Friday, April 14, 2017

Jesus's last words: I thirst

Jesus's last words: I thirst by ric Gustafson

This exchange of last words is only recorded in the book of John. In Mark 15: 22-23, Jesus was offered wine mixed with myrrh. Jesus did not take it. According to the gospel of Matthew, Jesus was offered the wine to drink. He tasted it and then would not drink it. According to this, Jesus was intentionally choosing to suffer. Nearly everyone who is dying at some point will exclaim that they are thirsty. Jesus was human and he was thirsty. Jesus was willing to drink the cup of suffering for us. He also finished it. We can live weeks without food but only three to five days without water.
Jesus is the Living Water. With that water, we will never be thirsty again. Praise God.

research help: ' Final Words' by Adam Hamilton

Peace be with you all. Love Ric

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