Saturday, December 31, 2022

Beatitudes: those who hunger and thirst for righteousness

 Beatitudes: those who hunger and thirst for righteousness by ric gustafson

There are those who don't care about their lives. Then there are those who spend years struggling confession and failure. These people struggle with past sins, failures and addictions. These people don't want to live like that. They pray to God to help them break strongholds in their life. 
People who hunger and thirst for righteousness only have a promise. The promise is that God will be with them. He will not leave their side. He will shower them with blessings. God sees our future. God will not abandon us. He will always be there with us. He will shower us with his many blessings.
Praise God's name.

research help: ' Seven' by Jeff Cook

Happy New Year. Love Ric

Priscilla and Aquila page 11

 Priscilla and Aquila page 11 by ric gustafson

Priscilla and Aquila watched as members of their synagogue fixed up rooms of their new house. When they were finished, every room sparkled. Both smiled that final afternoon. After everyone had left, they embraced.
Priscilla smiled. " This new house is beautiful".
Aquila looked around. " This is God's house".
Priscilla smiled again. " It is his to use as he wishes".
Aquila looked at his wife. " We are merely stewards of it".
" What are you thinking about?".
Aquila grinned. " Let's use this house to host God's church".
Priscilla frowned. " Even if we encounter resistance or dissent".
" If we can help make disciples for Yeshua". He smiled at his wife. " It will be worth the price".

research help: ' Daughter of Rome' by Tessa Afshar

Happy New Year. Love Ric 

Friday, December 30, 2022

Priscilla and Aquila page 10


Priscilla and Aquila page 10 by ric gustafson

Aquila smiled at Volero. " I have come to ask your sister to marry me".
Volero gave him an evil stare. " Who are you to ask that?".
" Aquila".
He turned to see the one he loved. He got down on one knee
" Priscilla, I have been a fool". He smiled. " Please be my wife".
Volero snarled. " I will not have you as a brother in law".
Priscilla grinned. " I will have Aquila for a husband".
Volero pointed toward the door. " Go and never return".
" Come Priscilla". He took her hand. " We don't need anything from him".
They walked out onto the Via Appia.
" Lollia and I have no place to live".
" We can stay with Rufus". He smiled. " We will be married soon".

research help: ' Daughter of Rome' by Tessa Afshar

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Priscilla and Aquila page 9

Priscilla and Aquila page 9 by ric gustafson

Aquila found Priscilla at the same stone bench. She was crying. He sat down.
" Priscilla, why won't you marry me?".
She wiped tears from her eyes. " You deserve a better wife".
Aquila smiled. " I want you for a wife".
" You deserve a pure woman".
" Pure?".
" I was with someone at 16".
" The Lord forgives".
" I was also with child".
Aquila cried. " God, help me".
" It's ok". She stood up. " God took the babe away from me anyway".
Aquila stood up. " I need to leave". He left.
Priscilla began to cry again.

research help: ' Daughter of Rome' by Tessa Afshar

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Priscilla and Aquila page 8

 Priscilla and Aquila page 8 by ric gustafson

Priscilla walked into the courtyard. Aquila was sitting on a stone bench.
" You asked for me Aquila".
" Please sit". He pointed next to him. " I want to ask you something in private".
She gave him a quizzical stare. " What is it Aquila?".
" I wish to speak of us". He took her hand. Her fingers were trembling.
" What is it Aquila?".
" Priscilla". His voice hesitated. " I wish to marry you".
She stared at him.
" Will you be my wife?".
Priscilla gasped. " I cannot marry you".
" Why, because I am a Jew".
" No". She stood up to leave. " That is not the reason".
" Then what is the reason?".
She began to walk away. " Please don't ask me anymore".

research help: ' Daughter of Rome' by Tessa Afshar

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

at the feet of Jesus: Luke 10

 at the feet of Jesus: Luke 10 by ric gustafson

Two sisters loved Jesus. One day, Jesus came to visit. He embraced them. Martha was a whirlwind of busyness preparing a meal. Mary on the other hand, dropped everything and took a seat at Jesus's feet. At one point, Martha came out frustrated at her sister for not helping her. Jesus calmly tells Martha that her sister had chosen the good part and should not be taken away from her.
We can choose to sit at Jesus's feet or not. I pray that we make the right decision.
Praise Jesus's name.

research help: ' The Divine Mentor' by Wayne Cordeiro

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Priscilla and Aquila page 7

 Priscilla and Aquila page 7 by ric gustafson

Aquila and Priscilla watched as Benyamin slept. Thanks to the beef broth and plenty of sleep, Aquila's uncle was getting better. 
At one point, Priscilla looked at Aquila. " Tell me about Pontus".
" Pontus is an ancient land near the shore of a sea".
" What did your father do?".
" Mostly raised sheep and had cherry orchards".
Priscilla smiled. " When did you become a follower of Yeshua?".
" When I was young". His voice hesitated. " My father took no notice until one day".
" What happened?".
" My faith became a public embarrassment". Tears began to form in Aquila's eyes. " Father demanded that I deny Yeshua".
Priscilla grinned. " Which you would never do?".
" No".

research help: ' Daughter of Rome' by Tessa Afshar

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Priscilla and Aquila page 6

 Priscilla and Aquila page 6 by ric gustafson

Aquila missed holding Priscilla's hand. It felt calloused as if roughened by labor. When he and Benyamin arrived at the synagogue for the next Sabbath, Priscilla was there.
As they were leaving the service, Benyamin's gait became unsteady. He was pale. His skin was sweaty.
Aquila knew something was wrong. He looked at Priscilla. " Can you help me get Benyamin home?".
" Yes Aquila". She smiled. " I will help you".
Later, a physician examined Aquila's uncle.
" Your uncle has a fever". He put his instruments into a bag. " It has been spreading through Rome".
Priscilla looked at the physician. " So what do we need to do?".
" He needs herbs, light food and complete rest".
Priscilla nodded. " I will stay and help you take care of him".
Aquila grinned. " Thank you".

research help: ' Daughter of Rome' by Tessa Afshar

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

biblical questions: should we blame God?

 biblical questions: should we blame God? by ric gustafson

God loves all nations. God loves everyone. Yet despite all that God does for people, they blame him for earthquakes, plagues and all evil that happens around the world. People show bitterness to God in small and big ways. Despite what we do to God he still loves us and shows kindness to us daily.
Should we blame God?. The answer is no. Instead we should be grateful for all that he has done is doing and will do for us. We should love him daily just as much.
Praise God's name.

