Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Priscilla and Aquila page 7

 Priscilla and Aquila page 7 by ric gustafson

Aquila and Priscilla watched as Benyamin slept. Thanks to the beef broth and plenty of sleep, Aquila's uncle was getting better. 
At one point, Priscilla looked at Aquila. " Tell me about Pontus".
" Pontus is an ancient land near the shore of a sea".
" What did your father do?".
" Mostly raised sheep and had cherry orchards".
Priscilla smiled. " When did you become a follower of Yeshua?".
" When I was young". His voice hesitated. " My father took no notice until one day".
" What happened?".
" My faith became a public embarrassment". Tears began to form in Aquila's eyes. " Father demanded that I deny Yeshua".
Priscilla grinned. " Which you would never do?".
" No".

research help: ' Daughter of Rome' by Tessa Afshar

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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