Tuesday, April 4, 2017

the miracle on Titanic page 32

the miracle on Titanic page 32 by ric Gustafson

Sun April 14 1912  1:30 pm
Bride and Phillips were working hard on personal messages. Just then, a wire came in.
Bride listened to it. Then he wrote it down on a pad. " From the Baltic, Greek steamer Athinai reports passing icebergs and lots of field ice in latitude 41' 51' North, longitude 49' 52' West". Bride tore off the message and handed it to Phillips. " You better give it to Captain Smith".
The senior operator walked up and handed it to the Captain. " Captain, here is another ice warning".
" Thank you Phillips". He put it into one of his shirt pockets. " That will be all".
He went back into the wireless room.
Bride was writing out another warning. " This warning is from the German liner Amerika". His voice hesitated. " It passed by large icebergs at latitude 41' 51' North  longitude 50' 8' West". He stared at the senior operator. " Should we give this one to the Captain?".
" No!". He stared at the warning. " I'm already in enough trouble".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Happy Lent. Love Ric

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