research help: ' 365 essential questions from the Bible' by Barbour Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Beatitudes: those who mourn

 Beatitudes: those who mourn by ric gustafson

It is not good to mourn in private. We need to be with others, We need to mourn with others. We need to mourn as a community. When we can see what others have gone through, healing can start. God does not want us to bury our pain. Comfort comes from drawing close to other human beings. Sometimes our sin separates us. We are ashamed. God says bring your pain to me. He will always be with us. God promises that. Praise God's name.

research help: ' Seven' by Jeff Cook

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Priscilla and Aquila page 5

 Priscilla and Aquila page 5 by ric gustafson

Aquila walked Priscilla and Lollia home.
Priscilla looked at Aquila. " I have a question for you?".
He smiled at her. " What question?".
" Why does the synagogue never speak of Yeshua?".
" My people long for a promised Messiah".
" A king who will free you from your enemies".
" Yes, God promised us a Savior".
Priscilla looked at Aquila. " Yeshua was a spiritual king".
" There is a reason his name is not spoken at the synagogue".
" What reason is that?".
" We hope to avoid conflict". Aquila took Priscilla's hand into his.
Priscilla smiled. She felt warm and protected.

research help: ' Daughter of Rome' by Tessa Afshar

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, December 26, 2022

Beatitudes: the Poor in Spirit

 Beatitudes: the Poor in Spirit by ric gustafson

When you are poor in spirit, you are telling others that your life is unmanageable. Tears, regrets and inadequacies cover the table. We are confessing that we are in desperate need of help. That our life is out of order. We lack the life we want. Poor in spirit is spiritual poverty. 
When everything is put out in the open, we can be healed. Despite our failures, God is always near. We can have hope. God will give us that hope. Praise God's name.

research help: ' Seven' by Jeff Cook

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Seven Deadly Sins: Gluttony

 Seven Deadly Sins: Gluttony by ric gustafson

Gluttony is an extra measure of satisfaction. This deadly sin can destroy us. Gluttony is not just about food. Gluttony separates us from others. When Gluttony takes shape in our heart, it divorces us from the good life God has given us. It is a lack of balance. God says don't do it.
Praise God's name.

research help: ' Seven' by Jeff Cook

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Seven Deadly Sins: Wrath

 Seven Deadly Sins: Wrath by ric gustafson

God wants to eliminate evil. But when justice turns to violence and scorn, then wrath happens. Dante called wrath a love of justice perverted to revenge. The easy answer is to strike back. Wrath happens when we are unable to forgive and unable to deal with injustice. 
Wrath is a deadly sin because it separates us from fellow children of God. Wickedness hurts. Our joy is targeted. Wrath wants revenge. Wrath wars against God's kingdom. God says love others and not hurt or use wrath against others. Praise God's name.

research help: ' Seven' by Jeff Cook

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, December 25, 2022

the true meaning of Christmas

 the true meaning of Christmas by ric gustafson

Is Christmas just presents, food and being with family one day a year?.  A long time ago, a baby was born in a manger. God sent his only Son to save us from eternal seperation from him. Years later, Jesus dies on a cross to save us. He took our sins on himself so that we have a chance to be with him and his Father forever. To be with Jesus and God in heaven forever is the greatest gift we could ever receive.
Praise God and Jesus.

Merry Christmas to all. Love Ric

Friday, December 23, 2022

biblical questions: What shall I do with you?

 biblical questions: What shall I do with you? by ric gustafson

God longs to bless us, protect us and to lead us. He cannot bless us if we fail to pray and be true to him. People are eager to follow God at first. Then at some point difficulty comes. Then our eagerness quickly leaves. 
God is faithful. If we seek him with all of our heart, we will find him. God says faithfully seek me. He promises to find us and always stay with us. Praise God's name.

research help: ' 365 essential questions from the Bible' by Barbour Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Seven Deadly Sins: Lust

 Seven Deadly Sins: Lust by ric gustafson

A lustful urge once ignited is hard to quench. Lust is an all consuming cloud. Lust is unrealistic fantasies. Lust can be compared to Hell. Hell is an absence of reality. It can be described with sin and evil. God did not create Hell.  Joy and beauty do not exist in Hell. 
Heaven is real joy, real beauty and lasting life. In Hell, we cannot see God. We were made to be with God. We were not created to be seperated from God in Hell. God says desire me not Lust.

research help: ' Seven' by Jeff Cook

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, December 22, 2022

biblical questions: is God just?

 biblical questions: is God just? by ric gustafson

Sometimes it seems God isn't fair. But the truth is God is fair. Unscrupulous people become wealthy and successful. On the other hand, we endure trouble. Corrupt worldly people will get their just dues. If not in this life, the next. God chastises us because he loves us. His punishment is designed to bring about good in our lives. Praise God's name.

research help: ' 365 essential questions from the Bible' by Barbour Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Seven Deadly Sins: Greed

 Seven Deadly Sins: Greed by ric gustafson

Greed is devotion to an idol. Greed is not gluttony. Greed is about accumulation. Greed is a desire to possess more than I need. The greedy spend all their time and talents stashing away gain. Greed hardens our heart. Greed destroys the lives of others. Greed is a misdirected love. 
Greed is a condition of the heart. Greed adores the temporary. Greeds rejects the everlasting. Jesus spoke about greed more than anything else. Humans desire to possess and hoard. Greed does not place hope in the God of heaven. Jesus says place your hope in me. Praise Jesus's name.

research help: ' Seven' by Jeff Cook

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Seven Deadly Sins: Sloth

 Seven Deadly Sins: Sloth by ric gustafson

Sloth is not laziness. Sloth is an indifference to yourself and God. Sloth is not restfulness. Sloth is escapism. Sloth saps our time and emotions. Sloth invests their energy in trivial things. Sloth takes enjoyable things and makes them useless and boring. Sloth believes the good life is dull. 
According to Dante, sloth is a failure to love God with all our heart mind and soul. 
Sloth slides into our lifestyle more easily than any other deadly sin. Sloth is an indifference toward our souls. God says don't do it. Praise God's name.

