Wednesday, September 29, 2021

through the eyes of a child page 20

 through the eyes of a child page 20 by ric gustafson

Charles was sitting on the park bench.
" Mr Brown". Detective Springer sat down holding a styrofoam cup of coffee. " I figured you would be here".
Charles smiled. " Detective Springer".
" I have a female witness who was jogging right by this spot".
" Did she see anything?".
" She heard a commotion and then a plain white van leaving".
" Did she get a look at the van?".
" As it drove off she noticed no markings on it  and no license plates".
" Hard to trace an unmarked white van". Charles's voice hesitated. " Was she able to get a look at him?".
" She only caught a glimpse of him as he drove off". He threw his now empty cup in the trash can. " She described him as short, pudgy and wore glasses".
" Thank you Detective Springer". Worry came over Charles. " I will be in touch".
The Detective left.
Charles took out the business card from his wallet. He began to study it in earnest.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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