Thursday, September 30, 2021

Psalms: Psalm 122

 Psalms: Psalm 122 by ric gustafson

Do we go to church?. Some people do and some people don't. Psalm 122:1 says I rejoiced with those who said to me let us go to the house of the Lord. Church is a house of peace. Psalm 122:7 says may there be peace within your walls and security within your citadels. Psalm 122:9 says for the sake of the house of the Lord our God I will seek your prosperity. Praise God's name.

research help: ' My soul thirsts for God' by Discovery House Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Glory: Sovereignty

 God's Glory: Sovereignty by ric gustafson

What is the sovereignty of God?. God has the undisputed right to govern what he has created. God has the supreme authority over his entire creation. God is God. God is the Creator of heaven and earth. God is supreme. God is superior to all others. God is the highest ruler. In Psalms 93, 96, 97 and 99 it says the Lord reigns. God is Creator. God will complete what he has started. Praise God's name.

research help: ' Show me your glory' by Steven J Lawson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Psalms: Psalm 121

 Psalms: Psalm 121 by ric gustafson

In the quietness of the day or night, it is easy to feel lonely and afraid. But do not fear, God is always awake. Psalm 121:7 says the Lord will keep you from all harm he will watch over your life. God is aware of our fears and frustrations. God will give us his constant care. His protecting hand will always be over us. Psalm 121:8 says the Lord will watch your coming and going both now and forevermore.
Praise God's name.

research help: ' My soul thirsts for God' by Discovery House Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

through the eyes of a child page 20

 through the eyes of a child page 20 by ric gustafson

Charles was sitting on the park bench.
" Mr Brown". Detective Springer sat down holding a styrofoam cup of coffee. " I figured you would be here".
Charles smiled. " Detective Springer".
" I have a female witness who was jogging right by this spot".
" Did she see anything?".
" She heard a commotion and then a plain white van leaving".
" Did she get a look at the van?".
" As it drove off she noticed no markings on it  and no license plates".
" Hard to trace an unmarked white van". Charles's voice hesitated. " Was she able to get a look at him?".
" She only caught a glimpse of him as he drove off". He threw his now empty cup in the trash can. " She described him as short, pudgy and wore glasses".
" Thank you Detective Springer". Worry came over Charles. " I will be in touch".
The Detective left.
Charles took out the business card from his wallet. He began to study it in earnest.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

God's Glory: the spirit of God

 God's Glory: the spirit of God by ric gustafson

How do we define the worthiness of God?. What is the spiritual nature of God's being?. God is spirit. John 4:24 says God is spirit. God does not have flesh and bones. God cannot be touched or seen. God does not have a bodily form. God is invisible. God is a bright shining light. God in human form is his Son Jesus Chrisr. God is immanent. He is always near. God is always with us. God is a personal being. He can feel and hates sin. God is indivisible. The love of God is a holy love. God is united. God is infinite. God is incomprehensible. The truth is God loves us more than anythng else. Praise God's name.

research help: ' Show me your glory' by Steven J Lawson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, September 27, 2021

through the eyes of a child page 19

 through the eyes of a child page 19 by ric gustafson

Kelly had opened her bible to the book of Psalms. As she studied it, Maurice walked into the kitchen to heat up some beef stew.
He walked in carrying two bowls.
She grinned. " Beef stew again".
He untied one of her arms. He handed her a bowl.
As she ate, she looked intently at Maurice. " What did my father ever do to you?".
He thought for a moment. " What did your father do to me?".
Kelly ate the beef stew and listened.
" Your father and I started an investment firm". His voice hesitated. " And for years everything was great".
" Then what happened?".
" One day, your father accused me of stealing from the firm".
" I'm sure my father had a good reason".
" I went to prison". He slammed a fist on the dresser. " My life and career were ruined forever". The tone of his voice was anger. " He did not raise a finger to help me".
" My father is a kind generous man".
" I want revenge". He picked up his rifle. " I will get it".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, September 26, 2021

God's Glory: self existent

 God's Glory: self existent by ric gustafson

The word Aseity comes from two Latin words. ' A' meaning ' from'. SE meaning self  existence. God is life, he possesses life and God is the giver of life. God existed before anything was created. God sustains and maintains his own existence. God is forever the same. God is self sufficient. God is self exalting. God is self content. God is self giving. God meets all of our needs. Praise God's name.

research help: ' Show me your glory' by Steven J Lawson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, September 25, 2021