research help: ' Seven' by Jeff Cook

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Seven Deadly Sins: Envy

 Seven Deadly Sins: Envy by ric gustafson

What is envy?. It is rejecting what God has given us and wanting what is someone else's. Envy is lethal. Envy distracts our heart and mind from God. Envy says everyone is happy except me. Envy is a desire to be someone I am not. 
The people of Israel did not want to follow God. They envied other nations. They wanted a God they could see. God mourned. Envy asks why not me?. Envy is called the ulcer of the soul. Envy offers nothing but pain. God says stay away from Envy. God loves us more than anything else. 

research help: ' Seven' by Jeff Cook

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, December 19, 2022

Seven Deadly Sins: Pride

 Seven Deadly Sins: Pride by ric gustafson

Pride is an inward focus. Pride is persistent self focus. Pride is the foundation of sin. Pride is the obsession of self. Pride not only hurts myself it hurts others around me. Self obsession destroys the soul. The proud destroys relationships. 
May we not let Pride take over and ruin our lives. Praise God's name. 

research help: ' Seven' by Jeff Cook

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

biblical questions: Is God incomparable?

 biblical questions: Is God incomparable? by ric gustafson

According to Isaiah 40, God asks the people a question. He asked them ' to whom will you compare me?'. Did the people think that they could compare at all to Almighty God?. Also in Isaiah 40, God says all the nations are nothing to him. God says they are worthless and less than nothing.
God created everything. God is incomparable. Nothing comes close.
Praise God's name.

research help: ' 365 essential questions from the Bible' by Barbour Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, December 18, 2022

biblical questions: should we give God our best?

biblical questions: should we give God our best? by ric gustafson

According to Malachi 1, the prophet tells the people they have dishonest and ungrateful hearts. The prophet also chides the priests for offering less than their best. God says give me what I deserve. Give me your best. If we give God our best always, he will bless and protect us. When we give God our best, he will shower us with his blessings. Praise God's name.

research help: ' 365 essential questions from the Bible' by Barbour Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Jesus: fully man

 Jesus: fully man by ric gustafson

Jesus is a perfect deity. Jesus is all truth. Jesus became man which God intended. Jesus behaved as God intended him to do. Jesus was perfection. Jesus knew his divine destination. Jesus was in the beginning with his Father. Jesus on this earth was God and man. Jesus knew he was going back home to be with his Father. Jesus loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' The Book of Jesus' by Calvin Miller

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

biblical questions: Does God want us to turn away from idols?

biblical questions: Does God want us to turn away from idols by ric gustafson

In Hosea 5, Ephraim referred to the ten tribes of the Northern Kingdom of Israel. At the time, the people were straying away from God and following other gods. Even today, people are in rebellion against God. People try to fill the void for him with other things. 
Through Jesus, we can come back and be in fellowship with God again. God promises us a great life and his blessings. We need to set our eyes on heaven. We need to praise God and Jesus daily.
Praise God and Jesus.

research help: ' 365 essential questions from the Bible' by Barbour Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Priscilla and Aquila page 4

 Priscilla and Aquila page 4 by ric gustafson

The steward led the two to the back garden. Senator Pudens villa was two stories with arched windows and fluted columns.
Benyamin looked at his nephew. " Where are we to put this awning?".
Aquila pointed to a copse of oleander and roses. " Up there".
After checking for measurements, Aquila set up a sturdy ladder. As he was climbing up the ladder with the awning, he noticed a female down below.
" Aquila".
He smiled as he walked back down the ladder. " Good day Priscilla".
She turned to Aquila's uncle. " Peace to you Benyamin".
Benyamin grinned. " Peace to you".
The two tried to put up the awning. It was a wobbly ladder.
Priscilla smiled. " Would you like me to hold up your ladder?".
Aquila nodded. " Sure".
As she steadied the ladder with her hands, the two quickly put up the awning.
Aquila came down the ladder. " Thank you for your help".
She began to walk away. " Your welcome".
As she walked down the street, Aquila kept staring at her. He could feel in his heart that something was beginning to happen between them.

research help: ' Daughter of Rome' by Tessa Afshar

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, December 16, 2022

biblical questions: Is God patient with us?

 biblical questions: Is God patient with us? by ric gustafson

God asks his people " what shall I do to you?". God wants his people to come back to fellowship with him. Even though the people were steep in sin and rebellion, God still gave them his blessings and mercy. 
According to 2 Peter 3, it says that God is patient with us. God wants us to keep praying. God wants us to keep witnessing. God wants us to keep living the life of his Son.
God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' 365 essential questions from the Bible' by Barbour Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Jesus: his name shall be called Wonderful

 Jesus: his name shall be called Wonderful by ric gustafson

All Bible names meant something. Jesus in Scripture had 256 names. According to Isaiah 9, his name shall be called Wonderful. The word wonderful means something that is away beyond the ordinary. It is unlike anything else. Jesus's birth was wonderful, Wise men from the East brought gifts. His character was wonderful. Jesus's life was wonderful. His teaching was wonderful. Above all his resurrection was wonderful. 

research help: ' The Book of Jesus' by Calvin Miller

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

biblical questions: does God want us to live in integrity?

 biblical questions: does God want us to live in integrity? by ric gustafson

In Ezekiel 8, the leaders of Israel were sinning constantly. They were more concerned about their reputation than their character. That is the nature of hidden sin. As long as nobody knows about it, it must be ok. 
But this behavior is unacceptable to God. God calls us to integrity. Integrity is always doing the right thing. God is always watching us. We should always do what's right.

research help: ' 365 essential questions from the Bible' by Barbour Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Jesus: the Good Shepherd

Jesus: the Good Shepherd by ric gustafson

According to Billy Graham, Jesus is the Good Shepherd. Psalm 80 refers to O Shepherd of Israel. Jesus is the Shepherd of his people. The Good Shepherd gives us his Father's boundless blessings. Isaiah 40 talks about a Shepherd. He tends and gathers his lambs. In John 10, Jesus describes himself as the Good Shepherd. Jesus owns the sheep. Jesus guards the sheep. Jesus knows the sheep. Lastly, Jesus will lay down his life for his sheep. Praise Jesus's name.

research help: ' The Book of Jesus' by Calvin Miller

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

biblical questions: Is God the source of living water?

 biblical questions: Is God the source of living water? by ric gustafson

In Jeremiah 18, God proclaims to be Israel's Rock. God also proclaims that he is the source of a never ending flow of water. The people of Israel turned to idols and found an inferior water supply. The people abandoned God. 
Six centuries later, Jesus meets a woman at a well seeking water. Jesus tells her that he is source of eternal life giving water. According to John 4, those who drink the water Jesus offers will never thirst. We thirst for the water of life. Jesus says drink it freely. Praise God and Jesus's name.

