloth became a pattern of red spots and blemishes.
Then everyone left the tomb. The four tried to move the stone into place. First, it did not move. Finally, they were able to move it into place. 
Everyone left.

research help: ' The Only Witness' by Guy R Powell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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