102 minutes prelude

 102 minutes prelude by ric gustafson

Dianne DeFontes looked out a window. It was 8:30 am. All was quiet in the office of Drinker, Biddle and Reath. DeFontes was the receptionist for the law firm and always arrived before everyone else. The law firm was on the 89th floor of the North Tower of the World Trade Center.
She had a couple of friends on the floor. Tirsa Moya worked at an insurance company down the hall. Raffaele Cava worked for a freight company. Their were other firms starting their day. On the 90th floor was Clearstream an international bank. On the 92nd floor was Carr Futures. On floors 101,103,104 and 105 was Cantor Fitzgerald.
Between 8:30 and 8:46 am, work life was starting for 14,000 in the North Tower on Sept 11 2001

research help: ' 102 minutes' by Jim Dwyer and Kevin Flynn

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Jesus my son page 15

 Jesus my son page 15 by ric gustafson

Mary was lying in bed. She had dozed off. She could hear the wedding celebration of Matthew and Dina in the distance. At one point, she opened her eyes. She could see a beautiful flower garden and she started hearing beautiful music. Then she noticed someone next to her. It was Joseph.
" Come Mary". He smiled. " Someone is waiting to see you". Mary took his hand. She sat up from the bed. She felt pain free and more alive than ever. They walked for a long time until they reached a large gate. Inside was a beautiful garden as far as she could see. At the entrance to the garden was a large crowd. At the front she recognized her parents and grandparents. She walked inside. She smiled. Standing waiting for her was her son Yeshua.
She fell at his feet. 
" Mother". He helped her to her feet. " Welcome home".
They began to walk through the Garden of God.

The End.

research help: ' A Woman of Words' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Jesus my son page 14

 Jesus my son page 14 by ric gustafson

The physician examined Mary. When he had stopped, he looked at her. " I think you know what I am going to say".
" I am dying". She met his gaze. " I am ready to see my son again".
" There she is". Matthew smiled. " I have brought you a gift".
Mary shook her head. " I do not need gifts".
" This one you will". He led her to a table. " Here is your book". Three scrolls were on a table. " The words and deeds of Yeshua the Messiah and two copies".
Mary walked over and fingered one of the scrolls. She began to cry. " Thank you Matthew".
" It has been my pleasure".
They embraced.

research help: ' A Woman of Words' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, September 24, 2021

Jesus my son page 13

 Jesus my son page 13 by ric gustafson

Matthew stood in front of the High Priest. Theophilus ben Annas studied the man in front of him.
" So Matthew ben Alphaeus". He gave him a scowl. " Why were you brought here?".
" I was accosted and thrown into a cell".
An aide whispered something in the High Priest's ear. " I hear you are writing a story about Yeshua".
" We are recording the acts and words of Yeshua".
He scratched his chin. " And who is helping you?".
" His mother Mary of Nazareth".
" I would like to read this scroll when you are finished".
Matthew grinned. " Of course".
Then he waved Matthew to the door. " You are free to go".

research help: ' A Woman of Words' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Psalms: Psalm 119

 Psalms: Psalm 119 by ric gustafson

When my heart is aching, I need God's Word. Psalm 119:10 says I seek you with all my heart do not let me stray from your commands. We must seek Jesus. Psalm 119:12 says praise be to you O Lord teach me your decrees. We need soothing words for an aching heart. Psalm 119:15 says I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways. Praise God's name.

research help: ' My soul thirsts for God' by Discovery House Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Glory: personal

 God's Glory: personal by ric gustafson

To know God, we must seek him more fully for who he is. Growing spiritually involves a closer relationship with God. God is personal. We need to meet God individually. We need to meet God in prayer and worship. We need to be in the presence of God. God is near. God is independent. God is powerful. God is sovereign. God is compassionate. God is loving. God is punishing. God is worthy. The simple truth is God must be the greatest priority in our life. Praise God's name.

research help: ' Show me your glory' by Steven J Lawson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Psalms: Psalm 118

 Psalms: Psalm 118 by ric gustafson

Sometimes we have bad days. That is beyond our control. Sometimes people say to us have a great day. Sometimes that is hard to do. According to Psalm 118:24 this is the day the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it. How can we rejoice horrible days in our life?. Whatever happens in our life, God wants us to rejoice each and every day. This is the day the Lord has made. Praise God's name.

research help: ' My soul thirsts for God' by Discovery House Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Glory: majestic

 God's Glory: majestic by ric gustafson

We need to know who God is. Nothing is more important than our understanding of God. The more we know of God, the happier we will be. The firmest foundation is knowing God and beholding his glory. We can live for the glory of God or we don't live at all. We all need a close encounter with God. We need to pursue God's glory. Praise God's name.

