Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Seven Deadly Sins: Envy

 Seven Deadly Sins: Envy by ric gustafson

What is envy?. It is rejecting what God has given us and wanting what is someone else's. Envy is lethal. Envy distracts our heart and mind from God. Envy says everyone is happy except me. Envy is a desire to be someone I am not. 
The people of Israel did not want to follow God. They envied other nations. They wanted a God they could see. God mourned. Envy asks why not me?. Envy is called the ulcer of the soul. Envy offers nothing but pain. God says stay away from Envy. God loves us more than anything else. 

research help: ' Seven' by Jeff Cook

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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