Saturday, December 31, 2022

Priscilla and Aquila page 11

 Priscilla and Aquila page 11 by ric gustafson

Priscilla and Aquila watched as members of their synagogue fixed up rooms of their new house. When they were finished, every room sparkled. Both smiled that final afternoon. After everyone had left, they embraced.
Priscilla smiled. " This new house is beautiful".
Aquila looked around. " This is God's house".
Priscilla smiled again. " It is his to use as he wishes".
Aquila looked at his wife. " We are merely stewards of it".
" What are you thinking about?".
Aquila grinned. " Let's use this house to host God's church".
Priscilla frowned. " Even if we encounter resistance or dissent".
" If we can help make disciples for Yeshua". He smiled at his wife. " It will be worth the price".

research help: ' Daughter of Rome' by Tessa Afshar

Happy New Year. Love Ric 

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