Thursday, September 9, 2021

Jesus my son page 7

 Jesus my son page 7 by ric gustafson

Matthew picked up a stylus. " I'm ready to begin".
" We will start in Cana where my son turned water into wine at a wedding".
" Where were you living at the time?".
" Nazareth". Mary frowned. " My husband Joseph had already passed on".
Matthew wrote until midday. They had a lunch of figs and cheese.
Then Miriam told him her story. Many demons ruled her life until Jesus restored her soul.
Then Mary told me her cousin Elizabeth gave birth to a son. They named him John. Some of Jesus's followers followed John in the beginning.
After they were done for the day, Matthew put his stylus away.
" Tomorrow, I will tell you about my son's birth".

research help: ' A Woman of Words' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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