research help: ' Show me your glory' by Steven J Lawson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

through the eyes of a child page 18

 through the eyes of a child page 18 by ric gustafson

Charles took a driver out of his bag. He put a tee in the cool ground. " John, I'm not sure how much more I can take". He put a golf ball on the tee. " Katie cries every night".
The group ahead walked off the green. Charles hit the ball down the left side of the fairway.
" Your faith is being tested". John Ennis hit his ball down the right side of the fairway. " God will take care of the situation".
Charles found his ball and chipped it onto the green.
John hit his ball onto the green. " Oh, I ran into your old business partner yesterday".
Charles got his putter and walked onto the green. " My old business partner?".
John walked onto the green with his putter. " Remember Maurice Buckley".
Bad memories began to enter Charles's mind. He putted out. " Where did you see him?".
" When I was in Big Springs for a meeting". He putted. " Do you remember the first two years of your career?".
As he walked back to the cart, the painful breakup with his first business partner began to plague his brain.
" I don't want to think about that time in my life". John got in the cart and they went to the next tee. " I want to think about happy memories".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Psalms: Psalm 116

 Psalms: Psalm 116 by ric gustafson

Funerals are tough for everyone. By most people our passing from one life to another would not be a big deal. To relatives and friends it is a big deal. God feels our pain and sadness. According to Psalm 116:15, precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints. The death of one of his saints makes God weep. It causes his heart great pain. But we know where the Christian is going. He is going home to be with Jesus. He is waiting for us. Praise God's name.

research help: ' My soul thirsts for God' by Discovery House Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

through the eyes of a child page 17

 through the eyes of a child page 17 by ric gustafson

Kelly squirmed in the bed. " I need to go to the bathroom". She stared at her kidnapper. " It's hard to ask when I don't know your name".
" Ok". He walked over and untied her. " Come right back you cannot escape".
She slowly got up and walked down a wooden hallway. The front door was triple locked. The windows were boarded up. She went to the bathroom and then came back to the bedroom.
" See I told you". He only tied one arm and leg. " I told you you cannot escape".
After a while, she stared at her kidnapper. " Can I read my bible for a while?".
He frowned. " Why do you want to read that garbage?".
" Because I'm a Christian".
He shook his head, walked over to the dresser and opened it. He took out a small black bible. Without a word, he handed it to her.
" Thank you".
He picked up his rifle and began to leave the room. " My name is Maurice".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, September 20, 2021

through the eyes of a child page 16

 through the eyes of a child page 16 by ric gustafson

Charles looked around as he walked along the trail. A small quiet voice told him to take another stroll around the park. He walked up to the park bench. He sat down.
" Mr Brown". He turned and noticed the grinning face of a young female jogger.
" I'm Jenni Morris". She took off her headphones. " I'm in two of Kelly's classes".
They hugged.
" I pray that she will be ok".
He gave her another hug. " Me too".
She continued her jog.
As he was about to walk off, he noticed a sheet of paper stuck underneath the bench. He knelt down and picked it up. As he began to read it, fear began to invade his mind. He took out his cellphone and dialed a number. 
" Detective Springer please".
" Hello Detective".
A tired smile came to his face. " Detective, I think I found our first clue".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, September 19, 2021

through the eyes of a child page 15

 through the eyes of a child page 15 by ric gustafson

Kelly's stomach growled. She struggled against the heavy rope securing her to the bed.
He came in carrying a tray with two bowls on it. He sat down in a wicker chair. He began to eat.
She stared at him. Her stomach growled. " What are you eating?".
He ate a spoonful. " Beef stew".
" I'm really hungry". She struggled against the rope. " Can I have some please?".
" Ok but no funny business". He stared at her. " My rifle is right outside the room".
" I promise".
He untied one of her hands. He handed her the other bowl of stew.
She began to eat.
" I figured your father would go back to the scene of the crime". He kept eating the stew. " So I left him a ransom note".
" My father's smart". She kept eating. " He will figure you out".
" Don't be so sure". He took her bowl away. He tied her hands. " I cut out the letters from magazines".
" My father will find me". She yelled as he left the room. " He will".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Jesus my son page 12

 Jesus my son page 12 by ric gustafson

" Shalom good morning Mary". Matthew removed his sandals. " Congratulations on the birth of your grandson".
" Thank you Matthew".
" I interviewed some people while you were gone".
" Like who?".
" I spoke to Joseph of Arimathea".
" Because he was present at my son's trial".
" Yes".
" Who else did you speak to?".
" A servant who confronted Peter that night". His voice hesitated. " I also talked to Zacchaeus".
Mary put a hand against her ribs. She was having intense pain with every breath.
" Matthew". Mary sat down on a bench. " I think we should end things for today".

