Friday, November 18, 2022

Marley page 3

 Marley page 3 by ric gustafson

Ebenezer smiled as his sister entered the house. Fanny always came to visit him on Friday. He was working at his small desk. He did not look up. He knew it was her.
" Ebenezer".
He did not look up. " Hello Fanny".
She smiled. " Mother is waiting with supper".
Later, Mother Scrooge put some roast goose on the table. She noticed four chairs.
" Fanny, where is your guest tonight?".
" He could not come tonight Mother".
" Dinner guest". Ebenezer grinned. " Do I know him?".
" I would think so". She smiled. " It's your business partner".
" Jacob Marley?".
" Yes".
Ebenezer gave her a startled look. " Why would you invite him for?".
" I find him interesting". She looked at her brother. " I'm not marrying him".
Ebenezer frowned. " Good".

research help: ' Marley' by Jon Clinch

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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