research help: ' 365 essential questions from the Bible' by Barbour Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Priscilla and Aquila page 3

 Priscilla and Aquila page 3 by ric gustafson

Priscilla and Lollia walked by the building. Priscilla's ears could hear loud worship.
" Lollia". She stared at the servant. " What building is this that I can hear worship?".
" It's a synagogue". The servant pointed. " A Jewish place of worship".
The two walked in.
After the service, Rufus walked over to the God fearers. He noticed the young woman and her servant.
" Good Shabbat". He smiled. " And you are?".
" I am Priscilla". She pointed to her servant. " And this is Lollia".
" This is Benyamin".
Priscilla grinned. " Good Shabbat Benyamin".
Rufus pointed to the young man next to him. " And this is Aquila of Pontus".
" Your name means ' Eagle' in Latin".
Aquila smiled. 
" Good Shabbat Aquila".

research help: ' Daughter of Rome' by Tessa Afshar

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, December 12, 2022

biblical questions: Is God in complete control?

 biblical questions: Is God in complete control? by ric gustafson

God told Sennacherib, who was the king of the Assyrian army, that he would protect his city Jerusalem. Envoys were sent to demand surrender. He mocked God's people. Through the prophet Isaiah, God told the Assyrians that he would protect his city. God did what he promised.
In our lives today, things will go crazy. But God promises and reassures us that he is always in control. God is always behind the scenes for our good. God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' 365 essential questions from the Bible' by Barbour Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Priscilla and Aquila page 2

 Priscilla and Aquila page 2 by ric gustafson

The synagogue had several rows of plaster benches along the sides. There was a simple Torah shrine and a tall papyrus cylinder.
Rufus led the two to a woman sitting in the front row.
" Benyamin and Aquila". Rufus smiled. " This is my mother Mary".
She grinned. " Welcome brothers".
" I heard of your father's passing". Benyamin's voice hesitated. " God be gracious to you".
" It was very sudden".
Benyamin pointed. " This is my nephew Aquila".
She smiled. " Welcome Aquila".
They took their seats. 
As the Torah passages were translated into Greek, Aquila's eyes darted around the room. His eyes stopped at the row of God fearers. Among them was a young woman She had auburn hair and fair skin.
Aquila could not take his eyes off of her.

research help: ' Daughter of Rome' by Tessa Afshar

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Jesus: The Great Healer

 Jesus: The Great Healer by ric gustafson

According to Charles Spurgeon, Jesus was the Great Physician. In his short lifetime, Jesus saw a lot of sickness. He healed them all. He was prepared for all kinds of evil. His power quenched evil. Fever, madness, leprosy, blindness he healed them all. 
Jesus can heal us. He can heal us with his healing power. He took on our sicknesses. Jesus is the cure.
Praise Jesus's name.

research help: ' The Book of Jesus' by Calvin Miller

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Priscilla and Aquila page 1

 Priscilla and Aquila page 1 by ric gustafson

Aquila walked with his uncle down the dirty Rome street. He loved looking at the lavish buildings and shops. He hated seeing all the beggars and the filth of the city. He and his uncle had left their lodging and were now walking toward the Campi synagogue. They were to meet Rufus. When they reached their destination, their friend was waiting for them.
Benyamin embraced their friend. " It's been too long".
" You look well".
Benyamin pointed to Aquila. " You remember my nephew".
Aquila grinned at the light brown skinned man. " Your father carried Jesus's cross".
" Yes". He pointed at his chest. " Last time I saw you you were this high".
Aquila and Rufus embraced.
Rufus smiled. He pointed toward the entrance of the synagogue. " Shall we go in?".

research help: ' Daughter of Rome' by Tessa Afshar

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, December 9, 2022

biblical questions: should we be grateful for each new day?

 biblical questions: should we be grateful for each new day? by ric gustafson

When God talked with Job, he reminded him how wise and powerful he was. He also told Job how small and powerless he was. He asked Job if it was he who made the sun rise each day. God told Job that he alone has the power and the wisdom to make things happen.
When we wake up each morning, we should rejoice and thank God for the day. We should thank God daily for another day to serve him. According to Psalm 118, this is the day the Lord has made we will rejoice and be glad in it. Praise God's name.

research help: ' 365 essential questions from the Bible' by Barbour Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Aya page 22

 Aya page 22 by ric gustafson

One day, Aya was singing a song to a large crowd. When she had finished, a man and a woman approached her. She recognized the male.
" Shalom Ezra".
" Good to see you Aya". They embraced. " You look joyful".
Aya smiled. " I have become a believer".
" There is something I have always wanted to tell you".
Aya looked at Ezra. " What is that?".
" There is a specific reason Avidan ran around that corner".
" Ezra, what is it?".
" He wanted to come home and tell you something".
" Tell me what Ezra?".
Ezra smiled. " Avidan had become a believer".
Aya smiled. " He believed".
Ezra grinned. " Yes, praise HaShem he believed".
Aya laughed with joy. " I will see my husband and my brother in heaven".
Aya looked up toward heaven. " Praise Yeshua's name".

The End

research help: ' The Apostle's Sister' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Aya page 21

 Aya page 21 by ric gustafson

Aya gave the note to her son.
" Take this to Claudius Lysias".
" The Roman". He stared at his mother. " What if he won't listen to me?".
" Tell him it is from Aya of Tarsus". She embraced her son. " Now go".
He ran out the door toward the Fortress.
Exhausted, Aya went down on her knees. " Have mercy HaShem on your servant".
She began to cry.
" Have mercy on us". She looked up to heaven. " For your name's sake".
She began to cry louder.
" Forgive me Yeshua". She kept crying. " For all of my doubts".
She looked up to heaven. " I cannot deny the truth any longer".
Aya kept praying.
She looked up to heaven. " Yeshua save me".
Ruach HaKodesh began to fill her heart.

research help: ' The Apostle's Sister' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Aya page 20