research help: ' A Woman of Words' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Psalms: Psalm 112

 Psalms: Psalm 112 by ric gustafson

One of the things we dread the most is bad news. God never promises that we will not have any troubles in this life. But in life's troubles, God wants to take them away from us. Psalm 112:7 says he will have no fear of bad news his heart is steadfast trusting in the Lord. We do not need to fear bad news. According to Psalm 112:8, his heart is secure he will have no fear. Praise God's name.

research help: ' My soul thirsts for God' by Discovery House Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Jesus my son page 11

 Jesus my son page 11 by ric gustafson

One day, Mary and Matthew went to the Temple. Their goal was to talk with an elderly Torah teacher. His name was Nicodemus.
He smiled. They embraced. " One day, Yeshua and I sat and talked".
Matthew wrote down some notes. " What did you talk about?".
" Something I thought was crazy". He sighed. " He told me I would have to be born again".
" What was your reaction to that?".
" I thought he was crazy". He sighed. " I took him literally not spiritually".
" How did your unbelief change?".
" I realized he was right". He grinned. " A man must be born anew if he is to be transformed by belief".
Matthew and Mary nodded in agreement.
" But now I see things clearly".
" Personally I wanted to thank you". Mary smiled. " For taking good care of my Son's body".

research help: ' A Woman of Words' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

through the eyes of a child page 14

 through the eyes of a child page 14 by ric gustafson

Katie put a McDonald's sack on the kitchen table. She reached in. She handed a double cheeseburger and fries to her husband.
Charles's cellphone buzzed. He answered. " Hello". He unwrapped the cheeseburger and took a bite. " Hi Detective Springer". He took a sip of some water. " I see". He bit into a french fry. " Ok, stay in touch". He pushed the red button. He put the phone on the table. He noticed the business card from the park was still in his shirt pocket. He put it in the kitchen knick knack drawer.
" Who was that?".
" Detective Springer". He bit into his cheeseburger. " He said the van was untraceable".
" I'm scared what they might do to my baby". She dabbed her eyes with a tissue. " I've hardly been able to sleep since it happened".
" I know". He put a loving arm around his wife. " Let's pray that our daughter will be ok".
They bowed their heads and prayed to God to protect their daughter.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, September 17, 2021

through the eyes of a child page 13

 through the eyes of a child page 13 by ric gustafson

Kelly opened her eyes. Her hands were attached to a long rope. She was on a small smelly bed with a single sheet and a tiny pillow. She looked around the room. There was a window that was closed. She noticed a small wooden dresser. " Help me" she screamed as she yanked on the rope.
" Stop screaming". Her kidnaper walked in. He put a cardboard box on the dresser. " Nobody can hear you".
She began to cry. " Please somebody save me".
" There is not another cabin near here for several miles". He opened the box and put Kelley's personals in the dresser. " That's why I picked this cabin".
" God and Daddy will come rescue me".
" God doesn't care about you". He frowned at her. " Your daddy is in his office counting his millions".
" That's a lie". She gave her kidnaper a stern stare. " Just you wait and see".
He shrugged his shoulders and left the room.
Kelly thrashed against the heavy rope.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Psalms: Psalm 111

 Psalms: Psalm 111 by ric gustafson

According to Psalm 111:10, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Our sinful self wants to handle our life our way. God wants to be totally in charge of our life. When we fear God, we begin to realize that he is greater than we could ever be. It is easy to stray away from God. God wants us near him always. We need God to be in charge of our life. Praise God's name.

research help: ' My soul thirsts for God' by Discovery House Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

through the eyes of a child page 12

 through the eyes of a child page 12 by ric gustafson

Detective Springer stood by the park bench along with Jessica, Charles and Katie. They watched as people went by jogging and walking. " Did Jessica love this trail?".
" Yes, she jogged and walked here all the time".
Charles looked around. " Detective, is this the only open area here?".
" Yes".
Jessica smiled. " Kelly liked to sit on this bench to rest".
A tear came to Katie's eye. " Jessica, do you know of anybody who would want to harm our baby?".
" Mr and Mrs Brown, I can't think of anybody".
As they began to walk away, Charles noticed a small business card stuck underneath a trash can. He quickly picked it up and glanced at it. He shrugged and put it into his back pant pocket.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Jesus my son page 10

