Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Priscilla and Aquila page 6

 Priscilla and Aquila page 6 by ric gustafson

Aquila missed holding Priscilla's hand. It felt calloused as if roughened by labor. When he and Benyamin arrived at the synagogue for the next Sabbath, Priscilla was there.
As they were leaving the service, Benyamin's gait became unsteady. He was pale. His skin was sweaty.
Aquila knew something was wrong. He looked at Priscilla. " Can you help me get Benyamin home?".
" Yes Aquila". She smiled. " I will help you".
Later, a physician examined Aquila's uncle.
" Your uncle has a fever". He put his instruments into a bag. " It has been spreading through Rome".
Priscilla looked at the physician. " So what do we need to do?".
" He needs herbs, light food and complete rest".
Priscilla nodded. " I will stay and help you take care of him".
Aquila grinned. " Thank you".

research help: ' Daughter of Rome' by Tessa Afshar

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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