 Aya page 20 by ric gustafson

The servant led Aya and Seraiah into a spacious room. Sitting in a padded chair was a dark bearded middle aged man.
He stood up. " I am Nicodemus".
" Shalom". Aya bowed. " I am Aya of Tarsus". She pointed at her son. " This is my son Seraiah".
" What can I do for you?".
" I'm looking for a Torah teacher for my son". She smiled. " You come highly recommended".
Nicodemus stroked his beard. " By whom?".
" My brother Sha'ul".
" I remember him". He grinned. " I observed him when he was in the Sanhedrin".
He turned to Seraiah. " Can you recite the first book of Moses?".
Aya watched as her son recited it perfectly.
" That 's enough son". He smiled. " Yes I will be your teacher".

research help: ' The Apostle's Sister' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

biblical questions: should we forget God's goodness?

 biblical questions: should we forget God's goodness? by ric gustafson

Judges 10 takes place during the time of the Judges. God protected his people time after time. The people quickly forgot God's goodness and turned to false gods.
We are tempted and sometimes we turn to other gods. Those gods could be our talents, our abilities, our own knowledge and strength. God says come to me. He will solve our problems and he is bigger than any temptation we could ever have. Praise God's name.

research help: ' 365 essential questions from the Bible' by Barbour Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

a donut

 a donut by ric gustafson

At the store today I saw someone give a donut to the cold bell ringer. It was a simple gesture. It touched me. I believe that God smiled when he saw that. I believe in my heart that God wants us to love, serve and to think of others above ourselves. God loves us more than anything else.

research help: personal observation

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Advent 2022: Psalm 104:30

 Advent 2022: Psalm 104:30 by ric gustafson

We need to praise God for everything. Creation is dependent on God the Creator. Rain comes because God sent it. The sun shines because God makes it. We breathe, walk and talk because God makes it so. Psalm 104 says that we were created because of God. 
In order to save us, Jesus had to be one of us down here. With the Holy Spirit, may our words, every action and every breath be done in praise of Jesus.

research help: ' Be born in us Today' by Chad Bird

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

biblical questions: should we love one another?

 biblical questions: should we love one another? by ric gustafson

The Law passed down by Moses talks about treating others with justice and compassion. God is compassionate and is concerned about the poor and disadvantaged. Exodus 22 talks about giving a covering to someone who needs it. God's Word instructs us to treat  others with compassion and love. 
God has always intended his followers to be different than others. We are to treat everyone with compassion and love. According to John 13, everyone will know we are God's followers. They will tell by how we love one another. A Christian shows love not just in words but in actions.
Praise God's name.

research help: ' 365 essential questions from the Bible' by Barbour Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, December 5, 2022

Aya page 19

 Aya page 19 by ric gustafson

Sha'ul looked at his sister. " I have seen Yeshua".
" Did you know that our parents were dead?".
Shock came to Sha'ul's face. " How?".
" A contagion".
Sha'ul lowered his head. " I'm sorry Aya".
" Once people heard of your betrayal". Her voice hesitated. " Avidan and I were scorned".
" I'm sorry". Then he smiled. " I came face to face with Yeshua".
" How can that be?". She gave him a doubtful stare. " He's dead".
" I was struck blind". He grinned. " And now I see".
" I don't know what happened on that road?".
" Yeshua saved me".
" I don't know how he could of saved you". She got up from the table. " He is dead like Avidan and my parents".
" I have committed my life now to spreading the Good News".
" There is nothing more to say". She walked over and opened the front door. " Thank you for coming".
" Try to understand sister".
" Do not forget us".
Sha'ul stood up and quietly walked out.

research help: ' The Apostle's Sister' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

biblical questions: Does God hear our cries for help?

 biblical questions: Does God hear our cries for help? by ric gustafson

In Genesis 21, we hear the story of a woman and her son. Their names are Hagar and Ishmael. At the insistence of his wife, Abraham sent these two away. All they had was a canteen of water and some bread. 
Soon, the water and bread were gone. Hagar was at the end of her rope. Worried about her son, Hagar cried out to God. Did God hear her cry?. The answer was yes. He gave them water to survive.
God hears our cries. Even when our situation is hopeless, God will give us comfort and provision.
God did not forget Hagar and Ishmael. God will not forget us. He will meet all of our needs.
Praise God's name.

research help: ' 365 essential questions from the Bible' by Barbour Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, December 4, 2022

biblical questions: can you hide from God?

 biblical questions: can you hide from God? by ric gustafson

According to Genesis 3:9, God was calling to Adam " Where are you?". As fallen human beings when we stumble our first thought is to try to hide from God. Adam knew he had messed up. Instead of coming to God and restoring fellowship with him, he tried to hide.
In Psalm 139, David knew he could not hide from God. When we mess up, God says come to me don't hide. Then he will forgive us, cleanse us and then restore us. Because we are sinners, we need God's forgiveness. He promises to do that. Praise God's name.

research help: ' 365 Essential Questions from the Bible' by Barbour Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Aya page 18

 Aya page 18 by ric gustafson

Aya heard the knock. Seraiah walked over and stood next to his mother. She opened the door.
" Sha'ul".
He walked in. In his hand was a tablet. " I have a gift for your son".
Aya nodded. He took the gift.
He smiled. " It is from your uncle Sha'ul".
The boy began to write on the wax.
Sha'ul grinned. " You are very bright".
Seraiah blushed.
" Thank you brother for the gift". She smiled. " Please sit down".
All three sat down at a table.
" Now brother". Aya stared at Sha'ul. " Tell me what happened?".

research help: ' The Apostle's Sister' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Aya page 17

 Aya page 17 by ric gustafson

The elderly woman sat down next to Aya. " We will walk with you to the graveyard". She smiled. " We will grieve with you".
Aya watched as women prepared Avidan's body for burial.
" Just take care of your baby and mourn your husband".
Aya stared at the woman. 
" We will do everything else".
Then Aya's thoughts turned to her brother. Why did he abandon them?. Why did he give up everything to start following a false prophet?.
Aya looked at the elderly woman. " Now what do I do?".
She smiled. " First, you must ask HaShem for wisdom". She thought for a moment. " You could stay and raise your son here in the Holy City".
Aya was surprised by the idea. She looked around the house. She wanted to raise her son here.
She stared at the elderly woman. 
" I will do whatever I have to to stay here".
After everyone had left, she stared at the front door. What would she say if her brother walked through that door?.

research help: ' The Apostle's Sister' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, December 3, 2022