 Jesus my son page 10 by ric gustafson

One day, Mary waited patiently for Matthew to arrive. " Are you ready?".
" Of course".
" One year, we lost Yeshua in Jerusalem".
Matthew wrote down a few notes. " Was it difficult to find him?".
" We looked for him everywhere". Mary sighed. " The market place, the house where we stayed".
" So where did you find him?".
" On the southern steps of the Temple".
" Did you chide him?".
" I said child why did you do this to us?". She sighed. " I will never forget his response".
" What did he say?".
" Why were you searching for me". Her voice hesitated. " Did you not know I must be about the things of my Father".

research help: ' A Woman of Words' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Jesus my son page 9

 Jesus my son page 9 by ric gustafson

Matthew watched as Mary read the papyrus.
" You wrote about being tempted by Satan forty long days".
" What's wrong with that".
" A day is a day it is not long or short".
" Is the rest of it ok?".
" You are writing things you do not know". Her voice hesitated. " You are speculating".
" Mary, it is a story". Matthew grinned. " I am filling in the details".
Mary sighed. " Matthew, just simply tell the truth".
Matthew sighed. " Did I do anything right?".
" Matthew, you are a good writer".
" Thank you Mary".
" You have told the story accurately and skillfully".

research help: ' A Woman of Words' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Psalms: Psalm 108

 Psalms: Psalm 108 by ric gustafson

It is easy to tell God that you will solve your own problems. Then when we get to our wit's end, we say Jesus please help me. Sometimes there is no solution in sight for our problems. Instead of trying to solve them ourselves, Jesus says come to me first. Jesus wants to solve our problems if we let him. 
We need to wait patiently for Jesus's help. He will provide the answer to our problems when the time is right. Jesus will help us. Praise God's name.

research help: ' My soul thirsts for God' by Discovery House Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

through the eyes of a child page 11

 through the eyes of a child page 11 by ric gustafson

The white van turned off the main road. Kelly could hear the sound of gravel. Her mouth was sore from the masking tape. She was really thirsty.
After a while, the van stopped. The back of the van opened. For the first time, Kelly stared at her kidnapper. He was a short pudgy man who wore heavy glasses.
" If you promise not to scream". He gave her a stern stare. " I will take the tape off".
Kelly nodded yes.
He slowly took the tape off of her mouth.
" I'm really thirsty".
He took a thermos out of a small black bag. He handed it to her. " Drink this".
Kelly lifted the thermos to her mouth. She drank the whole thing.
After a minute, she felt woozy. She could not see or think straight.
' Lord, please protect me'. Her eyes closed as she blanked out.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, September 13, 2021

through the eyes of a child page 10

 through the eyes of a child page 10 by ric gustafson

Detective Springer sat down on the park bench. He watched as young people biked past him. He pulled out his notebook. He began to write down observations of where he was right now. He observed the open area that was around him. He observed that this spot was half way around the park. He could tell that it was a wide open area. He thought to himself that this spot would be ideal for something to happen to Kelly. He noticed the curb in front of him. It would be a good spot to kidnap someone.
He called a number on his cell phone. " Charles, this is Detective Springer". His voice hesitated. " Can you and Katie join me at the park tomorrow morning?". 
" Ok, see you then".
He stood up from the park bench. He began to walk away. He did not notice the business card that was half way stuck underneath a nearby trash can.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Psalms: Psalm 107

 Psalms: Psalm 107 by ric gustafson

In this life, storms will come. Some will not be here long. Some storms become strongholds. Satan wants to have strongholds in our lives. But God says give me your strongholds I will destroy them. Psalm 107:6 says then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble and he delivered them from their distress. When God takes our strongholds away, we need to give him thanks. Psalm 107:1 says give thanks to the Lord for he is good his love endures forever. Praise God's name.

research help: ' My soul thirsts for God' by Discovery House Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

through the eyes of a child page 9

 through the eyes of a child page 9 by ric gustafson

Charles handed Jessica another tissue. She dabbed her eyes. " Thank you".
Detective Mark Springer opened a small black notebook. " What time did Kelly leave the room to go jogging?".
" About 8:00 am". She dabbed her eyes again. " After her jog, she was planning on taking a shower and then driving home".
Charles noticed the two small burgundy suitcases by the front door. " She was already packed".
" Yes, she was excited to come home and spend the summer with the two of you".
Detective Springer walked over to a window and stared toward the park across the street. " Jessica, was Kelly familiar with the park as far as jogging is concerned?".
" Of course". She grinned. " She went jogging there a lot after classes were over".
" Do you remember what Kelly was wearing when she went on her jog?".
She thought for a moment. " I believe a yellow and white jogging outfit". Her voice hesitated. " And she was wearing a baseball cap".
Katie dabbed her eyes. " Jessica, is there anyone you know of who would want to hurt our baby?".
" No, everybody liked her".
Detective Springer looked up from his notebook. " Any boyfriends?".
" No". Jessica dabbed her eyes again. " If there was, she would of told me".
" That's all the questions I have right now". The Detective stood up and closed his notebook. " I'm going over to the park to look around".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, September 10, 2021

