Saturday, April 1, 2017

Matthew page 3

Matthew page 3 by ric Gustafson

Efah studied Levi. " So you are the new man?".
Levi grinned at the man ten years his senior. " When will I get my own quarters?".
He frowned. " I have seniority here".
Levi nodded his head. " How long have you been here?".
" Two years already".
Levi looked at the older man. " I don't plan on doing this that long".
Efah studied the young man. " I'm going to assign you an internship in Lod".
" Where's Lod?".
The older man sighed. " It is twice as far west of Jerusalem as Bethany is east".
" I'll find it".
He smiled. " You are to report to the chief tax man of Lod".
Levi did such a good job in Lod that he became one of the main tax collectors in Judea. He accomplished this before he turned seventeen. He was eager to tell his parents.

research help: ' Matthew's Story' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Happy Lent. Love Ric

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