Advent 2022: Revelation 22:14

 Advent 2022: Revelation 22:14 by ric gustafson

We will not enter the New Jerusalem in our sin soiled clothes. We will not enter wearing our garments of goodness and personal morality. 
According to Revelation 7, it will be only those who have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the lamb. Jesus's blood cleanses us from every stain. Jesus's blood makes us white as snow. This 
Advent we need to prepare for Jesus's coming. When we wear white robes, we receive God's blessing.
Praise Jesus's name.

research help: ' Be Born in us Today' by Chad Bird

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, December 2, 2022

Aya page 16

 Aya page 16 by ric gustafson

Aya heard the knock. She opened the door. Outside was one of her husband's friends.
Ezra walked in. He had a somber look on his face.
Aya became concerned. " What's wrong Ezra?".
He embraced her. " Avidan's dead".
" What?". Confusion filled her mind. " I thought he was with you".
" We were crossing a street". His voice hesitated. " He was struck by a runaway wagon".
Aya began to weep.
" Avidan was a good friend".
Aya weeped louder.
" Don't worry". He embraced her again. " My wife and I will look after you".
He left.
Without her husband and her brother, Aya felt alone.

research help: ' The Apostle's Sister' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Aya page 15

 Aya page 15 by ric gustafson

One day, Aya was holding her son. All of a sudden, the front door quickly opened. Avidan walked in. He closed the door and then closed the shutters.
" You better sit down".
" What is it Avidan?". She held tightly to her son. " You are scaring me".
" It is news about your brother".
" Did he make it to Damascus?".
" Caiaphas told me he is now a follower of the Way".
In shock, she almost dropped her son. " That's impossible".
" He has started preaching that Yeshua is the promised Messiah".
" It must be a horrible rumor".
" Those traveling with him heard a voice".
" I will not believe it". She frowned at her husband. " What do we do now?".
" We wait".

research help: ' The Apostle's Sister' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Aya page 14

 Aya page 14 by ric gustafson

Sha'ul took a bite of the food Aya had put in front of him.
" Your husband was bold dealing with that blasphemous Stephen".
Avidan smiled.
" He was also the first to drop a stone into the pit".
Aya smiled at her husband.

" I'm going to ask Caiaphas for permission to arrest followers of the Way in other cities".
Aya looked at her brother. " Any followers in particular?".
" There is one in Samaria performing miracles".
" I have heard of him". Avidan grinned. " I believe his name is Philip".
Avidan shook his head. " I can't believe the last words of that Stephen".
Aya looked at her husband. " What were his last words?".
" He forgave us".
Aya could not believe it. " He said that while he was being stoned in a pit".
" Yes". Avidan frowned. " He asked HaShem not to hold the sin against us".

research help: ' The Apostle's Sister' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Aya page 13

 Aya page 13 by ric gustafson

After forty days, Avidan and Aya took Seraiah to the Temple. As they entered the Court of the Gentiles, they heard the Levites singing. Then Aya took her son to the Gate of Nicanor. There she was greeted by several new mothers. She gave the priests a pair of turtledoves. That was all she and Avidan could afford. Then she gave the priest five shekels of silver as the price of her son's redemption.
Avidan took the baby.
Aya knew today was Pentecost.
They noticed Sha'ul running toward them.
" Avidan, there is trouble ahead".
" What's the trouble?".
" The followers of that Nazarene are going around the city talking gibberish".
" The Nazarene is dead". Avidan grinned. " Who is their ringleader?".
" Today it is a man from Capernaum". Sha'ul frowned. " He used to be a fisherman".

research help: ' The Apostle's Sister' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Advent 2022: Genesis 12:3

 Advent 2022: Genesis 12:3 by ric gustafson

Abram was 75. Sarai was 65. In Genesis 12:3, God tells them he will bless them. Is this a joke?. God tells them their descendants will fill an entire nation. God also tells them because of one of their offspring, the whole world would be blessed.
Jesus was a blessing in his own way. Jesus is a blessing divine. Jesus was borne for us. God is always working for our good. Praise Jesus's name.

research help: ' Be born in us Today' by Chad Bird

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, November 28, 2022

Aya page 12

 Aya page 12 by ric gustafson

Aya held the baby in her arms. She smiled. Ha Shem had blessed them with a son. Aya had named him Seraiah.
Avidan smiled. " Why Seraiah?".
" It means the Lord's Prince".
Avidan held his son. " That will be his name".
As Aya took care of their son, Avidan prepared for his examination.
Sha'ul came over often to help him prepare.
According to the Law, Seraiah was circumcised after eight days.
One day, Avidan looked at his wife.
" There is a rumor that Yeshua of Nazareth escaped his tomb".
Aya shook her head. " Haven't they found his body yet?".
" Not yet".
" How can that be?".
" Some of his followers witnessed him ascending from the Mount of Olives".

research help: ' The Apostle's Sister' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Advent 2022: Genesis 1:28

 Advent 2022: Genesis 1:28 by ric gustafson

What is a blessing?. It is not a wish. Blessing is a divine word. It accomplishes things. It is a divine gift. When Jesus spoke, the words of God came out. In Genesis 1:28, God blessed them. He said be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth. Being fruitful and multiplying are divine words.
God promises blood bought pardon. God promises resurrection life. These are God's powerful words. These promises are divine. They are blessings from God. They will bring us a harvest of hope and joy.
Praise God's name.

research help: ' Be born in us Today' by Chad Bird

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Aya page 11

 Aya page 11 by ric gustafson

Aya touched her swollen belly. She had conceived in the month of Elul. She was being very cautious. She had lost her first child. She was also grieving the loss of Bettina's child.
One night, she overheard Avidan and Sha ul talking.
" Lazarus of Bethany". Avidan frowned. " He was dead for four days before Yeshua brought him back to life".
Sha ul snapped. " That is impossible".
" Caiaphas has scouts throughout the city".
" Yes". Sha ul grinned. " A plan has been set in motion".
" What plan is that?".
" We will be giving thirty pieces of silver to one of his disciples". Sha ul's voice hesitated. " For their help".

research help: ' The Apostle's Sister' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Advent 2022: Luke 21:28

 Advent 2022: Luke 21:28 by ric gustafson

We wait in hope for our redemption to come. Luke 21:28 says your redemption is drawing near. Jesus says to have an audacious faith. Jesus says stand still lift up our heads and grin from ear to ear. Why?. It is because our redemption is on it's way. 
We are to be bold and unwavering. We have God within us. He fills our heart with blessings. Our Redeemer will come with power and glory. Jesus says cling to me. Praise Jesus's name.