Psalms: Psalm 106

 Psalms: Psalm 106 by ric gustafson

When storms enter our life, God wants to take care of them for us. But sometimes after our needs are met, we just say thank you for now until something else happens. God does not operate like that. Yes he wants to help us now and he will. He wants to be part of our lives everyday. He wants to have a close relationship with us every day. He deserves that. Praise God's name.

research help: ' My soul thirsts for God' by Discovery House Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Jesus my son page 8

 Jesus my son page 8 by ric gustafson

Matthew smiled at Mary. " I'm ready".
" My life began with him". She sighed. " I think I was born to bear him".
" What do you mean?".
" When Gabriel came to speak with me". Her voice hesitated. " Joseph and I had not come together as man and wife".
" Where were you living?".
" Nazareth with my parents and my sister".
" What did Gabriel tell you?".
" I would give birth to a son". Mary smiled. " I was to call him Yeshua".
" How was a virgin able to do that?".
" A thick cloud filled the garden". Memories began to come back. " The bright glory of the Lord blazed about me".
" Then what happened?".
" Then HaShem approved my willingness". She grinned. " He entrusted me with his Son".

research help: ' A Woman of Words' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Psalms: Psalm 104

 Psalms: Psalm 104 by ric gustafson

When you look up at the sky, are you amazed?. God rejoiced in his creations. Psalm 104:31 says may the glory of the Lord endure forever may the Lord rejoice in his works. Because we see the wonders of this universe, we should praise God's name. Everything in this universe was created by God. We should do what Psalm 104: 35 says praise the Lord O my soul praise the Lord.

research help: ' My soul thirsts for God' by Discovery House Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Jesus my son page 7

 Jesus my son page 7 by ric gustafson

Matthew picked up a stylus. " I'm ready to begin".
" We will start in Cana where my son turned water into wine at a wedding".
" Where were you living at the time?".
" Nazareth". Mary frowned. " My husband Joseph had already passed on".
Matthew wrote until midday. They had a lunch of figs and cheese.
Then Miriam told him her story. Many demons ruled her life until Jesus restored her soul.
Then Mary told me her cousin Elizabeth gave birth to a son. They named him John. Some of Jesus's followers followed John in the beginning.
After they were done for the day, Matthew put his stylus away.
" Tomorrow, I will tell you about my son's birth".

research help: ' A Woman of Words' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

through the eyes of a child page 8

 through the eyes of a child page 8 by ric gustafson

Kelly opened her eyes. She wasn't sure where she was. Her head hurt and she was scared. She could feel the masking tape over her mouth. She could feel ropes around her feet and arms. She could hear a steel cart approach. Fear entered her mind. ' God, please help me'. The masking tape kept her silent. ' Somebody please help me'.
The cart came up to the van.
" Can you please put the groceries behind the front seat?".
" Sure".
When he had finished, he shook the young man's hand. " What's the quickest way to get to North Highway 4?".
" Roberts Avenue that you are on goes into North Highway 4".
" Is there a gas station before the end of town?".
" Yes, Sammy's Express".
" Thank you". His voice hesitated. " You've been very helpful".
He got in and started the van. As it go onto Roberts Ave, Kelly began to smell a familiar smell. She smiled even though she had the masking tape on. It was a funnel cake. Happy memories came back. Every year that her father took her to the County Fair, they would get a funnel cake. 
' God please protect me'. The funnel cake memory kept her quiet.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

through the eyes of a child page 7

 through the eyes of a child page 7 by ric gustafson

Charles turned into the two car driveway. He got out of the dark colored Tahoe. He walked up five steps to the front door. He and Katie had lived in the house since right before Kelly was born. He opened to door to reveal a small dopey eared beagle. " Tobey". He knelt down and petted the now happy dog. The dog licked his face and then sauntered off. He walked into their spacious kitchen.
Just then, Katie Brown rushed in and embraced him. " Charles, what happened to our baby?".
" I don't know". He frowned. " A Detective Springer is talking to Jessica".
" Kelly's roommate".
" She reported that Kelly had gone for a jog". His voice hesitated. " She never came back".
" Never came back". Tears began to flow down her face. " Our baby would never do that".
" I know". He frowned again. " The Detective would like the three of us to talk to Jessica together".
" Ok".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, September 6, 2021

