Thursday, April 20, 2017

the miracle on Titanic page 39

the miracle on Titanic page 39 by ric Gustafson

David opened his eyes to see a frightened young woman sitting next to him.
" Sir, please help me".
The grand lights that made the ship illuminate went dark. The bow of the liner was dipping faster into the icy water.
David could hear goblets and plates crashing to the floor in the first class dining room.
" I can't find my lifebelt". She cried as she hung onto David's legs. " Please save me".
Just then, the stern began to raise out of the water. David and the young woman ran to the stern railing. Then the stern went straight up. David and the young woman held onto the railing for dear life.
A small voice told David that she needed his lifebelt more than he did. He took off his lifebelt and put it around her. " You need it more than I do".
" Bless you".
He closed his eyes to pray for her. He heard a splash. The young woman could not hold on any longer.
David heard a strange grinding noise. He noticed that the bow of the liner had broken apart from the stern and fell quietly into the icy water. He tried to hang onto the railing as the stern began to sink under the water.
" Lord" David exclaimed as he knew his arms could not hold on much longer. " Remember me your servant".
When he could not hold on to the railing any longer, he let go.
He fell into the icy dark cold water.

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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