research help: ' Be Born in us Today' by Chad Bird

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Aya page 10

 Aya page 10 by ric gustafson

Aya picked up her water jugs. She was sad. The other women filling their jugs told her Ha Shem would bless her with another child. As she walked, she could barely see ahead of the large water jugs.. She quickly turned a corner. She bumped into someone. She recognized the smiling face of the Commander of the Fortress Antonia.
" Greetings Commander Lysias".
The Roman grinned. " It's Tribune now".
She blushed. " I apologize".
The Tribune patted his horse. " I believe I met you two years ago in Tarsus".
" My husband and I live here now".
" You are wearing sackcloth". He frowned. " Are you in mourning?".
" Yes". 
" I must be off". He got on his horse. " I hope your God brings you comfort".
" Thank you Shalom".

research help: ' The Apostle's Sister' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Jesus 2022: he did not act high and mighty

 Jesus 2022: he did not act high and mighty by ric gustafson

Max Lucado who is a Texas pastor writes that Jesus did not act high and mighty. He could have. His purpose was to show up not show off. He went to the synagogue. He worked in the workshop. Upon his shoulders was the challenge of redeeming creation. 
Some people liked him. Some did not. He was called a radical and a blasphemer. Jesus was likeable. We need to be the same as Jesus. Our faith needs to be likeable. Praise Jesus's name.

research help: ' The Book of Jesus' by Calvin Miller

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, November 24, 2022

giving thanks 2022

 giving thanks 2022 by ric gustafson

We anticipate Thanksgiving all year. We look forward to turkey, pumpkin pie and football. Is that the real meaning of the holiday?. There is one thing we should be doing on this holiday. We should be giving thanks to God. Giving thanks to God should be a daily routine not just once a year. According to 2 Corinthians 4, we should glorify God. Giving thanks helps us see God. Giving thanks puts us in God's will. Giving thanks brings peace. Giving thanks draws us closer to God. Giving thanks brings contentment. Giving thanks deepens our faith. Giving thanks leads us to joy. God expects us to give him thanks. We should every day including today. Praise God's name.

research help: A Pastor Chris Andersen sermon

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Our Daily Bread: Ecclesiastes 10:14

 Our Daily Bread: Ecclesiastes 10:14 by ric gustafson

We wish we knew what the future will bring to our lives. According to Ecclesiastes 10:14, no one knows what is coming. No one can claim they know the future of their life. 
Scripture talks about wise and foolish people. Proverbs 27:1 talks about is humility about the future. The truth is only God knows what our future here will be. Foolish people think they know. Only God knows.
Praise God's name.

research help: Our Daily Bread November 2022

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Jesus 2022: Jesus as they saw him

 Jesus 2022: Jesus as they saw him by ric gustafson

According to William Barclay, who was an esteemed British scholar, we need to look at the meaning of Jesus's name. In Hebrew, there is the names Joshua and Jehoshua. These names are Jesus in Greek. Mary was told to name her son Jesus. Because he will save his people from their sins according to Matthew 1.
Jesus was God's appointed and sent rescuer. His function was to deliver men from their sins. He came to liberate men from the bondage of sin. Jesus brought victory from defeat. Jesus of Nazareth came to rescue us from sin so we can be with him forever. Praise Jesus's name.

research help: ' The Book of Jesus' by Calvin Miller

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Our Daily Bread: James 2:26

 Our Daily Bread: James 2:26 by ric gustafson

According to James 2:26, faith without deeds is dead. James mentions Abraham who in obedience followed God. James also mentions Rahab who hid spies in Jericho. James says that if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds it does them no good. God does not need our good deeds. But our faith is proven by our actions.

research help: Our Daily Bread November 2022

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Jesus: the Great Day

 Jesus: the Great Day by ric gustafson

One day in the future will be a great day. According to Jude verse 6, Jesus will return. That day, a shout will get our attention. We will hear Jesus's voice. The dead will hear his voice. Then there will be an archangel with the trumpet of God. 
On that Great Day, an angel will escort you into the skies. There we will meet God. Then the greatest gathering in history will happen. Then there will be a reunion of spirit and flesh. 
On that Great Day, every knee will bow to the name of Jesus. Everyone in heaven, earth and under the earth. Everyone will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord
That is the end of the story. Praise Jesus's name. Amen.

The End.

research help: ' Jesus the God who knows your name' by Max Lucado

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Jesus: it is finished

 Jesus: it is finished by ric gustafson

Jesus was abandoned by God. According to Matthew 27, Jesus cried out with a loud voice. Why did God forsake his only Son?. His Son carried all our sins in his body. Jesus took our place. 
At one point, Jesus draws a deep breath. Then according to John 19, he cries out ' it is finished'. Jesus was tempted. But he didn't quit. We cannot deal with our own sins. According to Mark 2, only God can forgive sins. Jesus offered forgiveness of sins. Is that the end of the story?.

research help: ' Jesus the God who knows your name' by Max Lucado

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, November 21, 2022

Jesus: God saves

 Jesus: God saves by ric gustafson

Why do we do the wrong thing?. It is because we have a sin nature. We were born with it. We all entered the world with a sin nature. Why did Jesus come to earth as a baby?. God saves. Jesus came to save us from ourselves. God's Kingdom is perfect. We are not. God could of abandoned us. Maybe he should start over. God loves us too much to do that. God has always had a plan to save us. Praise God's name.
Praise Jesus's name. Praise the Holy Spirit.

research help: ' Jesus the God who knows your name' by Max Lucado

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Jesus: Lamb of God

 Jesus: Lamb of God by ric gustafson

In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus feared a cup of suffering. The cup was God's anger, judgement and punishment. The cup equals God's wrath. We have ignored God's Word. We had dismissed him. He is angry. Why is he angry?. God is holy. He cannot ignore our rebellion.
God is holy. God is love. God's love will punish our sin. By drinking that cup, Jesus bore our sins. He became our substitute. Jesus was willing to do that. Jesus took our place.
Thank you Jesus. Praise Jesus's name.