through the eyes of a child page 6

 through the eyes of a child page 6 by ric gustafson

He put the steel cart up to the edge of the grey checkout belt. He started looking for something in his shirt pocket. " Where is that thing?".
" Problem Sir?". The young cashier began scanning the items already on the belt.
" No". He glanced around the floor. " I seem to have lost something that was in my shirt pocket".
The cashier finished scanning the items and then bagged them. " Your total's going to be $120.50".
He opened his wallet and gave him some twentys. Then he gave him two quarters. He felt his shirt pocket one last time. " I seem to have lost directions to a cabin that I've rented". He stared at the young man. " I'm looking for Big Springs Cabins".
" Yes, I know where that is". A customer was putting some items on the belt. " It is ten miles up this highway". He smiled. " Big sign can't miss it".
" Thank you".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, September 5, 2021

through the eyes of a child page 5

 through the eyes of a child page 5 by ric gustafson

Charles was finishing up an executive meeting. The intercom rang. He and his wife Katie were looking forward to the return of their daughter Kelly from college. " Mr Brown".
" Yes Michelle".
" Mr Brown, I'm sorry for interrupting the meeting". The female voice hesitated. " You have a family call you should probably take in your office".
" Gentlemen, I'm sorry to stop the meeting".
" Is everything ok Charles?".
" I have an urgent call I'll need to take".
Charles walked out of the conference room. He walked down to his office. He shut the door. He sat down at his large oak desk. His cell phone rang. " Hello, this is Charles Brown".
" Jessica slow down". He began to worry. " Try to speak a little more clearly".
As the call went on, Charles's face turned ashen.
" Jessica, I'll be right there".
He closed the cellphone.
Tears began to form in his eyes. " Lord, please help me".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, September 4, 2021

through the eyes of a child page 4

 through the eyes of a child page 4 by ric gustafson

Kelly panted as she sat down on the hard wooden bench. She had to rest for a moment. As she tried to catch her breath, other joggers went by. The trail was popular with joggers, bike riders and those taking a walk. As her breath returned, she noticed a small plain white van stop at a nearby curb. A short pudgy man who wore heavy glasses got out and approached her.
" Hello Miss".
She did not recognize him. " What can I do for you?".
He grinned. " Are you a student at this college?".
" I am".
" Great". He pointed toward the van. " I was wondering if you could give me your opinion about these college license plates?".
She hesitated. He looked innocent enough. " Ok". She walked with him to the back of the van.
" You'll need to bend down to see the plate good".
She bent down. Then she felt something hit the back of her head. She blacked out. She did not see him put her in the back of the van. As he got into the front seat, a business card came out of his shirt pocket. It flew and landed in some bushes near the jogging trail.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Jesus my son page 6

 Jesus my son page 6 by ric gustafson

" Sit my young friend". Mary pointed to a nearby bench. " I will tell you what is on my heart". She smiled. " You are probably wondering why I wanted to speak to you".
" It has crossed my mind".
" I need someone who can write with a clear hand".
Matthew grinned. " Many men can do that".
" I need someone who traveled with my son".
" You need someone to write your memories of your son in a scroll?".
" Yes Matthew". Mary smiled. " I need your help preserving the stories of my son".
" Of course Mary". They embraced. " It would be an honor".

research help: ' A Woman of Words' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Psalms: Psalm 103

 Psalms: Psalm 103 by ric gustafson

Nothing is indestructable. Only God alone. According to Psalm 103:19, the Lord has established his throne in heaven and his kingdom rules over all. We can have peace knowing we are secure. Jesus removes our sins from us. According to Psalm 103:12 says as far as the east is from the west so far has he removed our transgressions from us. Jesus holds us in his almighty arms. Praise God's name.

research help: ' My soul thirsts for God' by Discovery House Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

through the eyes of a child page 3

 through the eyes of a child page 3 by ric gustafson

Kelly put two small burgundy suitcases by the front door.
Her friend and roommate Jessica came out of her room. She noticed the running outfit she was wearing. " I thought you were going to start for home".
" I'm going to go for a quick jog". She adjusted a red ballcap she was wearing. " Then I'll shower and head for home".
Jessica gave her friend a hug. " I need to go take my final exam". She put on a blue backpack. " Enjoy your summer and tell your parents hello". She opened the door and walked out.
Jessica glanced at her watch. It read 8:00 am. She quickly brushed her teeth. As she opened the front door, she stared at the two suitcases. She smiled. She was looking forward to seeing her parents.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, September 3, 2021

