Wednesday, November 16, 2022

are you going to Heaven?

 are you going to Heaven? by ric gustafson

Some people say to themselves I keep the Ten Commandments. I give to charity, I do my best I lead a good life. I do good works, I thithe and go to church. I pray, I fast and do Holy Communion. Will doing these things get me into Heaven?.
The fact is I cannot keep all the Commandments. Good works or gifts to charity will not save me. Regular church attendance is good but according to Isaiah 64 we are unclean like filthy rags. Communion will not help us. 
So what will qualify us for heaven?. The simple answer is faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. God sent his only Son to die for sinners like you and I. His resurrection gave us the chance for our salvation. When we trust in Jesus 100 percent, we can be with him forever. What a happy day that will be.

research help: a tract from Crossway

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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