Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Margaret Tobin Brown page 23

 Margaret Tobin Brown page 23 by ric gustafson

In Jan 1903, Mary Brophy Grace Tobin died. She was 37. Her funeral service was in Leadville. Margaret and JJ brought the four young children into their home. In April of 1905, Margaret's mother Johanna Tobin passed away. She was 75. She had been living with Margaret and JJ. She suffered a stroke shortly before she died. 
In March of 1906, Margaret came up with an idea for a living history for Denver. It was called the Carnival of Nations. Each nationality Margaret would bring in would set up a village for people to experience. Two groups brought in were controversial. This was the Chinese and the Native Americans. The money raised from this event helped with the construction of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. By 1913, the congregation was over 3,500 members.
Margaret was very proud of her two children. Helen, now in her early twenties, enjoyed going on trips with her mother. One day, Helen met a man 13 years her senior. His name was George Benziger. Helen thought he was pleasant and handsome. Lawrence did not go to Yale like Margaret and JJ had hoped. He fell in love with a society belle from Kansas City. Her name was Eileen Horton. Lawrence and Eileen were married Jan 16 1911. Lawrence was 24 Eileen 21. The couple had a son on November 21 1911.

research help: ' Molly Brown unraveling the myth' by Kristen Iversen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, April 29, 2024

Margaret Tobin Brown page 22

 Margaret Tobin Brown page 22 by ric gustafson

In the fall of 1902, Lawrence was attending the Pennsylvania Military College. Helen was attending a college in New York. Margaret was still attending classes at the Carnegie Institute. At Christmas 1902, trouble came to the Brown family. A man named Harry Call was suing JJ for $50,000 for wife alienation. Call's wife Maude had left him and their son to be with JJ. The case was settled out of court.
From 1902 to 1903, Margaret and JJ took a trip around the world. Mary Mulligan came with them. They were gone for nearly a year. India and Japan were two of the countries the Browns enjoyed. 
In 1903, Margaret became friends with Judge Benjamin Barr Lindsey. Judge Lindsey had made a large impact on the formation of juvenile law in the US. By 1904, Margaret was hosting fundraising events for Denver's juvenile court. 
In November of 1904, the annual juvenile benefit was an art show. In 1905, Margaret organized another benefit at the Broadway Theater. In March of 1906, tensions between Margaret and two ladies of Denver's high society began to show. Mrs Crawford Hill and Annie Whitmore were of the opinion that Margaret was not qualified for Denver's innermost society circle. Mrs Whitmore was running to be President of the Denver's Woman's Club.

research help: ' Molly Brown unraveling the myth' by Kristen Iversen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric 

Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 27: 1-38

Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 27: 1-38 by ric gustafson

In time, Isaac became old. One day, he pulled Esau aside.
" I want to give you my blessing". He smiled at his son. " Before I die".
" What do you want me to do Father?".
" Hunt an animal". Isaac's voice hesitated. " Cook the meat for me". He grinned. " Then I will bless you".
Esau knew he had sold his blessing to Jacob for some soup.
Nearby, Rebekah was listening to the conversation. Quickly, she cooked some meat. She gave it to Jacob.
" Take this to your father". She gave Jacob the meat. " He is blind".
Jacob stared at Rebekah.
" Pretend you are Esau". Her voice hesitated. " Then you will get the blessing".
Jacob did what Rebekah told him. He stole Esau's blessing.

research help: ' 365 Bed Time Bible Stories' by Daniel Partner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Miracles of Messiah: water into wine

 Miracles of Messiah: water into wine by ric gustafson

Jewish weddings have 13 rituals. The last is a celebratory dance called a hora. Guests dance in a circle. The bride and groom are seated in chairs and lifted into the air. Everyone is happy. There is wine, food, Hebrew songs and joy. 
Jesus's first miracle occurred during a wedding. It was significant that Jesus's first miracle involved wine at a Jewish wedding. Jesus performed his first miracle in the month of Nisan. God's relationship with his people is symbolized spiritually and prophetically. God's marriage is to his people. God rejoices over his people as a groom rejoices over his bride. Jesus's first miracle was a sign of the coming messianic wedding.
This miracle was the start of Jesus's public ministry. The third day of the week is significant in Jewish tradition. The changing of water into wine is a sign from the book of Exodus. Jewish holidays and life events were celebrated with wine. 
Kiddush is a blessing recited over wine before meals. Wine symbolizes joy and abundance. Wine represents potential for blessing, growth and life. 
When the wine ran out, the bride's parents needed faith and trust. The parents were humiliated and embarrassed. Jesus made old wine new. 
Jesus took the ordinary and turned it into extraordinary. Why?. Because Jesus loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Signs and Secrets of the Messiah' by Rabbi Jason Sobel

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Shoah survivors: Sally Frishberg

 Shoah survivors: Sally Frishberg by ric gustafson

During the pandemic, Sally Frishberg was trying to be in a photoshoot. Her granddaughter Hannah was wearing a helmet like Darth Vader. Sally was wearing a cloth mask. Sally knows about a worldwide disaster. Sally had to hide in a Polish attic with 14 people. 
After the war, Sally came to the US. While teaching at a high school in 1958, Sally was asked if she would be interested in teaching a class about the Holocaust. She began teaching the class 63 years ago. She still teaches it. She teaches it at workshops, museums every place that will let her. Even in retirement, she is still teaching that class. 
People are always curious. People want to learn. Sally Frishberg wants to keep learning.

research help: ' Invited to Life' by B A Van Sise

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 25: 21-34

 Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 25: 21-34 by ric gustafson

Isaac and Rebekah lived in Canaan. Rebekah could not have children. Isaac prayed. God answered his prayer. Rebekah had twins. Their names were Esau and Jacob.
Esau was born first. He was to get twice as much as Jacob when their father died. This was called a birthright. 
Jacob grew up to be a quiet man. Esau grew up to be a hunter. Isaac loved Esau more than Jacob. Rebekah loved Jacob more. 
One day, Esau came in hungry and tired. It was dinner. Jacob had cooked a pot of soup.
Esau looked at his brother. " Please give me some soup".
" Will you trade your birthright for some soup?" replied Jacob.
" Why not?". Esau frowned. " I am about to die of hunger". He thought for a moment. " If I do die". He thought for a moment. " I won't need my birthright".
Esau promised Jacob his birthright.

research help: ' 365 Bedtime Bible Stories' by Daniel Partner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Margaret Tobin Brown page 21