Psalms: Psalm 102

 Psalms: Psalm 102 by ric gustafson

Life here on this earth is short. Psalm 102:3 says for my days vanish like smoke. Sometimes it is easier to feel helpless and alone. Psalm 102:11 says my days are like the evening shadow I wither away like grass.
The very next verse Psalm 102:12 says but you O Lord sit enthroned forever your renown endures through all generations. God wants us to have hope and faith. We belong to his Son Jesus Christ. Jesus is from everlasting to everlasting. Praise God's name.

research help: ' My soul thirsts for God' by Discovery House Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

through the eyes of a child page 2

 through the eyes of a child page 2 by ric gustafson

Vinnie Deegan opened his eyes at the sound of the doorbell. " Get down Rodger Dodger" he said to the white cat who was resting on his lap. The cat jumped off. He got up from the couch and put on some worn black slippers. He walked over and opened the front door a crack. " Yes".
" I saw your ad" replied a short pudgy manwho wore glasses. " The ad was about a white van for sale".
" Oh yes". He pointed toward a closed garage. " I will show it to you". He put on some tennis shoes, walked outside and led the man to the garage. He opened the door and turned on the light. It revealed a small white van with no markings.
" As you can see it is not a very large van". 
The two began to walk around it.
" Why do you need it for?".
The man grinned. He took a wallet out of his back pocket. " I'm going to start a small delivery service".
" I see".
" I'll take the van". He smiled at Vinnie. " I would like to pay cash for it".
The sale was finalized.
They began to walk toward the garage door.
The stranger noticed something in a corner of the cluttered garage. " Are you going to use that pile of rope?".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Psalms: Psalm 101

 Psalms: Psalm 101 by ric gustafson

To God, integrity is everything. David made some terrible choices in his life. Then he decided to lead a life of integrity. He started in his own home according to Psalm 101:2. Then he chose his friends and colleagues according to verses 6-7. 
As followers of Jesus, we want to walk in integrity and have a clear conscience. Jesus wants us to honor our commitments and to others. Then we will walk in fellowship with Jesus.
Praise God's name.

research help: ' My soul thirsts for God' by Discovery House Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

through the eyes of a child page 1

 through the eyes of a child page 1 by ric gustafson

Kelly held tightly unto her father's hand. They were walking through green summer grass.
She squealed. " There's the stand with my favorite dessert".
" Oh yes the funnel cakes". Charles Brown gave his daughter a big smile. " Later on I think we can have one".
" Yea". She clapped her small hands in joy. " I love the powdered sugar on top".
Charles grinned with happiness. He was enjoying the county fair with his daughter. He glanced at his tickets. He had enough for one more ride.
Kelly ran toward a tent. " The bumper cars Daddy".
They quickly got in line. Kelly got into one up front. Charles got into one toward the back. All of a sudden, Charles's cell phone chirped. He got out of the car and walked toward the entrance. As he talked on the cellphone, he watched his daughter enjoying the ride.
The ride started. As cars banged into hers, Kelly was looking for her father. " Daddy, where are you?".
When the ride stopped, a tearful Kelly saw her father at the entrance. She ran into his arms. " Daddy, where were you?".
" Honey, I had to answer my phone". He gave her a big hug. " I was watching you the whole time".
She wiped tears from her young face. " Daddy, promise me you will never leave me".
Charles smiled. " I promise".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Jesus my son page 5

 Jesus my son page 5 by ric gustafson

Peter smiled at Mary.
" Thank you brothers and sisters". He smiled. " For coming to dine at our humble home".
The women sat at one end of the table. The men at the other end.
At the end of the meal, Peter gave another blessing.
" Matthew has agreed to be our accountant".
Mary smiled.
" He will be a blessing to our ministry".
Mary knew in her heart, he was the one.
" He will help us remain accountable".
She knew Matthew would be her helper.
Mary grinned. " Matthew, can we talk?".
" Of course Mary".

research help: ' A Woman of Words' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

my precious lamb page 6

 my precious lamb page 6 by ric gustafson

You worry about so many things. We think of reasons why it won't work out. I laid out the plan for your life. I lined up everything to fulfill your destiny. I am very detailed and I am directing your steps. I control the universe. Keep honoring me and I will come to you. I have everything figured out. If I have to I will close a door. But I will open the right door for you. Do not let people talk you out of my blessings. I have blessings set up for you. Why because I love you more than anything else.

The End

research help: ' Peaceful on Purpose' by Joel Osteen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric