Thursday, September 2, 2021

through the eyes of a child page 1

 through the eyes of a child page 1 by ric gustafson

Kelly held tightly unto her father's hand. They were walking through green summer grass.
She squealed. " There's the stand with my favorite dessert".
" Oh yes the funnel cakes". Charles Brown gave his daughter a big smile. " Later on I think we can have one".
" Yea". She clapped her small hands in joy. " I love the powdered sugar on top".
Charles grinned with happiness. He was enjoying the county fair with his daughter. He glanced at his tickets. He had enough for one more ride.
Kelly ran toward a tent. " The bumper cars Daddy".
They quickly got in line. Kelly got into one up front. Charles got into one toward the back. All of a sudden, Charles's cell phone chirped. He got out of the car and walked toward the entrance. As he talked on the cellphone, he watched his daughter enjoying the ride.
The ride started. As cars banged into hers, Kelly was looking for her father. " Daddy, where are you?".
When the ride stopped, a tearful Kelly saw her father at the entrance. She ran into his arms. " Daddy, where were you?".
" Honey, I had to answer my phone". He gave her a big hug. " I was watching you the whole time".
She wiped tears from her young face. " Daddy, promise me you will never leave me".
Charles smiled. " I promise".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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