research help: ' Jesus the God who knows your name' by Max Lucado

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Marley page 4

 Marley page 4 by ric gustafson

Belle and Ebenezer were dancing to a rendition of ' Sir Roger de Coverley'.
Ebenezer twirled her. " I remember this song from Fezziwig's party".
She smiled. " You remember". 
" Of course".
Marley walked over with a gentleman. " Belle Ebenezer, this is the host of the party Antoine Berniere".
He warmly greeted them.
Marley grinned. " Ebenezer is my business partner".
" And what is your business?".
" Ebenezer and I are in the import export business".
Berniere smiled. " Maybe we can do some business together".
" Marley". Ebenezer took Belle's hand to lead her away. " I will let you take care of that".
" I will have my business partner Sr Montiverdi get in touch with you".

research help: ' Marley' by Jon Clinch

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Jesus: the wonder of worship

 Jesus: the wonder of worship by ric gustafson

One day, Jesus just healed people. It went on for three days. What did the people do after they were healed?. They praised Jesus. Some might of fell at his feet. Some may have shouted his name. Some people may have walked off and smiled. The people were so happy they praised the God of Israel. 
Matthew 15 defines worship. Worship is an act of gratitude. We offer it to Jesus. Some day we will stand in front of Jesus face to face. We will thank Jesus for everything and worship him.

research help: ' Jesus the God who knows your name' by Max Lucado

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, November 18, 2022

Jesus: your faith has made you well

 Jesus: your faith has made you well by ric gustafson

There was a woman who was bleeding for twelve years. She had spent all of her money and was getting worse. She was down to her last prayer.
When she gets to Jesus, he is surrounded by people. He was heading to help an important man in the community. His name was Jairus. 
Still, she took a chance. If I could just touch his clothes she thought. She would be healed. It was a risky decision. She had no choice. She touched him. Her faith made her well. Praise Jesus's name.

research help: ' Jesus the God who knows your name' by Max Lucado

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Marley page 3

 Marley page 3 by ric gustafson

Ebenezer smiled as his sister entered the house. Fanny always came to visit him on Friday. He was working at his small desk. He did not look up. He knew it was her.
" Ebenezer".
He did not look up. " Hello Fanny".
She smiled. " Mother is waiting with supper".
Later, Mother Scrooge put some roast goose on the table. She noticed four chairs.
" Fanny, where is your guest tonight?".
" He could not come tonight Mother".
" Dinner guest". Ebenezer grinned. " Do I know him?".
" I would think so". She smiled. " It's your business partner".
" Jacob Marley?".
" Yes".
Ebenezer gave her a startled look. " Why would you invite him for?".
" I find him interesting". She looked at her brother. " I'm not marrying him".
Ebenezer frowned. " Good".

research help: ' Marley' by Jon Clinch

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Our Daily Bread: I Thessalonians 2:12

 Our Daily Bread: I Thessalonians 2:12 by ric gustafson

In this bible verse, the Apostle Paul is sending encouragement to the local church. He is encouraging the believers to live lives worthy of God. He talks about quiet integrity, love and service. Paul prays that God would make their love increase and overflow. He encourages the believers to love each other and serve each other. Praise God's name.

research help: Our Daily Bread November 2022

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Jesus: even the winds and waves obey him

 Jesus: even the winds and waves obey him by ric gustafson

One time, Jesus and his disciples were in a boat crossing the Sea of Galilee. All of a sudden, a storm comes. Huge waves were slapping the boat. Imagine yourself in that boat. The boat is sturdy but not for those waves. All you hear are screams and prayers. You are looking around. Where is Jesus?.
Then you see Jesus asleep at the back of the boat. One of the disciples wakes him up. " Teacher, don't you care if we drown?".
Why was he sleeping when everybody was panicking?. Because he was in charge of the storm. What did he do?. He got up, rebuked the wind and told the waves to be still.
He turned to the disciples. " Why are you afraid do you still have no faith?".
The disciples had never met anyone like Jesus. Even the wind and the waves obeyed him.
Praise Jesus's name.

research help: ' Jesus the God who knows your name' by Max Lucado

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Marley page 2

 Marley page 2 by ric gustafson

Scrooge and Marley had the perfect partnership. Scrooge was happy at his desk. He loved numbers. On the other hand, Marley had no patience for numbers. Marley walked in grace. He was in command of himself. 
Scrooge and Marley's joint stock company was doing well. Funds were always coming in. There were bank drafts and lots of cash. Scrooge and Marley ran a modest importing business. Along with ledgers and listings, Scrooge kept two books. Keeping the books was an obsession for Scrooge.
Marley enjoyed the chase not the books.

research help: ' Marley' by Jon Clinch

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

are you going to Heaven?

 are you going to Heaven? by ric gustafson

Some people say to themselves I keep the Ten Commandments. I give to charity, I do my best I lead a good life. I do good works, I thithe and go to church. I pray, I fast and do Holy Communion. Will doing these things get me into Heaven?.
The fact is I cannot keep all the Commandments. Good works or gifts to charity will not save me. Regular church attendance is good but according to Isaiah 64 we are unclean like filthy rags. Communion will not help us. 
So what will qualify us for heaven?. The simple answer is faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. God sent his only Son to die for sinners like you and I. His resurrection gave us the chance for our salvation. When we trust in Jesus 100 percent, we can be with him forever. What a happy day that will be.

research help: a tract from Crossway

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Our Daily Bread: Exodus 4:12

 Our Daily Bread: Exodus 4:12 by ric gustafson

God asked Moses to communicate with Pharaoh. Moses told God he was not confident enough to do that. God challenged him. 
" Who gave human beings their mouths?".
Then God reassured Moses. " I will help you speak and will teach you what to say". Even though Moses had his limitations, God can work through that. God allowed Moses's brother to go with him. 
God wants us to help others. We might be afraid. We may feel like we cannot do it. Or we might feel that we don't have the right words. God can provide the voice and the words for us to say. God wants us to serve others and spread his Word. Praise God's name.

research help: Our Daily Bread November 2022

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Jesus: I am the Vine

 Jesus: I am the Vine by ric gustafson

God is a Vine keeper. He pampers, blesses, cuts and prunes his vines. Jesus is a vine. The vine is a root and a trunk. Jesus is the root of life. 
Who are we?. We are the branches. We bear fruit. Fruit includes love, joy, peace, patience, kindness and goodness. When we cling to Jesus, God is honored. Fruit bearing matters to God. We want to be at home in Jesus. 
Jesus says hold my hand. He will walk with us through this brief life here.
Praise Jesus's name.

research help: ' Jesus the God who knows your name' by Max Lucado

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric