Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Priscilla and Aquila page 3

 Priscilla and Aquila page 3 by ric gustafson

Priscilla and Lollia walked by the building. Priscilla's ears could hear loud worship.
" Lollia". She stared at the servant. " What building is this that I can hear worship?".
" It's a synagogue". The servant pointed. " A Jewish place of worship".
The two walked in.
After the service, Rufus walked over to the God fearers. He noticed the young woman and her servant.
" Good Shabbat". He smiled. " And you are?".
" I am Priscilla". She pointed to her servant. " And this is Lollia".
" This is Benyamin".
Priscilla grinned. " Good Shabbat Benyamin".
Rufus pointed to the young man next to him. " And this is Aquila of Pontus".
" Your name means ' Eagle' in Latin".
Aquila smiled. 
" Good Shabbat Aquila".

research help: ' Daughter of Rome' by Tessa Afshar

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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