 Margaret Tobin Brown page 21 by ric gustafson

After the death of Margaret's father and a year living in Ireland, the Browns were back in their house on Pennsylvania Avenue in Leadville. In Denver, Helen Brown attended the Wolcott School for Girls. Lawrence Brown was also busy with school. Harry Reynolds, a young man of 25, was the caretaker for the Browns carriage and horses. Mary Mulligan took care of the Browns home. She did the cooking, washing, ironing and housecleaning. In 1904, Mulligan was replaced by Ella Grable.
JJ came to most of Margaret's evening social engagements. In October 1899, Margaret was chosen to be the general manager of the fall Catholic fair. Starting with a march by 10 year old Helen Brown, the fair was a huge success.
Around Christmas of 1900, Margaret decided to make a big life change. After settling in Helen in a Paris convent and Lawrence into St John's College in Fordham New York. Margaret began taking classes at the Carnegie Institute.

research help: ' Molly Brown unraveling the Myth' by Kristen Iversen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 24: 28-67

 Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 24: 28-67 by ric gustafson

Rebekah showed her parents the gifts Eliezer gave her. Rebekah's brother Laban asked him to eat with them.
" I must tell you why I came here". His voice hesitated. " My master is Abraham".
" He sent you here".
" Yes". He smiled. " I promised to find a wife for his son Isaac".
" Our Rebekah?".
" I prayed that God would show me the right woman".
" God wants this to happen" replied Rebekah's father and brother.
That night, they enjoyed a great feast.
The next morning, Rebekah's father asked her " Will you go with this man?".
Rebekah smiled. " I will go".
Later, Isaac and Rebekah were married in Sarah's tent.

research help: ' 365 Bedtime Bible Stories' by Daniel Partner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, April 26, 2024

Finding Oz page 7

 Finding Oz page 7 by ric gustafson

By her second year at Cornell, Maud Gage was quiet and pretty much a loner. The other girls were busy socially. Especially the ones in Kappa Alpha Theta. Few young men came calling on Maud. She was smart, attractive yet deemed undesireable. 
Maud went back home for Thanksgiving weekend. L Frank Baum decided to go to his sister Hattie's home for Christmas Eve. Josephine Baum came up with a plan to introduce Maud to L Frank. As L Frank traveled on the old Plank Road, an image of a woodchopper came into Baum's head. That image of a tin woodman would appear in the Wizard of Oz. Baum's sister Hattie lived in a fine neighborhood. When he arrived, Baum was welcomed by his sister Hattie. 
Aunt Josephine was prepared and ready to play matchmaker. As Christmas Eve went on, Maud and Baum talked and got to know each other a little bit. Baum was impressed with Maud's beauty and intelligence. Maud found Baum to be handsome and attractive. It wasn't until March of 1882 that Baum was able to see Maud again.

research help: ' Finding Oz' by Evan I Schwartz

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 24: 1-27

 Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 24: 1-27 by ric gustafson

Soon Isaac was old enough to be married. Abraham sent his servant Eliezer back to his homeland. Abraham wanted Isaac to marry someone from his own family. Eliezer took ten camels and gifts. He stopped at the city of Nahor. He was thirsty. There, Eliezer prayed that the right woman would be found for Isaac. 
When Eliezer go to the well, a beautiful young woman was also there. 
Eliezer asked the woman. " Will you give me a drink?".
" Yes". She smiled. " I will water your camels also".
"What is your name?".
" I am Rebekah". Her voice hesitated. " My father is Bethuel".
" Isn't that Abraham's brother?".
" Yes". She grinned. " Come stay at our house".
" I am from Abraham's house". Eliezer gave Rebekah gold earrings and bracelets as gifts.
Eliezer thought to himself. Is this the answer to prayer?. Is this the one for Isaac?.

research help: ' 365 Bedtime Bible Stories' by Daniel Partner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Shoah survivors: Sabine Breier

 Shoah survivors: Sabine Breier by ric gustafson

Sabine Breier has no memory of the first part of her life. When she was only eight months old, She and a sister were put on a Kindertransport to England. Except for pictures, Sabine has no memory of her two older sisters or her parents. 
The second part of her life she does remember. In Britain, she went to school. She was a Brownie. She was adopted by a caring couple. Sabine remembers the Blitz, gas masks and underground shelters. On Sundays they went to church.
A grandaunt in the US petitioned for Sabine to immigrate. She was adopted by half relatives. At the age of 9, Sabine was happy.
Sabine grew up. She got married. Now she has a husband, three children and four grandchildren. Now in the fourth part of her life Sabine is happy and remembers.

research help: ' Invited to Life' by B A Van Sise

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

True Grit page 6

 True Grit page 6 by ric gustafson

I looked at Cogburn. " The government will pay you two dollars for bringing him in". I smiled. " On top of that I will pay you a fifty dollar reward". 
"You have really thought about this".
" I have". I smiled. " I mean business".
Cogburn stared at my sugar sack. " What's in there?".
I took out the pistol.
" A Colt's Dragoon". Cogburn frowned. " What are you doing with that piece?".
" It belonged to my father". I showed him the pistol. " I intend to kill Tom Chaney with it".
" Well baby sister". He looked at me. " That pistol will do the job".
I stared at Cogburn. " Do you know a robber named Lucky Ned Pepper?".
" Do I know him?". He grinned. " I shot him last August". Cogburn smiled. " He was plenty lucky that day".
" I heard Chaney is riding with him".
" Well baby sister, I don't believe you have fifty dollars".
" I will in a day or two".
" If you're hungry, I will give you supper". He smiled. " We can talk it over then".

research help: ' True Grit' by Charles Portis

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 22: 1-19

 Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 22: 1-19 by ric gustafson

One day, God spoke to Abraham. " Take Isaac and go to Mount Moriah".
Abraham loved his son.
" There". God talked in a quiet voice. " Slay Isaac as a gift to me".
Abraham obeyed God. It took three days to travel to the mountain. There Abraham put his son on an altar.
Isaac looked at his father. " Where is the lamb for God's gift?".
Abraham raised a knife to slay his son.
Then God's angel stopped Abraham. " I know you fear God". The angel stared at Abraham. " You'd slay your only son for him". The angel pointed.
Abraham saw a ram stuck in a bush.
Isaac lived.

research help: ' 365 Bedtime Bible Stories' by Daniel Partner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

True Grit page 5

 True Grit page 5 by ric gustafson

I waited outside the courtroom. One of the last ones out was a man about 40 years old. He wore a dusty black suit of clothes. He had a badge on his vest. He held a paper in one hand and a sack of tobacco in the other.
I approached him. " Mr Rooster Cogburn?".
" What is it?".
" I would like to speak to you for a minute".
Cogburn stared at me. " What about?".
" They tell me you are a man with true grit".
" What do you want?". Cogburn squinted at me. " Speak up it's suppertime".
" I am looking for the man who shot and killed my father Frank Ross".
" What is your name girl?".
" My name is Mattie Ross". I stared at Cogburn. " The man I'm looking for his name is Tom Chaney".
Cogburn stared at me. " Chaney?".
" He is over in the Indian Territory". My voice hesitated. " I need somebody to go after him".
Cogburn thought for a moment. " How much?".

research help: ' True Grit' by Charles Portis

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Finding Oz page 6

 Finding Oz page 6 by ric gustafson

There were relatives of L Frank Baum who were concerned about his happiness. Baum's older sister Hattie was concerned. Also concerned about Baum was his aunt and uncle. Adam Clarke Baum and his wife Josephine were very concerned about Baum's lack of a wife. 
Josephine's daughter Josie had a college friend named Maud Gage. Maud's family was one of the most progressive families in the area. Maud had dark eyes and hair. Maud and her parents lived in Fayettville which was a suburb of Syracuse. Maud's father Henry Gage was a dry goods merchant. Maud's mother was Matilda Joslyn Gage. She was a national leader of the Women's Rights Movement.
In Sept of 1880, Maud Gage started college at Cornell University. To save money, Maud was assigned a room mate. Her name was Josie Baum. Josie was from Syracuse. Josie's father was in the oil business. 
On Feb 26 1881, Maud's mother Matilda Joslyn Gage came to Cornell to do a lecture on equality. Matilda married Henry Hill Gage when she was only 18. Maud was born in 1861 when Matilda was 35.

research help: ' Finding Oz' by Evan I Schwartz

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 21: 14-20

 Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 21: 14-20 by ric gustafson

One early morning, Hagar and Ishmael left Abraham's tent. Abraham gave them some bread and a bottle of water. As their trip went on, their water ran out. 
Hagar didn't want her son to die in the desert sun. She broke down and began to cry.
" Don't be afraid Hagar". An angel of God spoke from heaven. " Lift up your son and hold him".
Hagar smiled.
The angel of God spoke again. " He'll have a great family".
Then Hagar spotted a well of water.
Hagar and Ishmael drank.
Ishmael grew up. God was with him.
Ishmael became a hunter in the desert.

research help: ' 365 Bedtime Bible Stories' by Daniel Partner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, April 22, 2024

Finding Oz page 5

 Finding Oz page 5 by ric gustafson

L Frank Baum became interested in the theater. Baum adored his aunt Katherine Gray. She had started a school of Oratory in downtown Syracuse. Baum enjoyed seeing children's faces light up when his simple stories were told. 
Then Baum had an idea how he could tell his simple stories to the masses. With the help of his father and uncle Dr Adam Baum, three theaters were purchased. The first was the Baum Opera House in Richburg New York. Then a second opera house was opened in Gilmore Pennsylvania. The third was the Blake Opera House in Olean New York. They were small theaters but it was a chance for Baum to write his own plays.
In the fall of 1881, Baum had written five scripts. Three of them were registered with the Library of Congress. Under the pen name of Louis F Baum, Baum wrote ' Matches' which was a light romantic comedy. ' Mackrummins' was also a comedy. ' The Maid of Arran' was an Irish melodrama. 
At this time, Baum was very busy managing theaters and writing plays as a profession. Acting and writing was not yet a respectable thing  to do in society. Being an actor or actress did not have a good reputation at this time. Baum knew he was not deemed desireable for marriage.

research help: ' Finding Oz' by Evan I Schwartz

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 21: 1-14

 Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 21: 1-14 by ric gustafson

Abraham moved his camp nearer to the sea. When Abraham was 100, God kept his promise. Sarah gave birth to a boy. They named him Isaac. Abraham also had another son with Sarah's maid. His name was Ishmael. Sarah was mad because Ishmael was treated better than Isaac. Sarah told Abraham to send them away. 
Abraham was sad. He loved Ishmael as much as Isaac. God told Abraham not to worry. He would protect Hagar and Ishmael. He promised Abraham that Ishmael would be the father of a great family. 
The next morning, Hagar and Ishmael left.

research help: ' 365 Bed Time Bible Stories' by Daniel Partner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 19: 1-24

 Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 19: 1-24 by ric gustafson

While God was talking to Abraham, the angels left Mamre. That night, Lot was sitting by Sodom's gate. Then Lot saw the angels approaching. They had come to destroy Sodom. This was because it was a very sinful place. 
Lot was in no hurry to leave. The angels grabbed his hand. The angels rushed him, his wife and daughters out of the city. 
" Run for your life into the hills". The angels stared at Lot. " Don't look back".
God rained fire on Sodom. Smoke covered the valley.
As they ran away, Lot's wife looked back at the city. 
Right away, Lot's wife turned into a pillar of salt.
The family kept running.

research help: ' 365 Bedtime Bible Stories' by Daniel Partner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Finding Oz page 4

 Finding Oz page 4 by ric gustafson

At the age of 15, L Frank Baum received a gift from his father. It was a small novelty printing press. Baum and his brother Harry created a newspaper. It was called ' Rose Lawn Home Journal'. In it, Baum distributed cunning poems and whimsical stories to friends and neighbors for free. Issues were four pages long.
In 1859, Baum's father struck it rich in the oil business. He used some of his oil profits to buy Rose Lawn. In 1873, panic set in. There was a ten day shut down of the New York Stock Exchange. Baum's father almost lost all of his fortune. Baum's father was also getting chronically ill. The doctor said the Panic of 1873 was destroying his health.
Money wise, the Panic of 1873 hit the Baum family hard. The bank tried to auction off Rose Lawn to the highest bidder. Ironically, the highest bidder was L Frank Baum himself. In 1880, Baum paid $3,500 and bought Rose Lawn. 
In 1881, Rose Lawn was sold to George Crouse for $13,864. Baum kept Rose Lawn in his name and still lived there.

research help: ' Finding Oz' by Evan I Schwartz

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Finding Oz page 3

 Finding Oz page 3 by ric gustafson

L Frank Baum was now in his early 20's. He needed a way to make some money. Along with his father, Baum turned the family's chicken coops into a full fledged business. Every day, Baum would tend to the chickens. He was in charge of the production and the sale of the eggs and poultry. Baum's image of chickens and eggs would play out in the first scene of the Wizard of Oz. One day, L Frank Baum knew he had to leave Rose Lawn. He had to find himself.
One day, L Frank Baum walked down Plank Road. He got on a train. Baum's father had enrolled him at the Peekskill Military Academy. The Academy was the original military headquarters of the Continental Army under General George Washington. 
Baum lived in the small dormitory along with fifty other recruits. Baum hated it there. Luckly, he was not there very long. One day, Baum went back home to Syracuse. This image of a child taken away from it's home and put into a place that was unpleasant and terrible. This child simply wanted to go back home. Baum would remember this image for the Wizard of Oz.

