Monday, September 13, 2021

through the eyes of a child page 10

 through the eyes of a child page 10 by ric gustafson

Detective Springer sat down on the park bench. He watched as young people biked past him. He pulled out his notebook. He began to write down observations of where he was right now. He observed the open area that was around him. He observed that this spot was half way around the park. He could tell that it was a wide open area. He thought to himself that this spot would be ideal for something to happen to Kelly. He noticed the curb in front of him. It would be a good spot to kidnap someone.
He called a number on his cell phone. " Charles, this is Detective Springer". His voice hesitated. " Can you and Katie join me at the park tomorrow morning?". 
" Ok, see you then".
He stood up from the park bench. He began to walk away. He did not notice the business card that was half way stuck underneath a nearby trash can.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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