Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Jesus my son page 9

 Jesus my son page 9 by ric gustafson

Matthew watched as Mary read the papyrus.
" You wrote about being tempted by Satan forty long days".
" What's wrong with that".
" A day is a day it is not long or short".
" Is the rest of it ok?".
" You are writing things you do not know". Her voice hesitated. " You are speculating".
" Mary, it is a story". Matthew grinned. " I am filling in the details".
Mary sighed. " Matthew, just simply tell the truth".
Matthew sighed. " Did I do anything right?".
" Matthew, you are a good writer".
" Thank you Mary".
" You have told the story accurately and skillfully".

research help: ' A Woman of Words' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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