Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Jesus 2022: Jesus as they saw him

 Jesus 2022: Jesus as they saw him by ric gustafson

According to William Barclay, who was an esteemed British scholar, we need to look at the meaning of Jesus's name. In Hebrew, there is the names Joshua and Jehoshua. These names are Jesus in Greek. Mary was told to name her son Jesus. Because he will save his people from their sins according to Matthew 1.
Jesus was God's appointed and sent rescuer. His function was to deliver men from their sins. He came to liberate men from the bondage of sin. Jesus brought victory from defeat. Jesus of Nazareth came to rescue us from sin so we can be with him forever. Praise Jesus's name.

research help: ' The Book of Jesus' by Calvin Miller

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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