research help: ' Finding Oz' by Evan I Schwartz

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, April 19, 2024

Finding Oz page 2

 Finding Oz page 2 by ric gustafson

In 1880, L Frank Baum was 24 and living with his parents. He had no steady occupation. Baum was handsome, tall, slim, thick dark hair and a handlebar moustache. Yet Baum was unmarried and a bachelor. Baum's parents home was on the outskirts of Syracuse New York. The property was called Rose Lawn. Syracuse was in the forests of Central New York. The New England style farmhouse was a three story wood shingled residence. The large farmhouse had six bedrooms each with a brass bed and a walnut washstand.
Baum's father was Benjamin Ward Baum. He was a rail thin man with a bushy beard. He was the proprietor of a factory that made wooden barrels. Baum's mother was Cynthia Stanton Baum. She had nine children but had lost four of them to early childhood diseases. To young L Frank Baum, Rose Lawn was the best place to grow up. Baum had two sisters named Harriet and Mary. He had two brothers named Benjamin Jr and Harry.

research help: ' Finding Oz' by Evan I Schwartz

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Columbine page 13

 Columbine page 13 by ric gustafson

Between 1:00 and 2:30 pm, the chaos quieted down. The gunfire was sporadic. All of the injured students had been transported to local hospitals. 
One of the SWAT teams reached the choir room. There the team found sixty students barricaded inside. A few minutes later, sixty more students were discovered in the science area. At 2:47 pm, all 120 students were led outside.
Around 3:15 pm, one of the SWAT teams reached the library. The team saw dead students everywhere. Only one of the students was still alive. Her name was Lisa Kreutz. She was rushed to Denver Health Medical Center. She survived. Most of the students bodies were found under tables. The students were trying to hide from Eric and Dylan.
Then the SWAT team noticed two of the students were laying out in the open. They had weapons by their sides. To the team, it looked like they had committed suicide. They matched the descriptions of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. It was over.

The End

research help: ' Columbine' by Dave Cullen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 18: 1-15

 Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 18: 1-15 by ric gustafson

Abraham was sitting in the shade. It was a hot day. His tent was by the oaks of Mamre. Just then, Abraham noticed God and two angels standing nearby. They looked like common men. Abraham and Sarah made lunch for them. 
" Where is your wife? God asked. " She is going to have a child soon".
In the tent, Sarah heard what God said. She laughed.
God asked. " Why does she laugh?".
Sarah shook her head. " I am much too old to have children".
God smiled at Sarah. " Nothing is too difficult for me".
God already knew she would have a child.

research help: ' 365 Bedtime Bible Stories' by Daniel Partner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Columbine page 12

 Columbine page 12 by ric gustafson

Before 12 noon, an investigative team had been assembled. It was led by Kate Battan. She quickly found out from students who the two gunmen were. At 1:15 pm, detectives arrived at the Harris household. Eric's parents were home. They were uncooperative. The parents of Dylan were more communicative.
The first FBI agent to get to Columbine High School was Special Agent Dwayne Fuselier. His son was a student at the school. He drove from the Federal Building in Denver to the school. When Fuselier arrived, he set up a negotiation team.
TV reporters were already curious. " Where they loners?". " Where they outcasts?". Eric and Dylan were becoming linked to a strange group called the Trench Coat Mafia. The group was being described as Goths, gays, outcasts and a street gang. With each passing hour, the story of the Trench Coat Mafia grew.

research help: ' Columbine' by Dave Cullen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Finding Oz page 1

 Finding Oz page 1 by ric gustafson

Images always enter author L Frank Baum's mind. A gray Kansas prairie. A lively girl with a brave little dog. A terrifying twister. A mystical land ruled by good and wicked witches. A township of little people. A road of yellow bricks. A scarecrow, a tin man and a cowardly lion. A city of emeralds controlled by a mysterious wizard. Baum told his publisher that the story seemed to write itself.
L Frank Baum was 44 when his book hit stores in 1900. Before Baum became an author he was an actor, chicken breeder, owned a variety store and was a newspaper publisher.
Baum was tall, handsome and had a deep voice. Baum's wife Maud was busy raising the family's four growing boys. Maud's mother Matilda Joslyn Gage also stayed with them.
Baum was always asked how he discovered Oz. He said one day he was telling a story to his sons and some of the neighbor children. Baum told a story about a whimsical land. A neighbor girl asked about the name of the land. Baum glanced around the room. He noticed a filing cabinet. One of the drawers read O-Z. Baum smiled and said the whimsical land was called Oz.

research help: ' Finding Oz' by Evan I Schwartz

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Bible Bedtime Stories: Genesis 15: 1-18

 Bible Bedtime Stories: Genesis 15: 1-18 by ric gustafson

One night, God spoke to Abraham again.
" Don't be afraid Abraham". God spoke quietly. " I will keep you safe".
Abraham listened.
" I will give you a great reward".
" But Lord" replied Abraham. " I am old".
" Look up". Abraham looked up. " Try to count the stars".
" I'm trying".
" You will have more children than there are stars".
Abraham believed God.
" This land Canaan will be theirs".

research help: ' 365 Bedtime Bible Stories' by Daniel Partner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Shoah survivors: Morris Price

 Shoah survivors: Morris Price by ric gustafson

Morris Price is a watch repairman. On his arm is a tattooed number. On his wrist is a watch. It runs slow. After the war, he fled to Louisiana, Nashville and eventually Portsmouth Ohio. It was there he found out he could repair watches. Eventually, he came to Los Angeles.
A watch needs a pallet fork and a balance wheel to work. Morris worked with the black market at the end of the war. Morris keeps time moving. His watch is still slow.

research help: ' Invited to Life' by B A Van Sise

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Columbine page 11

 Columbine page 11 by ric gustafson

At 12:06 pm, a SWAT team arrived at Columbine High School. The SWAT truck slowly moved toward the school. At the entrance, 12 men led by Lieutenant Terry Manwaring quietly ran inside. As the team slowly checked each room, Manwaring was hoping they were getting closer to the cafeteria. Then Manwaring realized the team was on the opposite side of the building. He had forgotten that when Columbine was remodeled, the cafeteria was moved.
On the west side of the school, Eric Harris was shooting at paramedics as they tried to help wounded students. At 1:15 pm, another SWAT team ran into the school from the senior lot. The unit smashed a window in the teacher's lounge and ran in.
The unit entered the cafeteria. They encountered a room 3 to 4 inches in water due to the sprinkler system. The unit discovered dozens of terrified students and staff. They were quietly led outside to safety.

research help: ' Columbine' by Dave Cullen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Columbine page 10

 Columbine page 10 by ric gustafson

While Deputy Gardner was shooting at Eric Harris, a motorcycle cop arrived. His name was Deputy Paul Smoker. Both officers fired at Harris who was now standing at the west exit doorway. As more deputies arrived, students tried to hide behind their squad cars. Students began to tell the officers about the two gunmen in black trench coats. Officers began to set up a perimeter. For a time, officers did not engage Harris or Klebold. The officer's focus now was helping the students get to safety.
Students now pouring out of the school or returning from lunch mostly headed for a nearby subdivision named Leawood. Soon, Leawood Elementary was crowded with students and parents. The roads had been closed so students were on foot.
At the elementary school, parents and students were trying to find each other. Reunions were tearful. 
Sheriff John Stone defended the perimeter. He set up a command post in nearby Clement Park. This park was only a half mile north of the High School.
At 12:06 pm, the first SWAT team arrived.

research help: ' Columbine' by Dave Cullen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Columbine page 9

 Columbine page 9 by ric gustafson

The first officer to be alerted was Deputy Gardner. A custodian radioed the officer. Then a 911 call came through that a girl had been shot in the senior parking lot. When Gardner reached the ' commons', he noticed kids running and smoke rising. On his radio, Gardner heard dispatchers, gunshots and explosions. Art teacher Patti Nielsen and a student named Brian reached the exit. Nielsen saw Eric Harris shooting into the senior parking lot. Eric saw the two and fired. Some glass doors shattered. Both Nielsen and the student were wounded by shrapnel. Nielsen stood up and ran into the library. Inside, she hid behind the library counter. She called 911.
Coach Dave Sanders saw Nielsen run into the library. He noticed a student peeking out of the choir room. " Get down".
It took 28 minutes for the story to hit local television. The networks followed. Coverage began with confused reports about a shooting, multiple shots and possible explosions. The High School quickly became mayhem. Choppers, police, firefighters, parents and journalists converged on the school. Nobody was going inside.
911 operators were overwhelmed. Hundreds of students were still inside the building. Some witnesses thought there may of been several shooters instead of 2. Witnesses saw boys, all white all Columbine students. Witnesses saw shooting in the parking lot, in the cafeteria and upstairs while roaming the halls. Witnesses saw Harris and Klebold wearing T shirts, long black trench coats, hats and ski masks. Witnesses saw a possible shooter on the roof. It turned out to be a scared air conditioner repairman.

research help: ' Columbine' by Dave Cullen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Shoah survivors: Helena Weinrauch

 Shoah survivors: Helena Weinrauch by ric gustafson

It was the morning of April 15 1945. The tired British soldiers came upon a prison camp. There they directly came upon the horrors of Nazi Germany. Tired from six years of conflict, the soldiers came upon thirteen thousand decomposing bodies on the ground. The soldiers began the long process of putting the corpses into a truck. When they came upon one female corpse, they were shocked. She was still alive. She was 19 years old, weighed 60 pounds and still alive. Her name was Helena Weinstock.
Now Helena Weinrauch is 93 years old. She loves in Manhattan close to Broadway. She still loves to dance. Sixteen members of her family died in the war on the same day. At age 87, she discovered dancing. 
Helena Weinstock who almost died at Bergen-Belsen is still dancing and remembering.

research help: ' Invited to Life' by B A Van Sise

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Margaret Tobin Brown page 20

 Margaret Tobin Brown page 20 by ric gustafson

In 1893, mines closed, businesses shut their doors, banks collapsed. People lost their jobs. Denver was hard hit. In 1893, there was no federal bank insurance. Leadville did bounce back in 1895. An ice palace was built. In March of 1895, the Browns and their children took a trip to England, Ireland, Scotland and Italy. 
Margaret became a member of the Denver Woman's Club. The group established a traveling library and an art exhibit for schools. The group started community vegetable gardens and public health clinics.
Margaret organized entertainment at the Working Girls Home and the YWCA. Margaret helped with the River Front Park project. The Denver Woman's Club helped change child labor laws. With Margaret's help, the DWC established traveling libraries across the country. 
JJ and Margaret became members of the Denver Country Club. Helen and Lawrence attended a Catholic school in Denver.
For the Browns, life was good.

research help: ' Molly Brown unraveling the myth' by Kristen Iversen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 12:1-13:18

 Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 12:1-13:18 by ric gustafson

In a city called Ur lived a man named Abraham. One day, God spoke to him. " Leave this place".
Abraham listened.
" Go to the land I will show you". Then God made a promise to him. " I will make your family a great people".
Abraham listened.
" I will bless you and make your name great".
Abraham left Ur with his family. They traveled to a land called Canaan. They camped by a big oak tree.
" I will give this land to all your children". 
Abraham built an altar and worshiped God.
Traveling with Abraham was his nephew Lot. He asked Lot where he wanted to live. Lot chose a place near the Jordan River called Sodom. Lot thought it looked like the garden of God.
Abraham chose to stay in the land God had promised him. This was Canaan.

research help: ' 365 Bedtime Bible Stories' by Daniel Partner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, April 15, 2024

True Grit page 4

 True Grit page 4 by ric gustafson

Yarnell and I went to see the Undertaker. He was an Irishman. He took Yarnell and I to a room in the back. I looked at the coffin he had placed Papa in. The body was wrapped in a white shroud.
He held a candle to his face. " Is this he?".
I frowned. " That is my Papa".
He put a lid on the casket.
We went to the Coroner's office. I signed some papers. It cost over $60 dollars for the coffin and the embalming. I paid him and got a receipt. 
I found the sheriff. He told me Tom Chaney was now in the Indian Nation. " Can you go after him?".
" We have no authority in the Indian Nation". He frowned at Mattie. " That is the business of the U.S. Marshals".
" I will inform them myself about Chaney". Mattie looked at the sheriff. " Who is the best marshal they have?".
" As far as the meanest". He smiled. " It's Rooster Cogburn".

research help: ' True Grit' by Charles Portis

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Bible Bedtime Stories: Genesis 8:20-9:17

Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 8:20-9:17 by ric gustafson

Every living thing on earth had been killed. The flood was over. Only the people on the ark and the animals came through alive. Noah knew what he had to do first. He built an altar. He gave gifts to God. In this way, Noah thanked God for saving his family.
God made a promise. " Never again will a flood destroy all life".
Noah listened intently to God.
" The earth is yours Noah". Noah listened. " Rule it well".
God made a promise to Noah. 
" Every time you see a rainbow in the rain clouds". God softly spoke. " I will remember my promise to Noah".

research help: ' 365 Bedtime Bible Stories" by Daniel Partner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Shoah survivors: Elsie Ragusin

 Shoah survivors: Elsie Ragusin by ric gustafson

Elsie Ragusin is a New Yorker and a Holocaust survivor. She was visiting her grandfather in Italy. She was arrested by the Gestapo and accused of being a spy. Her family was Catholic and accused of being Jewish. Her father was sent to Buchenwald. Elsie was sent to Auschwitz. Elsie survived. Her father did not.
After the war, Elsie went to Sweden. She met a man who did not stick around. She had a son who did stick around. She worked as a bank teller. At night, she began to sing opera with an opera company. In opera, she can become a character in a story. Elsie Ragusin could have another life.

research help: ' Invited to Life' by B A Van Sise

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 7:6-8:19

 Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 7:6-8:19 by ric gustafson

When the rain began to fall, Noah was 600 years old. Rain fell for forty days and forty nights. It rained so much it felt as if windows in the sky were opened. But in the ark, the window was closed. Noah could not see out. Noah and his family were safe. 
One day, Noah sent out a dove. The dove came back with an olive leaf. Then Noah knew the earth was finally drying out. 
One day, God spoke to Noah. " Bring your family and all the animals out".
Noah came out finally from the ark. He had lived in it for over a year.

research help: ' 365 Bedtime Bible Stories' by Daniel Partner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Shoah survivors: Sami Steigmann

 Shoah survivors: Sami Steigmann by ric gustafson

It's too painful for Sami Steigmann to remember the medical experiments. He lives them and feels them every day. Sixteen years after the war ended, Sami's family left Romania for Israel. Sami joined the Israeli Air Force. Seven years later, Sami ended up in Milwaukee. 
These days, Sami is a Captain in the Civil Air Patrol. He is a popular motivational speaker. Sami remembers the labor camp and the medical experiments. 
Sami is motivated.

research help: ' Invited to Life' by B A Van Sise

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 6:1- 7:5

 Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 6:1- 7:5 by ric gustafson

After Cain killed Abel, the land became filled with wicked people. God looked at the world he had made. 
" I am sorry I made these people".
But God did see one good man. His name was Noah. God said to himself. " I'm going to wipe out the people I made".
God said to Noah. " You and your family will be saved".
Noah listened to God as he talked about an ark that he was to build.
This ark was to be huge. It was to be as large as a three story building.
God had more to tell Noah. " I want you to bring two of every kind of animal into this ark".
Noah listened carefully to God.
" Rain will fall for 40 days". God's voice continued. " Everything I created will be wiped off the earth".
Noah did everything God told him to do.

research help: ' 365 Bedtime Bible Stories' by Daniel Partner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, April 12, 2024

Shoah survivors: Tova Friedman

Shoah survivors: Tova Friedman by ric gustafson

To Tova Friedman, January 7 is her birthday. She was liberated from Auschwitz on January 7 1945. Tova is charismatic and funny. She even took a comedy class. She was honing herself for the public stage.
On January 5 1945, Tova and her mother hid in a pile of bodies. On January 7 1945, they were liberated. 
At age 12, Tova came to the United States. Her first year in America was spent catching up with school. She learned English. She met a boy in Hebrew school class. She spent 50 years with him. 
Eventually, Tova moved to New Jersey. She earned a degree in psychology. A working psychologist became her profession. 
Her work heals her. Tova hopes her work heals others.
Tova believes her attitude to life is to find meaning.

research help: ' Invited to Life' by B A Van Sise

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 3: 23- 4:16

 Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 3: 23- 4:16 by ric gustafson

Adam and Eve were banished from the garden. A flaming sword guarded the path to the Tree of Life. Eve gave birth to a boy. His name was Cain. Then Eve had a second boy. His name was Abel. 
Cain became a farmer. Abel was a shepherd. One day, Cain brought fruit to give to God. Abel also gave a gift to God. It was a lamb. God was happy with Abel's gift. God refused Cain's gift.
Cain became angry. One day, Cain killed Abel while he was walking in a field. God asked Cain. " Where is your brother?". 
" I don't know" Cain replied. " Should I care for my brother?".
" What have you done?" God replied. " Abel's blood is crying to me from the ground".
Cain looked at God. 
" You murdered Abel". God got angry. " You will always live under a curse".
Cain went away from God. He ended up in the land of Nod east of Eden.

research help: ' 365 Bedtime Bible Stories' by Daniel Partner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, April 11, 2024

True Grit page 3

 True Grit page 3 by ric gustafson

I rode the train to Fort Smith to see about Papa's body. A family friend named Yarnell Poindexter came with me. I had 100 dollars expense money and a signed letter. The letter had Lawyer Daggett's name on it. The train was full. There was to be a triple hanging at the Federal Court House. 
Fort Smith Arkansas was near Indian Territory. It did have a big wide street named Garrison Avenue. I was told at the Sherriff's Office that I had to talk to the High Sherriff about Papa's death. The Sherriff had gone to the hanging. The Undertaker was not open. He also had gone to the hanging.
Yarnell and I decided to go the hanging like everyone else. Two white men and an Indian in black hoods were at their nooses. Yarnell put a hand over my face. I pushed it away. I wanted to see it.
After it was over, Yarnell and I went to the Undertaker to see Papa.

research help: ' True Grit' by Charles Portis

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 3: 8-24

 Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 3: 8-24 by ric gustafson

God was walking in the cool garden breeze. He could not see Adam and Eve. They were hiding among the trees. 
God called to them. " Where are you?".
" I heard you I was afraid". Adam replied. " So I hid from you".
" Did you eat from the tree I warned you about?".
" The woman gave me the fruit". Adam replied. " I ate it".
God looked at Eve. " What have you done?".
" The serpent tricked me". Eve replied. " And I ate".
" You have done this". God turned to the serpent. " You will always crawl on your belly".
" You will have children". God looked at Eve. " You will be in pain when you do".
" Adam". God looked at the man. " You listened to her and ate from the tree".
Adam looked at God.
" I made you out of dust". He looked at Adam. " You will turn back into dust".
God sent them out of the garden.

research help: ' 365 Bedtime Bible Stories' by Daniel Partner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Shoah survivors: Lyubov Abramovich

 Shoah survivors: Lyubov Abramovich by ric gustafson

One day, Lyubov Abramovich came home to find her husband, her parents and her child gone. At first, she did not want to live any longer. Then her thoughts turned to revenge. She retreated to the forest. She found the partisans. She became an expert with explosives and train bombings. They bombed train tracks. They bombed trains. They targeted troop transports. 
After the war, she moved to Minsk. She married again and studied stenography. They took everything from her. She got her revenge.

research help: ' Invited to Life' by B A Van Sise

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Margaret Tobin Brown page 19

 Margaret Tobin Brown page 19 by ric gustafson

In 1893, Ibex Mining Company appointed JJ Brown superintendent of all their properties. Ibex Mining Company was getting so successful they gave JJ Brown 12,500 shares of stock. They also gave JJ a seat on the board. At this point, JJ and Margaret had been married for seven years and had two growing children. In April 1894, JJ and Margaret bought a house in Denver.
During the 1890's, Denver became known as the Queen City of the Plains. Architect William Lang helped with the town's growing image. The Brown's new residence was 1340 Pennsylvania Avenue. It was a Queen Anne style house. It had central heating, indoor plumbing and a telephone. 
From 1894 to 1909, the Browns were prominent in Denver social and business circles. Margaret became friends with Mrs Crawford Hill. She was the Queen of Denver society. JJ established his mine management business. He hired two nephews to run the business. In 1895, the Browns purchased 200 acres nine miles from Denver. Lawrence and Helen loved growing up on that farm.

research help: ' Molly Brown unraveling the myth' by Kristen Iversen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 2: 20-3:7

 Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 2: 20-3:7 by ric gustafson

When Adam was asleep, God took a rib out of him. God made a woman with that rib. God brought her to Adam. Adam named the woman Eve. They lived in peace in their beautiful garden. They cared for it. God walked with them there.
Two special trees grew in Eden. One was named the Tree of Life. God warned them about the other tree. It was called the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. God warned Adam and Eve that if they ate from that tree they would die.
There lived a serpent in the garden. The serpent said to Eve " did God say you should not eat from the Tree of Knowledge?". Eve replied " he said if we do we will die". " That is not true". The serpent lied. " Eat it and you will be like God". 
Eve believed the serpent. She ate the tree's fruit. She gave some to Adam. He ate it. They knew what they had just done was wrong. Now they were afraid to meet God.

research help: ' 365 Bedtime Bible Stories' by Daniel Partner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

True Grit page 2

 True Grit page 2 by ric gustafson

One day, Papa and Tom Chaney left for Fort Smith. Papa was on a big chestnut mare. Tom Chaney was on a gray horse. Papa carried a long dragoon pistol. Chaney had a rifle across his back.
When Papa and Chaney arrived in Fort Smith, they took a room at the Monarch boardinghouse. Then they looked over the ponies Stonehill had. Papa bought 4 geldings for $100. They made plans to leave the next morning. 
That night, Chaney lost all of his money in a card game. He got angry. He thought he had been cheated. He went and got his rifle. He told Papa he was going to get even. Papa tried to stop him. Chaney shot Papa in the forehead. Papa died instantly. Chaney took Papa's purse and two gold pieces. He also took Papa's horse.

research help: ' True Grit' by Charles Portis

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Shoah survivors: Saul Dreier

 Shoah survivors: Saul Dreier by ric gustafson

As a young man, Saul Dreier was a prisoner at Plaszow concentration camp. He was a worker in Oskar Schindler's factory. One day, he picked up two spoons and began to drum with them on tables and chairs. After liberation, he lived at a displaced persons camp in Italy. He was physically and emotionally damaged from the war. He liked Italy from the food, the people and the language. 
In the DP camp hall was a piano and a set of drums. He began to play the drums.
When he came to the US he married a gal named Clara. 50 years later, Saul began to play the drums again. He formed a band with another survivor Ruby Sosnowicz. They called themselves the Holocaust Survivor Band. Saul is 96 now and still playing the drums.

research help: ' Invited to Life' by B A Van Sise

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, April 8, 2024

Margaret Tobin Brown page 18

 Margaret Tobin Brown page 18 by ric gustafson

Two years after the birth of Margaret's first son, a second child was born on July 1 1889. They named their daughter Catherine Ellen. Her nickname became Helen after Margaret's sister.
In Leadville, Margaret became involved with different charitable causes. Margaret had a strong social conscience. She had compassion and conviction. Margaret helped miners and their families by organizing relief soup kitchens. 
Margaret became friends with Peter McCourt. McCourt was the manager of the Broadway Theater in Denver. On December 13 1902, Margaret hosted a large dinner party for Peter and his wife. Margaret also made connections with the Denver Woman's Party.
Margaret's husband JJ Brown became a minor stockholder in the Ibex Mining Company. Margaret was proud of her husband. The local paper described JJ Brown as one of the best mine superintendents in the district.

research help: ' Molly Brown unraveling the myth' by Kristen Iversen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

True Grit page 1

 True Grit page 1 by ric gustafson

At the age of 14, Papa was shot down in Fort Smith Arkansas. The man who killed Papa took his horse, $150 dollars in cash and two California gold pieces.
My family had 480 acres of good bottom land on the south bank of the Arkansas River. This was in Yell County Arkansas. The man who killed Papa was a tenant named Tom Chaney. This Chaney showed up one day. Papa took pity on him. He gave him a job and a place to live. This Chaney was a short man with cruel features. 
In November, Papa decided to go to Fort Smith and buy some ponies. In Fort Smith, a stock trader named Colonel Stonehill had bought some cow ponies from Texas. Stonehill did not want to feed them over the winter. Papa was going to go to Fort Smith alone. Tom Chaney convinced Papa to let him go with him.

research help: ' True Grit' by Charles Portis

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Shoah survivors: Ernest Weiss

 Shoah survivors: Ernest Weiss by ric gustafson

In 1948, Ernest Weiss arrived in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. Pittsburgh was picked because he was assigned a family and a social worker. He did not know English or have a trade. He was angry. He got a job at a haberdashery shop. He went to night school to learn English. 
Pittsburgh was a long way from Czechoslovakia. Eventually, someone told Ernest it does not snow in Los Angeles. He got a job as a haberdasher. Now, he spends a lot of time dancing with his wife.
Now, he cannot see but Ernest can still dance. 

research help: ' Invited To Life' by B A Van Sise

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 2: 8-24

 Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 2: 8-24 by ric gustafson

The man that was created by God was named Adam. God planted a garden in Eden. This was to be Adam's home. The garden was big. Four rivers ran through it. There trees and beautiful plants grew. God instructed Adam to take care of the garden.
Then God created the animals and birds out of the dust. God brought them to Adam. Adam named them all. Adam was alone. God said " this is not good". He thought for a moment. " I will make someone to be with Adam and help him".
So God made Eve.

research help: ' 365 Bedtime Bible Stories' by Daniel Partner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, April 5, 2024

Shoah survivors: Werner Reich

 Shoah survivors: Werner Reich by ric gustafson

A lot of people ask Werner Reich about Auschwitz. He tells them it was lousy. Werner is a magician. He's been one for a long time. He learned his first trick when he was in the death camp. It was a trick of sleight of hand. 
Survival is not simple. He was freed from Mauthausen 75 years ago. He was a teenager with no education and no skills. He began a new life in England. First as a manual laborer. He studied at night. He learned English. He went to high school and then college. A family came. Now three generations of people are alive because he survived. A career as an engineer in the US came.
Werner Reich is still a magician.

research help: ' Invited to Life' by B A Van Sise

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 1: 20-2:3

Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 1: 20-2:3 by ric gustafson

God spoke again on the fifth day. " I want the seas to be filled with living things I want birds to fly in the sky". God blessed them. Then God said " let the animals live on the earth ". He created big animals and little things that creep on the ground. God smiled. It was good.
Lastly, God said that he was going to make human beings. Unlike animals, human beings will stand up tall and have a soul. God said that they will rule the earth and care for it. So God took some dust and formed man. God breathed the breath of life into the man. Man became alive. God saw that everything he had done was good. This ended the sixth day.
God rested on the seventh day. He blessed the day and made it holy.

research help: ' 365 Bedtime Bible Stories' by Daniel Partner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, April 4, 2024

God the Father: discipleship

 God the Father: discipleship by ric gustafson

Discipleship is a process of maturing spiritually. As we become an imitator of God, we become disciples of Jesus. We want to stay connected to God. 2 Peter 1 points us toward that path of discipleship. We have everything we need for a godly life. God's power has given us everything. Jesus lives in us. We have a new spiritual DNA. We have a new spiritual genetic makeup. We can be an imitator of God. Jesus is a life giving spirit. 
How do we become a disciple?. First, we awaken to who we are and whose we are. God is our perfect heavenly Father. We are his beloved children. We are born of God. We believe in God the Father. We have received Jesus. We believe in Jesus's name. We accept that we are Jesus's and God the Father. We have a new identity. We need to adopt the behavior and character of God. We want to study Jesus and walk in him daily. Our spiritual journey is a daily walk with Jesus. 
God the Father loves us more than anything else.

The End

research help: ' Perfect Father' by Louie Giglio

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God the Father: God the Provider

 God the Father: God the Provider by ric gustafson

In Matthew 7, Jesus tells the people to ask and it will be given to you seek and you will find knock and the door will be opened to you. Matthew 7 also says how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him. God will provide what is best for us. God also gives us things for our enjoyment. God is a flawless Father. God doesn't sin. God does not make mistakes. In Matthew 6, God says not to worry about your life. God knows your name. God is always present. The truth is God loves you and me more than anything else.

research help: ' Perfect Father' by Louie Giglio

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 1:1-19

 Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 1: 1-19 by ric gustafson

How old is the earth?. God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was empty. The earth was dark. The earth was covered by water. Nothing lived on the earth.
Then God said " let there be light". And there was light. God saw that the light was good. God called the light Day and the darkness Night. This was on the first day. On the second day, God spoke and made the sky. 
On the third day, God made dry land. God named the land Earth and the waters Sea. Then God made the green plants. God said it was good.
On the fourth day, God created the sun, moon and the stars. God put the sun in the day. God put the moon and the stars into the night. God said it was good.

research help: ' 365 Bedtime Bible Stories' by Daniel Partner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God the Father: God is love

 God the Father: God is love by ric gustafson

God's Word says that God is love. When God acts, it is because he loves us. We need love. We need to hear that. We need to hear that often. John 3:16 says for God so loved the world. God sent his Son to die on a cross because he loved us so much. God loves us so much he gave us the ultimate gift. Because of the cross, God loves us. We don't earn it. We don't deserve it. But that has not stopped God from loving us more than anything else.

research help: ' Perfect Father' by Louie Giglio

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

God the Father: beloved

God the Father: beloved by ric gustafson

In God, we are beloved not forgotten. We are beloved sons and daughters. We belong to the God of the universe. Nothing can stop the plans and purpose for our life. We will have new power from the Holy Spirit. Our eyes will be opened. We will have mind blowing blessings. The old us was bruised and ignored. But now there is a new us. 
Our new story starts with forgiveness. Luke 23 talks about forgiveness from the cross. Our eternity starts with us opening the door for God. Our past is in bitterness. Our future in God is forgiveness. Satan tries to keep us from forgiving. That way we are in control. God does not want us to do that.
Romans 12 says bless those who persecute you bless and do not curse.
God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Perfect Father' by Louie Giglio

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

God the Father: born again

 God the Father: born again by ric gustafson

What does it mean to be born again?. Jesus taught this himself. A religious leader asked Jesus how he can make his way into the kingdom of God. Jesus told him he must be born again. This is not about a physical birth. Jesus says this a spiritual birth. Sin makes us spiritually dead. Jesus came to give us spiritual life. We need to be born of the Spirit. We cannot join God's family by being good enough or trying our best. 
God sent his Son to redeem us from a broken earth. God wants us to be his children. Fully adopted. Fully new. Fully alive. Full sons and daughters. You must receive the free gift. We must admit that we have fallen short. We need to accept forgiveness that God offers. The Spirit of God enters our heart. Now we are Jesus's. God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Perfect Father' by Louie Giglio

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, April 1, 2024

God the Father: the cross of Jesus

 God the Father: the cross of Jesus by ric gustafson

God wants us to return to the cross of Jesus again and again. The cross is the reason for our existence. The cross is where we can claim God's forgiveness. We must look at the cross through the Holy Spirit. The cross is my cross. Instead of Jesus, I should of been on that cross. Jesus was on that cross for my sins, my guilt and my wrongs. Jesus took all of my punishment.
God wants the cross to shake us up. God wants us to be changed by the cross. We cannot breeze past the cross. Because of the cross, we are forgiven. We are sons and daughters of a perfect Father. 
Because of the cross, God loves us. Because of the cross, God understands our pain. Because of the cross, God can bring good from bad. 
God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Perfect Father' by Louie Giglio

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric